July 01, 2005 - At the upper end of the age continuum, the elderly (age 65 and over) represented 12.6 percent of
the … plan for the elderly, persons receiving
Social Security disability payments, and most persons with end-stage … renal disease. … If data were not collected at the end of the year because the sampled person
was out of scope (e.g.
July 01, 2005 - At the upper end of the age continuum, the elderly (age 65 and over) represented 12.6 percent of
the … plan for the elderly, persons receiving
Social Security disability payments, and most persons with end-stage … renal disease. … If data were not collected at the end of the year because the sampled person
was out of scope (e.g.
December 01, 2000 - The 1996 MEPS NHC sample was selected using a
two-stage stratified probability design. … In the first stage,
facilities were selected; in the second stage, facility
residents were sampled, selecting … At the end of three rounds of data collection,
the sample consisted of 815 responding facilities, 3,209 … plan for the elderly, persons receiving Social Security
disability payments, and most persons with end-stage … renal disease.
December 01, 2000 - The 1996 MEPS NHC sample was selected using a
two-stage stratified probability design. … In the first stage,
facilities were selected; in the second stage, facility
residents were sampled, selecting … At the end of three rounds of data collection,
the sample consisted of 815 responding facilities, 3,209 … plan for the elderly, persons receiving Social Security
disability payments, and most persons with end-stage … renal disease.
January 01, 2006 - In 1997, JNC VI advised that in the absence of data documenting equal long-term cardiac and renal protection
July 01, 2006 - In 1997, JNC VI advised that in the absence of data
documenting equal long-term cardiac and renal protection
December 01, 2000 - elderly, persons receiving Social
Security disability payments, and most persons with end-stage … renal disease.
April 01, 2004 - for the elderly,
persons receiving Social Security disability payments, and most persons with
end-stage … renal disease. … If data were not collected at
the end of the year because the sample person was out of scope (e.g. … MSA data are based
on MSA status as of the end of the reference year.