November 01, 2015 - The remaining sample of hospitals was based on a stratified, three-stage design:
During the first … The second stage consisted of selecting non-certainty hospitals from the sampled PSUs. … At the third stage, a sample of discharges was selected by systematic random sampling techniques. … At the other end of the spectrum, only two of the ten least populous states were included in the NIS: … 0.01)
6.76 (0.06)
2.93 (0.11)
$23,701 (460)
316: Renal
May 01, 2016 - The remaining sample of hospitals was based on a stratified, three-stage design:
The first stage … The second stage consisted of selecting non-certainty hospitals from the sampled PSUs. … During the third and final stage, a sample of discharges was selected by systematic random sampling techniques … At the other end of the spectrum, only four of the 10 least populous states were included in the NIS: … (0.02)
6.12 (0.05)
0.00 (0.00)
0.00 1
$25,643 (711)
316: renal
January 01, 2019 - The AHRQ QI measures generated for possible inclusion in the QDR are described in Table 1
at the end … the AHRQ PQI software, diabetes must be the
principal diagnosis and long-term complications include renal … Exclusions include the
following: admissions with a diagnosis code for chronic renal
failure and transfers … software, the following cases are excluded: admissions with
a principal diagnosis of pressure ulcer stage … with the AHRQ PSI software, the following cases are excluded:
obstetric cases; admissions with acute renal
January 01, 2006 - The remaining sample of hospitals was based on a stratified,
three-stage design:
1. … The second stage consisted of selecting non-certainty hospitals from the sampled PSUs. … During the third and final stage, a sample of discharges was selected by systematic
random sampling … At the other end of the spectrum, only four of the 10 least
populous states were included in the NIS … (5)
160** 1.34
1.29* 6.12
6.23* 0.00
0.001 $25,643
316: Renal
June 01, 2016 - The remaining sample of hospitals was based on a stratified, three-stage design:
The first stage … The second stage consisted of selecting non-certainty hospitals from the sampled PSUs. … During the third and final stage, a sample of discharges was selected by systematic random sampling techniques … At the other end of the spectrum, only two of the 10 least populous states were included in the NIS: … 1.07
4.45 (0.06)
0.93 (0.07)
$22,015 (709)
316: renal
January 01, 2005 - The remaining sample of hospitals was based on a stratified,
three-stage design:
1. … The second stage consisted of selecting non-certainty hospitals from the sampled PSUs. … During the third and final stage, a sample of discharges was selected by systematic
random sampling … At the other end of the spectrum, only two of the 10 least
populous states were included in the NIS: … 143
124** 1.03
1.07 4.45
4.37 0.93
0.95 $22,015
316: renal
January 01, 2012 - Standard formulas for a stratified, single–stage cluster sample without replacement should still be used … software packages that perform calculations for numerous statistics arising from the stratified, single–stage … Comorbidity is not present, (1) Comorbidity is present
AHRQ comorbidity measure: Renal … More than 50 percent of AHA respondents report statistics for fiscal years, which often end in June or
January 01, 2020 - The AHRQ QI measures generated for possible inclusion in the NHQDR are described in Table
1 at the end … the AHRQ PQI software, diabetes must be the
principal diagnosis and long-term complications include renal … software, the
following cases are excluded: admissions with a principal diagnosis of
pressure ulcer stage … with the AHRQ PSI
software, the following cases are excluded: obstetric cases; admissions
with acute renal … O43.233 Placenta percreta, third trimester
O43.239 Placenta percreta, unspecified trimester
O72.0 Third-stage
November 01, 2015 - Standard formulas for a stratified, single-stage cluster sample without
replacement should still be … software packages that perform calculations for numerous statistics
arising from the stratified, single-stage … (0) Comorbidity is not present, (1) Comorbidity is present
CM_RENLFAIL AHRQ comorbidity measure: Renal … More than 50 percent of AHA respondents report statistics for fiscal years, which often
end in
January 01, 2013 - Standard formulas for a stratified, single–stage cluster sample without replacement should still be used … software packages that perform calculations for numerous statistics arising from the stratified, single–stage … Comorbidity is not present, (1) Comorbidity is present
AHRQ comorbidity measure: Renal … More than 50 percent of AHA respondents report statistics for fiscal years, which often end in June or
November 01, 2015 - Standard formulas for a stratified, single-stage cluster sample without
replacement should still be … software packages that perform calculations for numerous statistics
arising from the stratified, single-stage … (0) Comorbidity is not present, (1) Comorbidity is present
CM_RENLFAIL AHRQ comorbidity measure: Renal … More than 50 percent of AHA respondents report statistics for fiscal years, which often
end in