
Total Results: 258 records

Showing results for "end stage renal".

    April 01, 2005 - / 15140 2 exp Renal Artery Obstruction/ 7388 3 renal arter$ 3264 4 renal arter$ dis$. … Reversal of end stage renal failure with surgical revascularization in patients with atherosclerotic … Delay of dialysis in end-stage renal failure: prospective study on percutaneous renal artery interventions … Reduction in renal function after renal arteriography and after renal artery angioplasty. … • The mean serum creatinine levels ranged from 1.2 to 3.2 mg/dL at baseline, implying at least stage
    June 15, 2011 - Large struvite stones remain in the renal pelvis and may not cause pain. … colic, acute renal failure)  Quality of life (general, urologic)  End-stage renal disease … calcul* or kidney stone*).mp. 3 renal or exp Renal Colic/ 4 or exp … Decreased renal function among adults with a history of nephrolithiasis: a study of NHANES III. … Key Informants are the end users of research, including patients, practicing clinicians, relevant professional
    July 07, 2017 - thrombin inhibitor; DVT = deep vein thrombosis; eGFR = estimated glomerular filtration rate; ESRD = end-stagerenal disease; HAS-BLED = hypertension, abnormal renal/liver function, stroke, bleeding history or predisposition … thrombosis eGFR = estimate glomerular filtration rate EPC = Evidence-based Practice Center ESRD = end-stagerenal disease HAS-BLED = hypertension, abnormal renal/liver function, stroke, bleeding history or … failure"[tiab] OR "end stage renal disease"[tiab] OR ESRD[tiab] OR “end stage kidney disease”[tiab]
  4. Siminoff_ECCS2012 (pdf file)
    January 01, 2012 - .”  The most common concern of physicians treating diabetes is “renal  failure.” … Slide 6: Family Involvement in Health Care Decisions   • Surrogates o Pediatrics o End of life … Slide 9: Seeking  a Diagnosis: Colorectal Cancer (1 of 4) • Sample: 242 patients diagnosed with stage …  insurance 26% uninsured  or Medicaid • Chronic  disease 51.7% • Prior colonoscopy 18.3% • Stage … 36.4% (stage  III) • Appraisal delay 4.6 months • Diagnostic  delay 4.8 months Slide 13: Role
    November 27, 2012 - - stage renal disease... … Treatment decisions for HIV-coinfected patients and persons with end- stage renal disease might differ … we are not aware of trials of antiviral treatments that have specifically enrolled patients with end-stage … Additional CERs of treatments in HIV-coinfected patients, patients with end-stage renal disease, and … Additional CERs of treatments in HIV-coinfected patients, patients with end-stage renal disease, and
    February 10, 2011 - (For example, an ethnic group, stage or severity of a disease.) … with special health care needs, including individuals with disabilities or who need chronic care or end-of-life … Numerous experts have called for an end to routine preoperative testing, including the ASA and the Institute … preoperative evaluation include: complete blood count, electrocardiogram, chest radiograph, electrolytes, renal … yes If yes, please explain: Numerous experts have called for an end to routine preoperative testing
    July 17, 2014 - primary care physicians (PCPs) and emergency medicine physicians are well-positioned to diagnose early-stage … participated in two systematic reviews on gout; the search strategy appears in an appendix at the end … Disagreements regarding inclusion at the full-text stage will be reconciled, with the input of the project … At the end of the project, abstracted data will be uploaded to the Systematic Review Data Repository. … Because of their role as end-users, individuals are invited to serve as key informants and those who
    December 16, 2011 - believed to be idiopathic or primary RLS, or secondary to other conditions such as iron deficiency, end-stagerenal disease and pregnancy 6,7 . … characteristics (age, gender, race, comorbidities, disease severity, etiology, iron status, pregnancy, end-stage … RLS Severity Comorbidities Etiology (i.e., primary or secondary RLS) Iron Status Pregnancy End-stage … Studies that include individuals with RLS comorbid with iron deficiency, pregnancy, or end-stage renal
  9. Gout Executive-2016 (pdf file)
    January 01, 2016 - distinction between acute intermittent and chronic intermittent conditions, whereas the advanced stage … Such patients may be experiencing a first attack (early-stage gout) or may have experienced numerous … transplant or end-stage renal disease patients (12); titles with no abstracts (based on a survey of … transplant/end-stage renal disease: N = 12 o No abstract: N = 252 o Gout management only: N = … transplant/end-stage renal disease: N = 0 o Could not obtain article: N = 15 o Gout management
    July 21, 2014 - Stage 2 cancers are muscle-invasive, and higher stage cancers invade beyond the muscle layer into surrounding … Factors such as performance status and renal function must be considered in relation to treatment effectiveness … Medically frail patients may not be good candidates for cisplatin because of potential renal toxicity … Surveillance Epidemiology and End Results. … Because of their role as end-users, individuals are invited to serve as key informants and those who
    April 01, 2021 - During the scoping stage, it may be possible to anticipate the finding of insufficient evidence. … Management of Renal Masses and Localized Renal Cancer36 Efficacy and comparative efficacy of different … interventions for the management of a renal mass suspicious for localized renal cell carcinoma … Renal denervation in the medicare population. … Management of renal masses and localized renal cancer: systematic review and meta- analysis.
    May 02, 2011 - damage (bone lesions, anemia, hypercalcemia, or renal failure)  Asymptomatic  1% per year progress … damage (bone lesions, anemia, hypercalcemia, or renal failure)  Median survival is approximately … damage (bone lesions, anemia, hypercalcemia, or renal failure)  20% of multiple myeloma  … This ratio remains normal in polyclonal hypergammaglobulinemia or in renal insufficiency where free … Serum free light chain measurements move to center stage. Clin Chem 2005; 51: 805-7. 5.
    October 14, 2014 - accounting for almost 60% of all organ transplants. 1 Kidney transplantation is the treatment of choice for endstage renal disease. … Key Informants Key informants are the end users of research, including patients and caregivers, practicing … Because of their role as end-users, individuals are invited to serve as key informants and those who … graft dysfunction'/exp OR 'renal graft dysfunction' OR (kidney OR renal) NEAR/2 (allograft* OR alograft
    October 01, 2015 - The leading theories are that CIN results from hypoxic injury of the renal tubules induced by renal … normal Effective Health Care Program 2 in most patients, the acute kidney injury may require renal … nephropathy for the outcomes of incidence of contrast-induced nephropathy, chronic kidney disease, endstage renal disease, mortality, and other adverse events? … At the end of the results section, we refer to information about other miscellaneous comparisons for
    January 01, 2014 - primary care physicians (PCPs) and emergency medicine physicians are well-positioned to diagnose early-stage … participated in two systematic reviews on gout; the search strategy appears in an appendix at the end … Disagreements regarding inclusion at the full-text stage will be reconciled, with the input of the project … At the end of the project, abstracted data will be uploaded to the Systematic Review Data Repository … Because of their role as end-users, individuals are invited to serve as Key Informants and those who
    July 21, 2014 - Stage 2 cancers are muscle-invasive, and higher stage cancers invade beyond the muscle layer into surrounding … Factors such as performance status and renal function must be considered in relation to treatment effectiveness … Medically frail patients may not be good candidates for cisplatin because of potential renal toxicity … Surveillance Epidemiology and End Results. … Because of their role as end-users, individuals are invited to serve as Key Informants and those who
    December 01, 2014 - *Lesinurad for treatment of hyperuricemia and allopurinol-refractory gout Lower end of the high-impact-potential …  High-Impact Potential: Lower end of the high-impact-potential range 1 Gout Intervention … organic anion transporter involved in controlling the reabsorption of uric acid from the proximal renal … Clinical Pathway at Point of This Intervention Patients with gout are treated to end the pain of acute … Based on this input, our overall assessment is that this intervention is in the lower end of the high-impact-potential
    December 16, 2011 - believed to be idiopathic or primary RLS, or secondary to other conditions such as iron deficiency, end-stage … characteristics (age, gender, race, comorbidities, disease severity, etiology, iron status, pregnancy, end-stage … Published Online: December 16, 2011 8 o Iron Status o Pregnancy o End-stage …  Studies that include individuals with RLS comorbid with iron deficiency, pregnancy, or end-stagerenal disease
    May 17, 2010 - are population-based and collect data on patient demographics, primary tumor site, morphology, cancer stage … each patient using the algorithm defined by Charlson. 33 For each of the four cancers, we defined stage … these models adjusted for age, gender, race, income, primary site of cancer, Charlson score, cancer stage … Racial and ethnic disparities in breast cancer stage, treatment, and survival in the United States. … : 78 FX ICD-9: 800-829, 830-839 DRG: 235, 236 Asthma ICD-9: 491, 492, 493 DRG: 88 Renal
    October 27, 2017 - thrombin inhibitor; DVT = deep vein thrombosis; eGFR = estimated glomerular filtration rate; ESRD = end-stagerenal disease; HAS-BLED = hypertension, abnormal renal/liver function, stroke, bleeding history or … vein thrombosis eGFR estimate glomerular filtration rate EPC Evidence-based Practice Center ESRD end-stagerenal disease HAS-BLED hypertension, abnormal renal/liver function, stroke, bleeding history or predisposition … failure"[tiab] OR "end stage renal disease"[tiab] OR ESRD[tiab] OR “end stage kidney disease”[tiab]

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