January 01, 2013 - For example, in
patients with end-stage liver disease, the natural history of disease is so well known … We excluded CERs at the draft stage at the time of
the last search because draft reports have not been … As an example, the change in blood
pressure is assessed in patients with renal artery stenosis before … For example, there may be variability in the stage of disease presentation of
pathological features
January 15, 2015 - • Harms, risks and consequences of testing
o Procedural harms, adverse events of testing (e.g., renal … Harms, risks and consequences of
testing (both initial and subsequent
• Harms of testing (renal … Thus, to set the stage for
the review’s Key Questions, which are focused on clinical decisionmaking … Key Informants
Key Informants are the end users of research, including patients and caregivers, practicing … Because of their role as end-users,
individuals are invited to serve as Key Informants and those who
January 01, 2016 - ITCA 650 pump system compared with twice-daily exenatide
injections (Ex-BID) was evaluated in a two-stage … Stage II (n=131) re-randomly assigned
patients to receive 20, 40, 60, or 80 mcg/day of ITCA 650 for … Stage I: mean
change in HbA1c from a mean baseline of 7.9-8.0% was -0.98, -0.95, and -0.72%
for the … Stage II: significant
(P < 0.05) reductions in HbA1c (∼1.4% from baseline) were achieved with 60 and … This would require more patient followup to
monitor renal function.
August 01, 2014 - Changes in outcomes from the
beginning to the end of the study are compared
across groups. … To that end, stratification may be needed to assess
the contribution of procalcitonin in populations … Changes in outcomes from the
beginning to the end of the study are compared
across groups. … For patients with underlying stable chronic disease (e.g. diabetes, renal disease, but excluding
immunocompromised … diabetes, renal disease, but excluding immunocompromised
patients) and a high uncertainty of infection
January 01, 2016 - evaluated in a randomized phase II trial in patients with T2DM
inadequately controlled with metformin.47 Stage … For Stage II, 131 subjects were re-randomly assigned to receive 20, 40, 60, or 80 mcg/day of
ITCA 650 … Stage I: mean
change in HbA1c from a mean baseline of 7.9-8.0% was -0.98, -0.95, and -0.72%
for the … Stage II: significant
(P < 0.05) reductions in HbA1c (∼1.4% from baseline) were achieved with … This expert added that prescribing providers would need to be willing to monitor
renal function in
April 08, 2021 - There
were no restrictions in
terms of age, ethnicity, or
type or stage of cancer.
8 trials of … among studies
of SGA
Mean: 52
% Male: 67.2%
Model for End … Stage Liver
Disease (MELD): 14.8
Child‐Pugh (CP): 26% CP A,
41.6% was CP B and 32.5%
was CP C … Included patients aged
75 or older admitted
for acute conditions
between November
1999 and end of … Excluded patients with
a medical condition
preventing oral
feeding, end-of-life
patients, patients
June 01, 2012 - Each
used a vastly different strategy and examined effectiveness
using different end points. … rather
than intervention studies, and only a few of these examined
similar scenarios using similar end … available resources
Medical interventions (2 studies)
• Medical interventions for the prevention of acute renal … Time-based Triage)
• Triage strategies (e.g., combining triage categories, adding categories, one- vs. two-stage
March 01, 2021 - Aromatherapy and Essential Oils: A Map of the Evidence25 Simple PubReminer,
Yale MeSH Analyzer,
End-stage … Renal Disease and Depression: A Systematic Review* Simple PubReminer,
Gulf War … Tool | Web-Based Tool)
MeSH on Demand is a National Library of Medicine (NLM) designed to analyze end-user … PubReMiner (Keyword/Phrase and Subject Term Tool | Web-Based
PubReMiner analyzes end-user defined … I still find
Carrot2 more useful for this stage as it clumps the references into topics, but I
January 01, 2014 - Hispanic ethnicity.13,14
Age: The age categories were defined us-
ing the age of the beneficiary at the end … *End stage renal disease (ESRD) is a subset of CKD. In 2011, 6.2% of CKD beneficiaries had ESRD.
May 01, 2014 - readmissions within 30 days were for HF; the remainder
of readmissions were for diverse indications (e.g., renal … that 35 percent of 30-day readmissions are
for HF; the remainder are for diverse indications (e.g.,
renal … Included trials commonly excluded
patients who had end-stage renal disease or severe or
unstable cardiovascular
January 30, 2020 - transplantation : official publication of
the European Dialysis and Transplant Association - European Renal … Systematic review of the efficacy and safety
of intradermal versus intramuscular hepatitis B vaccination in end-stage … renal disease
population unresponsive to primary vaccination series. … Renal failure. 2015;37(7):1080-8.
105. Zafack JG, De Serres G, Kiely M, et al. … Nervous system disorders
• Pregnancy, puerperium and perinatal conditions
• Psychiatric disorders
• Renal
January 01, 2019 - The interviewer identified themes after the end of each interview based on the discussions
with the … rare harmful effects in randomized controlled trials
2006 JAMA
20197533 Higher vs lower positive end-expiratory … 17261117 Economic evaluation of palliative management versus
peritoneal dialysis and hemodialysis for end-stage … renal
disease: evidence for coverage decisions in Thailand
2007 Value Health
18263560 Identifying … groundwater remediation system
2008 Sci Total Environ
18697843 Determining optimal sample sizes for multi-stage
December 08, 2010 - contrast agent used during the procedure to visualize the coronary arteries may cause anaphylaxis or renal … Lesser increase in the left ventricular ejection fraction
Increase in cardiac output by enhancing end-diastolic … KQ 4: Nephrogenic systemic fibrosis was added as an adverse event associated with late-stage chronic
September 01, 2008 - agents in patients with type 2
diabetes, insulin is required in a significant
number of patients at some stage … based on few
absolute events in only a few studies, in which clinical
outcomes were not the primary end … All
trials either excluded patients with cardiac, renal, or
hepatic disease or did not report whether
December 07, 2023 - Because of their role as end-users,
individuals with potential conflicts may be retained. … conditions, and people with specific conditions, most commonly Parkinson’s disease,
Alzheimer’s disease, or end-stage … conditions, and people with specific conditions,
most commonly Parkinson disease, Alzheimer disease, or end-stage … older adults with Parkinson’s
disease,53 dementia,33, 41, 42, 45, 46, 58 intellectual disabilities,50 end-stage … renal disease on home
dialysis,32, 38, 54 terminal illness,37 multiple chronic diseases,35, 39 or,
January 01, 2012 - . * EndoBarrier Endoluminal Sleeve for treatment of obesity and/or type 2
Lower end of the … also increases the risk of several
types of cancer including colorectal, endometrial, esophageal, renal … Potential for High Impact: Lower end of the high-potential-impact range
Obesity Interventions … Based on this input, our overall assessment is that
this intervention is in the high end of the high-potential-impact … Based on
this input, our overall assessment is that this intervention is in the lower end of the high-potential
January 28, 2016 - (e.g., those who have
experienced prior treatment failures, who have advanced cirrhosis, who have renal … chronic HCV genotype
4 infection and for treating patients with chronic HCV genotype 1 infection with end-stage … renal disease on hemodialysis. … HCV genotype 4 infection and another for
treating chronic HCV genotype 1 infection in patients with end-stage … renal disease on hemodialysis.23
Merck submitted a new drug application for treating chronic HCV genotype
January 01, 2015 - you couldn't fiugre out which and
stratify by comparator
Correct, we have added text to clarify at end … and Brand
names of the FDA-approved members of the class, at
least those drugs available as of the end … Use of metformin in the setting of mildtomoderate
renal insufficiency. Diabetes Care. … Use
of metformin in the setting of mildtomoderate renal
insufficiency. … stage
renal disease)
April 17, 2012 - also increases the risk of several
types of cancers including colorectal, endometrial, esophageal, renal … In December 2010, Arena Pharmaceuticals announced a plan to resubmit the lorcaserin NDA
by the end … phentermine plus topiramate combination is administered daily as an
oral medication.
In late-stage … treatment of obesity
this input, our overall assessment is that these interventions are in the higher end … Based on
this input, our overall assessment is that this intervention is in the lower end of the high
June 06, 2011 - contrast agent used during the procedure to
visualize the coronary arteries may cause anaphylaxis or renal … Lesser increase in the left ventricular ejection fraction
Increase in cardiac output by enhancing end-diastolic … KQ 4: Nephrogenic systemic fibrosis was added as an adverse event associated
with late-stage chronic