
Total Results: 272 records

Showing results for "end stage renal".

    January 01, 2019 - This report comes at the end of the initial development phase of DARTNet. … In these practices the paper form is given to patients at the end of a visit for educational and personal … Structure The DARTNet system is readily expandable, utilizing local parallel processing and a two stage … Other factors associated with adverse safety outcomes included renal dysfunction and certain specific … advent of new from on-going episodes of care, and track process and clinical outcomes within and at the end
    August 01, 2012 - Prevalence of pulmonary hypertension in end-stage cystic fibrosis and correlation with survival. … deficiency: tumor in >80% of cases Not reported Retrospective cohort study Mean dose GH at the end … Among particular groups (e.g., Prader Willi syndrome, Turner Syndrome, renal insufficiency), deaths … hypertension:61 confirmed cases; most resolved with discontinuation of drug; increased risk in Chronic Renal … In one controlled trial, mean Tanner stage improved regardless of gender, and in an analysis of three
    July 01, 2009 - This report comes at the end of the initial development phase of DARTNet. … Structure The DARTNet system is readily expandable, utilizing local parallel processing and a two stage … Other factors associated with adverse safety outcomes included renal dysfunction and certain specific … for the replication and propagation of DARTNet should CINA’s involvement with DARTNet come to an end … to protect University of Minnesota and to allow for DARTNet to continue should their involvement end
    March 01, 2024 - Remdesivir in COVID-19 Patients with End Stage Renal Disease on Hemodialysis. … Evidence-based Practice Center (EPC) Program is developing a range of rapid evidence products to assist end-users … RR = 0.34; CI: 0.01, 8.23 Wrist fracture: 0/1109, 1/1115 RR = 0.34; CI: 0.01, 8.23 Creatinine renal … Risk Factor Analysis Risk of Bias (ROB) Selvaraj, 202149 Remdesivir in COVID-19 patients with endstage renal disease Letter to the editor Setting: Inpatient Cohort study N = 28 Population:
    January 01, 2014 - noted that efficacy was demonstrated, they cited safety concerns about infection, cardiovascular, and renal … times greater than the general population, and the substantial mortality is due primarily to comorbid renal … Based on this input, our overall assessment is that this intervention is in the lower end of the … Committee form, EQ VAS quality of life score) were obtained from the base-line evaluation to the end … The results remained stable from the end of the therapy to 6 months followup, before significantly
    September 04, 2024 - The program has begun to develop a range of rapid evidence products to assist end users in making specific … On one end of the spectrum, evidence inventories offer an assessment of the quantity and type of evidence … On the other end, rapid reviews adapt and streamline traditional systematic review methods to provide … At this stage, we excluded articles that did not describe dental treatments, used healthy controls as … stage Renal disease (rePAIR): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial 10.1186/s13063- 018
    August 01, 2012 - ) – Hypertension • Cystic fibrosis • Depression (major depressive disorder only) • Diabetes • End-stagerenal disease • Pneumonia (including pneumococcal vaccination) • Pregnancy Studies had to include data … review; second, descriptions of the studies are organized by clinical condition as a reference for end
    January 01, 2012 - scores (IKDC form, EQ VAS quality of life score) were reported between the baseline evaluation, the end … Barr virus-associated posttransplant lymphoproliferative disorder was observed in patients who had renal
    July 01, 2023 - oral or dental examination performed on an inpatient basis as part of comprehensive workup prior to renal … the body’s immune system, leading to impairment of resistance to infections and other disorders.7 Renal … reviewer was unsure regarding the appropriate disposition of a study (either at the abstract or full-text stage … Response, a thorough search of the MEDLINE database compiled all relevant published studies through the end … Evidence-based Practice Center (EPC) Program using streamlined literature review methods to assist end-users
    December 01, 2010 - to suggest factors that might predict relevance and utility of the completed study and associated end-products … when compared to the trial registration, and only 45 percent of studies were registered before the end … While many of these registries are no longer in existence, they likely set the stage for current clinical … Additionally, the time frame 20 examined in this project is at an early stage when trial registration … Type II Diabetes and the Metabolic Syndrome and on Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Renal
    January 01, 2023 - other than non-melanoma skin cancer), HIV infection, organ transplant, liver failure or hepatic coma, end-stagerenal disease, respiratory failure, or severe congestive heart failure. … included to reduce the potential for misclassification and referred to the first 30 days after the end … The former use category began after indeterminate use ended (i.e., at 31 days after end of current use … of insurance coverage/pharmacy benefit, day before 65th birthday, or end of study period (December
    March 01, 2011 - The summary of final key points and recommendations are presented in Table 2 at the end of this chapter … The two end points of IQR and range are not symmetric around median (or mean) if the distribution of … Allowing for uncertainty due to missing data in meta- analysis--part 1: two-stage methods. … alter the conclusions of a meta-analysis with continuous outcomes: a case study of changes in renal … monotherapy and combination therapy with inhibitors of the renin angiotensin system on proteinuria in renal
    November 03, 2020 - factors associated with opioid use, and opioid-related harms and adverse outcomes are included at the end … Next Steps Several future areas of research are identified at the end of each section throughout the … assume long-term opioid use is automatically bad, and because policymakers do not always read to the end … I am now at Stage II Renal Failure. … of ersatz expected utility model you embrace- but you lack the honesty to state clearly what your end
  14. 8 (pdf file)
    November 01, 2008 - outcomes data, including data that showed no difference in gastrointestinal adverse events at the end … Development of instruments for assessing risk of bias specifically in studies of harms is still in an early stage … Adverse Effects of Cyclooxygenase 2 Inhibitors on Renal and Arrhythmia Events: Meta-analysis of
  15. 8 (pdf file)
    November 01, 2008 - outcomes data, including data that showed no difference in gastrointestinal adverse events at the end … Development of instruments for assessing risk of bias specifically in studies of harms is still in an early stage … Adverse Effects of Cyclooxygenase 2 Inhibitors on Renal and Arrhythmia Events: Meta-analysis of
    March 01, 2013 - • Who are healthy, and without renal impairment, hepatic impairment, intestinal disease, thyroid
    December 31, 2013 - pioglitazone at baseline (228 mg/dl), and for placebo plus pioglitazone at baseline (236 mg/dl) and end … No clinically significant changes in renal function. … Glimepiride(sulfo nylureas) with metformin RCT 68 normoalbuminuric type 2 diabetes patients 1 year Renal … A total of 39.2 (exenatide) vs. 20.8% (insulin) of patients reached the composite end point of A1C … Yale, 201345 Canagliflozin Placebo RCT 269 subjects with type 2 diabetes and stage 3 chronic kidney
    May 01, 2020 - the outcomes data, including data that showed no difference in gastrointestinal adverse events at the end … Development of instruments for assessing risk of bias specifically in studies of harms is still in an early stage … Adverse Effects of Cyclooxygenase 2 Inhibitors on Renal and Arrhythmia Events: Meta-analysis of Randomized
    January 01, 2016 - were typically not severe, only one comparative study29 had greater than 6 months followup after the end … report use of steroids and laser treatments in younger children with lesions in the proliferative stage … SACRAL syndrome: spinal dysraphism, anogenital, cutaneous, renal and urologic anomalies, associated
    August 25, 2011 - Ingredient, Age, Gender, and Race Note: A dash signifies a small cell count (less than 11); ESRD = endstage renal disease.

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