September 01, 2012 - will apply to most or all
phases, while others will be more directed to the
beginning, middle, or end … • Incorporate several rounds of prototype testing at
each stage as needed to confirm the acceptability … e-Patient Dave
Blog of cancer survivor Dave deBronkart who was diagnosed with
Stage … IV renal (kidney) cancer in 2007.
January 01, 2023 - patient and provider involvement in their development
thus, they fail to meet the unique needs of end-users … Patients were excluded if they (a) refused or were unable to provide informed consent;
(b) had acute renal … failure, end stage renal disease (ESRD) or evidence of dialysis, renal transplantation, or
other … Use behavior: these data were extracted from the iMatter platform at the end of the user testing sessions … Significance
Despite incorporation of end-users in the design, one-size-fits all models of intervention
January 01, 2011 - patients with hypertension (high blood pressure), a major risk factor for
heart disease and stroke, end-stage … renal disease, and peripheral vascular disease. … The final survey was administered at the end of the grant after the clinic was live with LSS. … The final interview was conducted at
the end of the grant after the clinic was live with LSS. … system
and had a defined end date for the prescription.
December 03, 2024 - will begin
moving towards voluntary adoption where practicable and legally permissible on the
“front end … CMS recommends, where applicable and appropriate, harmonization with USCDI
standards on the “back end … insecurity, housing instability,
transportation needs, utility difficulties,
and interpersonal safety
End … Stage Renal Disease Quality Incentive Program (ESRD QIP),
Inpatient Psychiatric Facility Quality Reporting
May 30, 2017 - Results
• Participants received tables of:
– CBC counts
– CBC differential %s
– Hemoglobin A1c
– Renal … Fairview Health Services and
University of Minnesota Physicians
Learning Objectives
• At the end … – Unfamiliar with both versions
Procedure – Part 1
Complete Sets
of Tasks
• Based on MU stage … extraneous or inaccurate information
– Assessment and plan (A/P) section considered most valuable
but at end … • But was that because information at the end of the note was
January 01, 2008 - stroke, two of the three major
causes of death in the United States, and it is the most common cause of end … stage kidney disease
and blindness among adults 2. … End-stage renal disease (ESRD) affects about 43,000 diabetics
annually, and is presaged by the occurrence … unadjusted results and then present models to predict values of each of
the four main outcomes at the end … Effects of
losartan on renal and cardiovascular outcomes in
patients with type 2 diabetes and nephropathy
January 01, 2014 - The smaller participating practice was North End Waterfront
Health, which is located on Hanover Street … in Boston’s North End neighborhood. … We were unable to enroll patients located at the North End
Waterfront Health site due to logistical … testing options were to monitor treatment efficacy (LDL,
HbA1c) and/or treatment safety (potassium, renal … Monitoring
Rates of follow--‐up laboratory monitoring within 4 weeks of prescription were highest for renal
January 01, 2011 - This involved a multi-stage data collection protocol. … re-identification procedure.
This section summarizes key challenges that in the end … Underlined = Items in
HEDIS Admin only
Evidence of ESRD: End-Stage … Renal
Diagnosis Denominator Exclusion
(CPT) 36145. 36800,
36810, 36815, 36818, … Ultimately, the multi-stage process for obtaining consent, approval, and establishing data use
January 01, 2018 - the time of medication ordering such as patient specific factors that affect
treatment choice (e.g., renal … Participants completed an overall System Usability Scale (SUS) at the end of the test session. … red) based on the indication, clinical practice guidelines, and patient-specific
factors (allergies, renal … • We have brought the need for indications to front stage from the periphery. … To this end, we have begun talking with vendors and organizations about next steps needed to further
February 15, 2024 - Each stage of the technology planning and development process represents an opportunity to
intentionally … The result of this early-
stage engagement is successful implementation in different settings and more … Quality Insights Renal Networks 3, 4 and 5, End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) Networks under contract with
May 10, 2016 - This is important because when a patient has a dosing error and they end up in the hospital, it
ends … trouble taking their medications correctly; we saw with the hemodialysis study, that
patients with renal … We have measures that reflect dosages based on renal function as well as doses
of certain high-risk … So again, with these first few slides, I hoped to set the stage in terms of our learning environment … The majority of practices, however, distributed
printed medication lists at the end of each visit to
January 01, 2010 - Also, there will be a Q&A session at
the end of our panelist’s presentations. … the back-
office staff will pend all of the orders that are brought up by the panel support tool and stage … These reports can be run at any time, so not necessarily at the end of the quarter or the end of
the … we wanted to ensure that our providers did have the ability to say “my
major interest right now is renal … I want to end with just a few slides about where our health IT vision is.
January 01, 2018 - commonly use EHR-based order sets or clinical templates adopted
other strategies to affect the same end … “The main [feature] that I find valuable is the renal impairment flag, since I have indeed altered
prescriptions … for a pediatric patient, and inappropriate prescribing of alendronate in a patient with renal … Adjusting
apixaban dosage in patients with renal impairment and histamine H2-receptor antagonist
dosages … adopters of EHR systems were more
likely to be willing to adapt their order sets and templates; while mid-stage
January 01, 2015 - Gastroenteritis
C. difficile Infection
Other Infections
Exclusion Criteria:
End … stage renal disease, lung cancer, dementia, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia
Active drug or alcohol
June 01, 2009 - remembered, though, that these health IT applications are a means to improve health care
quality, not an end … CDS can include nationally recommended guidelines at
one end of the continuum and customized order sets … development and initial implementation costs for a CDS targeted to medication prescribing for
adults with renal … Computerized
clinical decision support during medication
ordering for long-term care residents with renal … implementing a
computerized clinical decision support system for
medication dosing for patients with renal
June 01, 2009 - remembered, though, that these health IT applications are a means to improve health care
quality, not an end … CDS can include nationally recommended guidelines at
one end of the continuum and customized order sets … development and initial implementation costs for a CDS targeted to medication prescribing for
adults with renal … Computerized
clinical decision support during medication
ordering for long-term care residents with renal … implementing a
computerized clinical decision support system for
medication dosing for patients with renal
January 01, 2022 - Most significantly, the PreDM CDS was
launched at the end of February 2020, only one week before widespread … open for routine primary care, patient volume
was significantly reduced and the management of early-stage … Use of metformin in the setting of mild-to-moderate
renal insufficiency.
January 01, 2011 - Specific aims and
hypotheses of the study were to:
To this end we developed and refined an Automated … therapy for solid tumors (except hormonal therapy for prostate
cancer); hospice enrollment; cirrhosis; end-stage … renal disease; two or more admissions
for congestive heart failure within 6 months; and lung disease … At the end of the trial, participants
in the IG group were also asked about their satisfaction with … associated with baseline glycemic levels, the number of participants may have been
too small by the end
January 01, 2023 - Useful” to 100 “Very useful”, with a
free response text question asking for additional comments at the end … creating concept
sets of known inhibitors of these enzymes and evaluating documentation of a patient’s renal … These factors included: colchicine dose; renal disease;
and hepatic disease. … data use and
integration, data retention, HIPAA/HITECH compliance, data encryption, data sharing, end-user … In addition, EHR software
developers should incorporate end-user tools that would permit easy modification
January 12, 2007 - So we will also have a short poll at the end of the question and answer
session. … And so a number of orders we have been to the end of the
test and can use the older categories of medication … So
could the system be smart enough to alert doses of drugs that are to be
altered for renal dysfunction … Adjustment for renal function as a part of the order is generally not
available to both inpatient and … So this is really looking at a
different stage of all the different areas that contribute to medication