
Total Results: 8,695 records

Showing results for "emotional".

  1. Psn-Pdf (pdf file)
    January 01, 2020 - Incivility and clinical performance, teamwork, and emotions: a randomized controlled trial. May 22, 2019 Johnson SL, Haerling KA, Yuwen W, et al. Incivility and Clinical Performance, Teamwork, and Emotions: A Randomized Controlled Trial. J Nurs Care Qual. 2020;35(1):70-76. doi:10.1097/NCQ.0000000000000407. https:/…
    May 01, 2011 - information on the Care for the Caregiver component of the CANDOR process, which focuses on providing emotional … This distinction is important, even though some degree of emotional distress is likely when a clinician … Additionally, the program can help caregivers deal with any physical or emotional symptoms experienced … Care for Caregiver Program Response: Ensure emotional response plan is in progress. … An emotional group debriefing may be a beneficial peer support service if an entire team was impacted
    December 13, 2013 - ■ Parental concerns about language, fine-motor, cognitive, and emotional-behavioral development are … Behavioral Issues ■ Infants <1500g have an increased risk of behavioral, social, and emotional problems … – Emotional: increased risk of developing ADHD.
    June 01, 2021 - site • Right documentation Special Considerations for Vaccinating Residents with Cognitive and Emotional … Challenges1: • Plan to spend more time with residents either before, during, or after vaccination to offer emotional … They may experience sundowning in the late afternoon or early evening, which can cause confusion, emotional … routines, and unfamiliar surroundings can cause challenging behaviors in residents with cognitive and emotional
    June 01, 2021 - site • Right documentation Special Considerations for Vaccinating Residents with Cognitive and Emotional … Challenges1: • Plan to spend more time with residents either before, during, or after vaccination to offer emotional … They may experience sundowning in the late afternoon or early evening, which can cause confusion, emotional … routines, and unfamiliar surroundings can cause challenging behaviors in residents with cognitive and emotional
    June 01, 2021 - site • Right documentation Special Considerations for Vaccinating Residents with Cognitive and Emotional … Challenges1: • Plan to spend more time with residents either before, during, or after vaccination to offer emotional … They may experience sundowning in the late afternoon or early evening, which can cause confusion, emotional … routines, and unfamiliar surroundings can cause challenging behaviors in residents with cognitive and emotional
    June 01, 2021 - site • Right documentation Special Considerations for Vaccinating Residents with Cognitive and Emotional … Challenges1: • Plan to spend more time with residents either before, during, or after vaccination to offer emotional … They may experience sundowning in the late afternoon or early evening, which can cause confusion, emotional … routines, and unfamiliar surroundings can cause challenging behaviors in residents with cognitive and emotional
    June 01, 2021 - site • Right documentation Special Considerations for Vaccinating Residents with Cognitive and Emotional … Challenges1: • Plan to spend more time with residents either before, during, or after vaccination to offer emotional … They may experience sundowning in the late afternoon or early evening, which can cause confusion, emotional … routines, and unfamiliar surroundings can cause challenging behaviors in residents with cognitive and emotional
    June 01, 2021 - site • Right documentation Special Considerations for Vaccinating Residents with Cognitive and Emotional … Challenges1: • Plan to spend more time with residents either before, during, or after vaccination to offer emotional … They may experience sundowning in the late afternoon or early evening, which can cause confusion, emotional … routines, and unfamiliar surroundings can cause challenging behaviors in residents with cognitive and emotional
  10. Psn-Pdf (pdf file)
    December 02, 2015 - Virginia Tech as a sentinel event: the role of psychiatry in managing emotionally troubled students on college and university campuses. December 2, 2015 Giggie MA. Virginia Tech as a Sentinel Event: The Role of Psychiatry in Managing Emotionally Troubled Students on College and University Campuses. Harv Rev Psychi…
    January 04, 2011 - Measure Name: Rates of screening using standardized screening tools for potential delays in social and emotional … Numerator: Number of children screened for social and emotional development with a standardized, documented
    January 04, 2011 - Measure Name: Rates of screening using standardized screening tools for potential delays in social and emotional … Numerator: Number of children screened for social and emotional development with a standardized, documented
    January 04, 2011 - Measure Name: Rates of screening using standardized screening tools for potential delays in social and emotional … Numerator: Number of children screened for social and emotional development with a standardized, documented
    January 04, 2011 - Measure Name: Rates of screening using standardized screening tools for potential delays in social and emotional … Numerator: Number of children screened for social and emotional development with a standardized, documented
    January 04, 2011 - Measure Name: Rates of screening using standardized screening tools for potential delays in social and emotional … Numerator: Number of children screened for social and emotional development with a standardized, documented
    January 04, 2011 - Measure Name: Rates of screening using standardized screening tools for potential delays in social and emotional … Numerator: Number of children screened for social and emotional development with a standardized, documented
    January 04, 2011 - Measure Name: Rates of screening using standardized screening tools for potential delays in social and emotional … Numerator: Number of children screened for social and emotional development with a standardized, documented
  18. Psn-Pdf (pdf file)
    March 04, 2015 - Emotion and coping in the aftermath of medical error: a cross-country exploration. March 4, 2015 Harrison R, Lawton R, Perlo J, et al. Emotion and coping in the aftermath of medical error: a cross-country exploration. J Patient Saf. 2015;11(1):28-35. doi:10.1097/PTS.0b013e3182979b6f.…
    June 25, 2014 - : Fulsome Accounts 2 31 100 Content of Experiences 110 Access to Care 120 Communication 130 Emotional … : Fulsome Accounts 3 32 100 Content of Experiences 110 Access to Care 120 Communication 130 Emotional … Learning from Patient Comments: Fulsome Accounts 4 33 130 Emotional
    June 25, 2014 - : Fulsome Accounts 2 31 100 Content of Experiences 110 Access to Care 120 Communication 130 Emotional … : Fulsome Accounts 3 32 100 Content of Experiences 110 Access to Care 120 Communication 130 Emotional … Learning from Patient Comments: Fulsome Accounts 4 33 130 Emotional