January 01, 2011 - adolescents visit a health care provider once a year, providing an opportunity to integrate behavioral/emotional … This exploratory project is developing a theoretically-based interactive behavioral/emotional health … Specific Aims:
Develop a theoretically-based interactive behavioral/emotional health module for adolescents
May 11, 2016 - Clinicians who experience adverse emotional consequences after being involved in medical errors are considered … Related Resources From the Same Author(s)
The experiences of risk managers in providing emotional … June 7, 2018
The emotional impact of errors or adverse events on healthcare providers
November 01, 2021 - Learning Topics
The learning modules feature both emotional well-being and clinical topics. … .
• Emotional & Organizational Support for Staff – 3 modules
○ Identifying & Overcoming Anxiety
○ … Effort
○ Supporting Each Other in the Quest To Reduce Stress
• Supporting Nurisng Home Residents’ Emotional
April 01, 2016 - Affirm that the first priority is to take care of the patient and meet their health care, social, and emotional … ■ Anticipate the patient’s emotional response, and plan how you will respond empathically.
September 28, 2015 - • Age, Gender, Education, Race, Ethnicity, or
Overall Health
• Some difference in mental and emotional … health
• Respondents to the 6-month survey were more likely to
report “fair” or “poor” mental/emotional … health.
Differences in ratings of mental or emotional
Mental … to
the 12 month survey, P < 0.001
Differences in ratings of mental or emotional … Case-mix adjusted for survey mode (mail/phone), age, gender, education, and health (general and mental/emotional
September 28, 2015 - • Age, Gender, Education, Race, Ethnicity, or
Overall Health
• Some difference in mental and emotional … health
• Respondents to the 6-month survey were more likely to
report “fair” or “poor” mental/emotional … health.
Differences in ratings of mental or emotional
Mental … to
the 12 month survey, P < 0.001
Differences in ratings of mental or emotional … Case-mix adjusted for survey mode (mail/phone), age, gender, education, and health (general and mental/emotional
January 01, 2022 - Best Practices for Promoting Emotional Well-Being in Nursing Home Residents This resource discusses resident … It also discusses safe visitation strategies as a component of resident emotional well-being. … Best Practices for Promoting Mental Health and Emotional Well-Being Among Nursing Home Staff This resource … focuses on emotional well-being of nursing home staff, including information about the effects of the
February 24, 2021 - These findings
reinforce the need to support the emotional well-being of healthcare workers during this … factors-associated-mental-health-outcomes-among-health-care-workers-exposed-coronavirus
September 29, 2021 - psnet.ahrq.gov/issue/detach-yourself-positive-effect-psychological-detachment-patient-safety-long-
Emotional … detach-yourself-positive-effect-psychological-detachment-patient-safety-long-term-care
July 11, 2012 - Some clinicians experience profound emotional distress following an adverse event, known as the “ second … residents in the US found that most residents who reported being part of a medical error had subsequent emotional … Importantly, while three quarters of residents reported they did not get emotional support following
July 01, 2004 - females and 34.6 percent of males had workdays lost due to physical illness, injury, or a mental or emotional … Percent with workdays lost due to illness, injury, or mental or emotional problems
2. … Mean workdays lost due to illness, injury, or mental or emotional problems
3. … Percent with schooldays lost due to illness, injury, or mental or emotional problems
6. … Mean schooldays lost due to illness, injury, or mental or emotional problems
July 01, 2004 - females and 34.6 percent of males had workdays lost due to physical illness, injury, or a mental or emotional … Percent with workdays lost due to illness, injury, or mental or emotional problems
2. … Mean workdays lost due to illness, injury, or mental or emotional problems
3. … Percent with schooldays lost due to illness, injury, or mental or emotional problems
6. … Mean schooldays lost due to illness, injury, or mental or emotional problems
July 01, 2004 - females and 34.6 percent of males had workdays lost due to physical illness, injury, or a mental or emotional … Percent with workdays lost due to illness, injury, or mental or emotional problems
2. … Mean workdays lost due to illness, injury, or mental or emotional problems
3. … Percent with schooldays lost due to illness, injury, or mental or emotional problems
6. … Mean schooldays lost due to illness, injury, or mental or emotional problems
July 01, 2004 - restricted-activity days (workdays or schooldays lost due to physical illness, injury, a mental or emotional … Percent with workdays lost due to illness, injury, or mental or emotional problems
2. … Mean workdays lost due to illness, injury, or mental or emotional problems
3. … Percent with schooldays lost due to illness, injury, or mental or emotional problems
6. … Mean schooldays lost due to illness, injury, or mental or emotional problems
Table 1.
July 01, 2004 - females and 34.6
percent of males had workdays lost due to physical
illness, injury, or a mental or emotional … Percent with workdays lost due to illness, injury, or mental or emotional problems. . . . . . . . . . … Mean workdays lost due to illness, injury, or mental or emotional problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . … Percent with schooldays lost due to illness, injury, or mental or emotional problems. . . . . . . . . … Mean schooldays lost due to illness, injury, or mental or emotional problems. . . . . . . . . . . . .
June 09, 2021 - peer-support-interprofessional-health-care-providers-aftermath-patient-safety-
Peer support programs can help clinicians cope with the emotional … implementing-rise-second-victim-support-programme-johns-hopkins-hospital-case-study
May 11, 2022 - moving-after-critical-incidents-health-care-qualitative-study-perspectives-and-
The term “second victims” describes clinicians who experience emotional … Five main themes were identified: Initial emotional and physical response, the
aftermath, long-lasting
January 20, 2021 - i-made-mistake-narrative-analysis-experienced-physicians-stories-preventable-
Physicians often experience considerable emotional … In
addition to exploring themes around the physician’s emotional growth and professional development
August 01, 2022 - or informal staff supporters, confidantes, or individuals whom caregivers seek out for advice and/or emotional … This distinction is important, even though some degree of emotional distress is likely when a clinician … Additionally, the program can help caregivers deal with any physical or emotional symptoms experienced … The focus during this tier is the feelings of the coworker and their emotional support. … An emotional group debriefing may be a beneficial peer support service if an entire team was impacted
August 01, 2022 - or informal staff supporters, confidantes, or individuals whom caregivers seek out for advice and/or emotional … This distinction is important, even though some degree of emotional distress is likely when a clinician … Additionally, the program can help caregivers deal with any physical or emotional symptoms experienced … The focus during this tier is the feelings of the coworker and their emotional support. … An emotional group debriefing may be a beneficial peer support service if an entire team was impacted