October 23, 2018 - and provide or refer those who screen positive to
ongoing support services that provide a range of emotional
May 21, 2018 - and provide or
refer those who screen positive to ongoing support services
that provide a range of emotional
April 20, 2023 - Any harms that result from interventions, such as increased abuse or other forms of retaliation, and emotional … screening or identification
KQ 5: Any harms that result from interventions, such as increased abuse or emotional
March 19, 2024 - lead to devastating effects, such as injury and death, and can also lead to long-term physical and
June 01, 2023 - newborn infant or other children in the family):
Neglect or abuse
Physical, social, emotional
February 15, 2022 - Screening and Treatment
The USPSTF reviewed one fair-quality, pre-post design study (n=1,097) examining emotional … Participants considered to be in high-risk groups completed a questionnaire assessing emotional stress … The study did not compare changes in the levels of emotional stress pre- vs. post-testing. 26
January 02, 2020 - prediction
KQ 3 (screening) and KQ 5 (preventive interventions): Dental fluorosis, tooth staining, emotional
March 15, 2018 - events):
Serious treatment-related harms at any time point after the intervention began
Weight gain
December 15, 2012 - Harms
Include, but may not be limited to: dental fluorosis, emotional stress, and acute toxicity
December 15, 2012 - Harms
Include, but may not be limited to: dental fluorosis, emotional stress, and acute toxicity
August 01, 2013 - Child neglect” (acts of omis-
sion) includes the failure to provide for a child’s basic phys-
ical, emotional … or failure to act on the part of a
parent or caretaker which results in death, serious physical
or emotional … Childhood emotional neglect related to posttrau-
matic stress disorder symptoms and body mass index in
April 12, 2022 - comprised of a group of related conditions characterized by excessive fear or worry that present as emotional … screening. 31 The American Academy of Pediatrics and Bright Futures recommends annual screening for emotional … Promoting optimal development: screening for behavioral and emotional problems.
May 08, 2012 - indicated minimal adverse effects with screening, but some women experienced discomfort, loss of privacy, emotional … Woman Abuse Screening Tool, an 8-item self-administered instrument measuring physical, sexual, and emotional … ; 71 worries about provoking abuse by disclosing IPV; 69 , 71 feelings of sadness, depression, or emotional … Screening has minimal adverse effects, but some women experience discomfort, loss of privacy, emotional … Of participants who screened positive for IPV, 2 of 216 had safety concerns or emotional distress related
February 18, 2014 - Serious treatment-related harms at any time point after the intervention began
Weight gain
February 18, 2014 - treatment-related harms at any time point after the intervention began
Weight gain
May 01, 2021 - com-
prises a group of related conditions characterized by excessive fear
or worry that present as emotional … US, comprises
a group of related conditions characterized by excessive fear or worry that present as
emotional … The American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry states
that freely available general social-emotional … American Academy of Pediatrics and
Bright Futures recommends annual screening for behavioral,
social, and emotional
February 01, 2013 - Additional immediate health consequences of abuse
and neglect include injuries and emotional and behavioral … act or failure
to act on the part of a parent or caregiver that results in
death, serious physical or emotional … services in
primary care
clinics or WIC
programs in
22 wk Positive scores for
social, emotional … Child must be aged 6 to 36 mo with social, emotional, or behavioral problem or parent must screen as … Childhood emotional neglect related to posttrau-
matic stress disorder symptoms and body mass index in
June 01, 2012 - indicated minimal adverse
effects with screening, but some women experienced discomfort,
loss of privacy, emotional … Woman Abuse Screening Tool, an 8-item self-
administered instrument measuring physical, sexual, and
emotional … (71); worries about provoking abuse
by disclosing IPV (69, 71); feelings of sadness, depression,
or emotional … Of participants who screened positive for IPV, 2 of 216 had safety
concerns or emotional distress related … Screening has minimal ad-
verse effects, but some women experience discomfort, loss
of privacy, emotional
June 11, 2018 - HARK includes 4 questions that assess emotional and physical
IPV in the past year. … WAST includes 8 items that assess physi-
cal and emotional IPV. … and other IPV resources
in the community)
Services related to parenting, problem-solving skills, and
emotional … tiple visits with patients, addressed multiple risk factors (not just IPV),
and provided a range of emotional … Prevalence and correlates of emotional, physical,
sexual, and financial abuse and potential neglect in
January 15, 2013 - Additional immediate health consequences of abuse and neglect include injuries and emotional and behavioral … act or failure to act on the part of a parent or caregiver that results in death, serious physical or emotional … services in primary care clinics or WIC programs in Connecticut
22 wk
Positive scores for social, emotional … 2 y
Prenatal, 7; postnatal, 26
Fair †
BITSEA = Brief Infant–Toddler Social and Emotional … Child must be aged 6 to 36 mo with social, emotional, or behavioral problem or parent must screen as