March 15, 2022 - Eating disorders may also be associated with disturbances in cognitive and emotional functioning and … and kidney injury. 19 Eating disorders have also been associated with disturbances in cognitive and emotional
March 01, 2004 - or failure to act on the part of a
parent or caretaker which results in death, serious
physical or emotional … Outcomes
included indicators of physical abuse, neglect,
emotional abuse, or sexual abuse and any reported … Co-victimization of
African-American children who witness violence:
effects on cognitive, emotional and
March 09, 2004 - or failure to act on the part of a parent or caretaker which results in death, serious physical or emotional … Outcomes included indicators of physical abuse, neglect, emotional abuse, or sexual abuse and any reported … Co-victimization of African-American children who witness violence: effects on cognitive, emotional and
September 03, 2020 - specifically with heavy cannabis use in adolescence, including anxiety in midlife; 7 impaired development of emotional … 33 , 35 , 36 , 38 , 41 , 50 , 51 risky sexual behavior, 25 , 33 , 39 , 41 , 49 mental health and emotional … Brain activation to negative stimuli mediates a relationship between adolescent marijuana use and later emotional
March 15, 2022 - Eating disorders may also be associated with disturbances in cognitive and emotional
functioning and … kid-
ney injury.19 Eating disorders have also been associated with distur-
bances in cognitive and emotional
December 20, 2016 - The qualitative analysis identified 3 categories of themes: (1) short-term, emotional responses that … The authors concluded that participants exhibited strong emotional and psychological responses to their … cohort study
The qualitative study found that participants with a new HSV-2 diagnosis had short-term emotional
December 20, 2016 - The qualitative analysis identified 3 categories of themes: (1) short-term, emotional responses that … The authors concluded that participants exhibited strong emotional and psychological responses to their … cohort study
The qualitative study found that participants with a new HSV-2 diagnosis had short-term emotional
August 16, 2022 - false-positive results. 20 Additionally, the USPSTF concluded that there may be potential social and emotional
October 23, 2018 - 2008 nationwide telephone survey of older adults (N = 5777), 10% of respondents reported past-year emotional … Prevalence and correlates of emotional, physical, sexual, and financial abuse and potential neglect in … visits from paraprofessionals over 3 y; direct services related to parenting, conflict resolution, emotional
September 20, 2022 - all obstetrician-gynecologists and other obstetric care providers complete an assessment of mood and emotional … Fostering Healthy Mental, Emotional, and Behavioral Development in Children and Youth: A National Agenda
May 15, 2004 - Share to Facebook
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Final Recommendation Statement
Suicide Risk: Screening
May 15, 2004
Recommendations made by the USPSTF are independent of the U.S. government. They should no…
October 19, 2021 - and renal injury. 19 Eating disorders have also been associated with disturbances in cognitive and emotional
May 01, 2004 - Screening for Suicide Risk - Recommendation and Rationale
Summary of
The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force
(USPSTF) concludes that the evidence is
insufficient to recommend for or against routine
screening by primary care clinicians to detect suicide
risk in the general population. I recommendation.…
August 01, 2016 - The qualitative analysis identified 3 categories of
themes: (1) short-term, emotional responses that … The authors concluded that participants exhibited
strong emotional and psychological responses to their … cohort
The qualitative study found that
participants with a new HSV-2 diagnosis
had short-term emotional
September 05, 2017 - the trial 40 that compared patching plus eyeglasses, eyeglasses alone, and no treatment examined the emotional … groups with regard to being happy, cooperative, or good tempered; teasing; problems at preschool; or in emotional … The emotional impact of amblyopia treatment in preschool children: randomized controlled trial.
August 15, 2012 - The health outcomes include health-related quality of life, such as emotional and social function, communication … † Such as emotional and social function, communication, and cognitive function. … screen persons for hearing loss)
Hearing-related quality of life and function (e.g., emotional … Nutritional pharmaceuticals, hearing rehabilitation
Health-related quality of life (e.g., emotional
August 15, 2012 - The health outcomes include health-related quality of life, such as emotional and social function, communication … † Such as emotional and social function, communication, and cognitive function. … screen persons for hearing loss)
Hearing-related quality of life and function (e.g., emotional … Nutritional pharmaceuticals, hearing rehabilitation
Health-related quality of life (e.g., emotional
March 15, 2009 - Recommendations of Others
Routine screening for emotional
October 22, 2024 - Research is needed to assess harms of interventions, particularly those associated with maternal emotional
August 22, 2018 - 2008 nation-
wide telephone survey of older adults (N = 5777), 10% of respon-
dents reported past-year emotional … visits from paraprofessionals over 3 y; direct
services related to parenting, conflict resolution,
emotional … Prevalence and correlates of emotional, physical,
sexual, and financial abuse and potential neglect in