August 18, 2016 - The World Health Organization defines child maltreatment as including "all forms of physical and/or emotional … interventions to prevent child maltreatment reduce exposure to abuse or neglect; improve behavioral, emotional … abuse perpetrated by a parent or caregiver against a child
Physical (e.g., failure to thrive), emotional … high specificity for abuse
Visits to the emergency department
Behavioral, emotional … Decreased externalizing behaviors (disruptive, aggressive, or delinquent behavior)
Healthy social-emotional
February 17, 2022 - care–feasible or referable preventive interventions reduce exposure to abuse or neglect; improve behavioral, emotional … KQ 1: Direct or proxy measures of abuse or neglect (required):
Physical abuse, sexual abuse, or emotional … by a parent or caregiver against a child (not parent reported)
Physical (e.g., failure to thrive), emotional … with a high specificity for abuse
Emergency department visits
Behavioral, emotional … delinquent behavior
Child development (including school readiness and academic performance): social-emotional
May 19, 2022 - referable preventive interventions reduce exposure to abuse or neglect; improve behavioral, developmental, emotional … KQ 1: Direct or proxy measures of abuse or neglect (required):
Physical abuse, sexual abuse, or emotional … by a parent or caretaker against a child (not parent reported)
Physical (e.g., failure to thrive), emotional … abuse
Emergency department visits
Mortality *
Behavioral, developmental, emotional … delinquent behavior
Child development (including school readiness and academic performance): social-emotional
May 19, 2022 - referable preventive interventions reduce exposure to abuse or neglect; improve behavioral, developmental, emotional … KQ 1: Direct or proxy measures of abuse or neglect (required):
Physical abuse, sexual abuse, or emotional … by a parent or caretaker against a child (not parent reported)
Physical (e.g., failure to thrive), emotional … abuse
Emergency department visits
Mortality *
Behavioral, developmental, emotional … delinquent behavior
Child development (including school readiness and academic performance): social-emotional
November 25, 2024 - Intimate partner violence includes physical
violence, sexual violence, emotional abuse, or stalking … Individuals who
screen positive should be connected to ongoing services that provide a range of emotional … It can include physical abuse, sexual
abuse, emotional or psychological abuse, neglect, abandonment,
September 25, 2023 - Abuse includes physical, sexual, and psychological or emotional abuse. … Neglect
includes failure to provide for a child’s basic physical, emotional, or educational needs, or … It includes
physical, sexual, and psychological or emotional
abuse, and neglect.
2 www.uspreventiveservicestaskforce.org
September 27, 2022 - potential harms of screening for syphilis (KQ3). 6 Reynolds et al examined factors associated with emotional … The results suggested that emotional stress may be a common experience for individuals, although the … study did not directly compare changes in levels of emotional stress pretest vs posttest. … screening for syphilis
One fair-quality a pre-post US study (n = 1097) assessed factors associated with emotional … stress related to rapid POC testing for STIs; the results suggest that emotional stress may be a common
April 13, 2021 - screening for syphilis
One fair-qualitya pre-post US study
(n = 1097) assessed factors
associated with emotional … stress
related to rapid POC testing for STIs;
the results suggest that emotional
stress may be a common … addressedpotentialharms
of screening for syphilis (KQ3).6Reynolds et al examined fac-
tors associated with emotional … The results suggested that emotional stressmaybea com-
mon experience for individuals, although the … study did not
directly compare changes in levels of emotional stress pre-
test vs posttest.
November 27, 2018 - services and removal of the child from the home) or proxy measures of abuse or neglect;
behavioral, emotional … children from harm, potential harm, or the threat of
harm1—is associated with negative physical and emotional … Direct measures included
those reflecting physical, sexual, or emotional abuse perpetrated
by a parent … or caregiver; physical (eg, failure to thrive), emotional,
dental or medical (eg, lack of immunizations … Risk factors varied across studies and included infant health sta-
tus or child emotional or behavioral
August 21, 2023 - potential harms of screening and treatment, such as
labeling, stigma, caregiver anxiety, other social and emotional … Additionally, more
studies are needed about outcomes such as academic performance, social and emotional
November 27, 2018 - services and removal of the child from the home) or proxy measures of abuse or neglect; behavioral, emotional … Direct measures included those reflecting physical, sexual, or emotional abuse perpetrated by a parent … or caregiver; physical (eg, failure to thrive), emotional, dental or medical (eg, lack of immunizations … Risk factors varied across studies and included infant health status or child emotional or behavioral … Five trials evaluated discrete social, emotional, or other developmental outcomes separately from overall
November 27, 2018 - services and removal of the child from the home) or proxy measures of abuse or neglect; behavioral, emotional … Direct measures included those reflecting physical, sexual, or emotional abuse perpetrated by a parent … or caregiver; physical (eg, failure to thrive), emotional, dental or medical (eg, lack of immunizations … Risk factors varied across studies and included infant health status or child emotional or behavioral … Five trials evaluated discrete social, emotional, or other developmental outcomes separately from overall
January 23, 2024 - potential harms of screening and treatment, such as
labeling, stigma, caregiver anxiety, other social and emotional … Additionally, more
studies are needed about outcomes such as academic performance, social and emotional
June 01, 2013 - It includes four types of abuse or neglect:
• Physical abuse
• Sexual abuse
• Emotional abuse
• … Neglect: This is the failure to provide for a child’s basic physical,
emotional, health, or educational
June 01, 2013 - It includes four types of abuse or neglect:
• Physical abuse
• Sexual abuse
• Emotional abuse
• … Neglect: This is the failure to provide for a child’s basic physical,
emotional, health, or educational
August 29, 2023 - or person in a custodial role. 5 Child neglect refers to failure to meet a “child’s basic physical, emotional … experienced abuse. 7 Of children who were abused, most experienced physical abuse (58%), but also emotional … measures of child maltreatment. 1 Direct measures include direct evidence of physical, sexual, or emotional … intermediate measures of abuse were reported, other measures, including behavioral, developmental, emotional … found insufficient evidence to evaluate intervention effectiveness. 1
Behavioral, Developmental, Emotional
November 25, 2024 - Clinicians should refer those who screen positive to ongoing
supportive services that provide a range of emotional … Abuse of older or vulnerable adults can be physical, sexual, emotional, or financial and may
March 19, 2024 - statement, child abuse includes, but is not limited to, physical abuse, sexual abuse, and psychological or emotional … or person in a custodial role. 5 Child neglect refers to failure to meet a “child’s basic physical, emotional … experienced abuse. 7 Of children who were abused, most experienced physical abuse (58%), but also emotional … intermediate measures of abuse were reported, other measures, including behavioral, developmental, emotional … found insufficient evidence to evaluate intervention effectiveness. 1 , 21
Behavioral, Developmental, Emotional
August 21, 2023 - and language delay and disorders in primary care would be to improve school
performance, social and emotional … anxiety
associated with further testing after a positive screen, as well as the potential social and emotional
March 19, 2024 - or person in a custodial role.5 Child neglect refers to failure to
meet a “child’s basic physical, emotional … 44%) experienced
abuse.7 Of children who were abused, most experienced physical
abuse (58%), but also emotional … intermediate measures of abuse were
reported, other measures, including behavioral, developmental,
emotional … found insufficient evidence to evaluate intervention
Behavioral, Developmental, Emotional … haviors, while others reported no group differences.1,21 Of 5 trials
(n = 4439) evaluating social, emotional