January 01, 2024 - undergraduate medical education learning environment interventions that are associated with improved emotional … evidence suggested that some specific learning environment interventions were associated with improved emotional
March 01, 2022 - ability to deal with everything that having a chronic condition entails, including symptoms, treatment, emotional
October 13, 2020 - .
☐ 3 I am beginning to burn out and have one or more symptoms of burnout, e.g., emotional exhaustion
October 29, 2021 - ☐ 3 I am beginning to burn out and have one or more symptoms of burnout, e.g., emotional exhaustion
June 01, 2021 - Provide caring, empathetic emotional support, and establish relationships with care providers.
January 01, 2023 - Most respondents described emotional, diagnostic and logistical challenges magnified by existing healthcare
June 01, 2021 - Provide caring, empathetic emotional support, and establish relationships with care providers.
March 03, 2021 - Listen Carefully re: Care Problems is
not evaluated by all survey recipients
Bereavement firsts-emotional
August 25, 2014 - AAP Chapter; knowledgeable about
implementation in primary care and particularly including social-
emotional … Particular expertise in early child social-
emotional development. … Measure: Rates of screening using standardized screening tools for potential delays in social and
emotional … numerator/denominator statements):
Numerator Statement: Number of children screened for social and emotional … Routine infant or child health check
315.4 Developmental coordination disorder
313.9 Unspecified emotional
August 13, 2014 - AAP Chapter; knowledgeable about
implementation in primary care and particularly including social-
emotional … Particular expertise in early child social-
emotional development. … Measure: Rates of screening using standardized screening tools for potential delays in social and
emotional … numerator/denominator statements):
Numerator Statement: Number of children screened for social and emotional … Routine infant or child health check
315.4 Developmental coordination disorder
313.9 Unspecified emotional
January 01, 2014 - AAP Chapter; knowledgeable about
implementation in primary care and particularly including social-
emotional … Particular expertise in early child social-
emotional development. … Measure: Rates of screening using standardized screening tools for potential delays in social and
emotional … numerator/denominator statements):
Numerator Statement: Number of children screened for social and emotional … Routine infant or child health check
315.4 Developmental coordination disorder
313.9 Unspecified emotional
January 01, 2008 - Appendix A. Checklists for Assessing Executive and Physician Champion Potential
AHRQ Safety Program for Reducing CAUTI in Hospitals
AHRQ Safety Program for Reducing CAUTI in Hospitals Implementation Guide A-2
Assessing CAUTI Executive Champion Potential for Success
The checklist in the…
August 24, 2015 - PowerPoint Presentation
Communication and Optimal Resolution
Module 7: Resolution
Module 7 of the CANDOR Toolkit describes the resolution phase of the CANDOR process.
Define the CANDOR Resolution component and its importance in the CANDOR process.
List the steps of the resolution pr…
January 01, 2022 - combined) 72% 60% 23%
I am beginning to burn out and have one or more
symptoms of burnout, e.g., emotional … combined) 23% 28% 63%
I am beginning to burn out and have one or more
symptoms of burnout, e.g., emotional … below combined) 36% 29%
I am beginning to burn out and have one or more symptoms of
burnout, e.g., emotional … combined) 24% 37% 37% 34%
I am beginning to burn out and have one or more
symptoms of burnout, e.g., emotional
July 01, 2013 - Complex healthcare system
--- Patient factors (reading ability, age,
January 01, 2022 - Together, patients
and staff identify key themes and “touchpoints” – emotional or cognitive hotspots … relationships with providers/nurses, communication, thoroughness, efficiency, hospital
environment, emotional … Having some compelling examples of exactly how emotional
factors are affecting the experiences of parents
January 01, 2022 - symptoms of
I am beginning to burn out and have one
or more symptoms of burnout, e.g.,
emotional … has been updated from “I am definitely burning out and have one or more
symptoms of burnout, e.g., emotional … exhaustion” to “I am beginning to burn out and have one or more symptoms of burnout,
e.g., emotional … 34% 25% 34% 37% 32%
I am beginning to burn out and have one
or more symptoms of burnout, e.g.,
emotional … 28% 28% 32% 30% 29% 33%
I am beginning to burn out and have one or
more symptoms of burnout, e.g., emotional
October 01, 2008 - It is important to monitor the emotional and physical status of other team members.
17. … Team members who monitor their emotional and physical status on the job are more effective.
April 01, 2017 - It is important to monitor the emotional and physical status of other team members.
… Team members who monitor their emotional and physical status on the job are more effective.
December 01, 2013 - Parental concerns about language, fine-motor, cognitive, and emotional-behavioral development are highly … Behavioral Issues
Infants <1500g have an increased risk of behavioral, social, and emotional problems … Emotional: increased risk of developing ADHD.