January 01, 2011 - All other respondents could provide examples for emotional, financial
and medical effects. … One respondent said
it made him emotional to remember these experiences and thought others might … included aspects beyond the physical effects of cancer (symptoms, treatment,
etc.) such as the emotional … She had become emotional while discussing her cancer history and needed to
reread this question several … She gave various examples of emotional and physical care.
December 31, 2020 - Mental Health: The state of a person’s emotional, social, and behavioral well-being. … Mental Health Person/Professional: A person trained to diagnose and treat emotional
or mental health … Mental Health Therapist: A person trained to diagnose and treat emotional or mental
health problems; … Mental Problem: A problem having to do with state of mind; an emotional problem. … A psychiatric social worker assists individuals and their families in
dealing with social, emotional
December 31, 2020 - Mental Health: The state of a
person’s emotional, social, and behavioral … Mental Health Person/Professional: A
person trained to diagnose and treat emotional … Mental Health Therapist: A person
trained to diagnose and treat emotional or mental … assists
individuals and their families in dealing with social,
emotional … in dealing with the prevention, diagnosis,
and treatment of mental, addictive, and emotional
January 01, 2011 - Two respondents felt that the questionnaire should focus more on the
emotional impact of cancer on … One commented that "the emotional
aspect plays a great deal in the process of getting back into your … Several respondents mentioned talking with social
workers or counselors about their social and emotional … For example, two respondents spoke with social
workers about their social and emotional issues, but
January 01, 2022 - New in 2018, this section assesses the impact of any physical illness, injury, or mental or emotional … New in 2018, this section assesses the impact of any physical illness, injury, or mental or emotional … The Disability Days section assesses the impact of any physical illness, injury, or mental or emotional
January 01, 2022 - A residential facility that provides diagnostic and treatment services to patients with mental or emotional … WORKER –
A person who assists patients and their families in handling social, environmental, and emotional … A residential facility that provides diagnostic and treatment services to patients with mental or emotional … A non-physician who specializes in the counseling and testing of persons with mental, addictive, or emotional … WORKER –
A person who assists patients and their families in handling social, environmental, and emotional
January 01, 2011 - One respondent described lasting effects as "psychological, emotional,
level of pain, inconvenience … to and from
appointments, accompanying them to appointments and treatments, providing moral
or emotional
January 01, 2011 - Your emotional or social needs related to your cancer, its treatment, or the lasting effects of that