August 20, 2018 - Most second victims expressed a need for emotional and informational support. … June 20, 2018
The emotional fallout from the culture of blame and shame.
September 07, 2019 - Common Responses to Involvement in Errors and Adverse Events
Some degree of emotional distress is likely … supporting-involved-health-care-professionals-second-victims-following-adverse-health-event
https://psnet.ahrq.gov/issue/emotional-impact-medical-errors-practicing-physicians-united-states-and-canada … health-care-professionals-second-victims-after-adverse-events-systematic-review
women were more likely to experience emotional … Obtaining
Emotional First
Clinician feels uncertain about who is safe to confide in due to privacy
February 02, 2020 - August 8, 2010
Supporting the emotional well-being of health care workers during the … November 18, 2016
Emotional harm from disrespect: the neglected preventable harm.
February 10, 2021 - The term “ second victims ” describes clinicians who experience emotional or physical distress following … Five main themes were identified: Initial emotional and physical response, the aftermath, long-lasting
May 19, 2021 - Healthcare professionals who experience emotional consequences after adverse events are referred to as … June 5, 2024
Rapid expansion of the Healing Emotional Lives of Peers program during COVID
October 27, 2021 - their counterparts, they were more likely to report unique contributing factors and more long-term emotional … January 18, 2023
Association of open communication and the emotional and behavioural
February 03, 2021 - Clinicians who are involved in a medical error experience considerable emotional distress, shame, and … Interviews with the affected clinicians revealed that the immediate emotional effects were compounded
April 26, 2023 - Nearly three-quarters reported that short staffing played a role in their emotional distress, and half
January 21, 2019 - activities, positive perceptions of teamwork and work-life balance norms and were less likely to report emotional … February 1, 2023
Emotional exhaustion among US health care workers before and during
May 01, 2011 - been on improving systems of care, such systems
include real people, and safety events may take an emotional … One clinician described his second
victim experience as an "emotional tsunami," unlike anything he had … An emotional first aid rapid response team for the clinician is instantaneously deployed to
address … The emotional impact of mistakes on family physicians. Arch Fam Med. 1996;5:71-75. … ("ForYOU
Team" is a rapid response team that provides emotional assistance to clinicians following
October 21, 2020 - May 11, 2022
Attending to the emotional well-being of the health care workforce in a … August 12, 2020
Supporting the emotional well-being of health care workers during the
November 13, 2024 - been on improving systems of care, such systems include real people, and safety events may take an emotional … One clinician described his second victim experience as an "emotional tsunami," unlike anything he had … An emotional first aid rapid response team for the clinician is instantaneously deployed to address the … The emotional impact of mistakes on family physicians. Arch Fam Med. 1996;5:71-75. … ("ForYOU Team" is a rapid response team that provides emotional assistance to clinicians following unexpected
August 21, 2019 - A past PSNet interview discussed the emotional toll of errors on physicians.
June 23, 2021 - The second victim phenomenon refers to the emotional impact adverse events and patient harm can have … August 31, 2016
The experiences of risk managers in providing emotional support for health
June 07, 2018 - suffering-silence-medical-error-and-its-impact-health-care-providers
January 01, 2020 - Incivility and clinical performance, teamwork, and
emotions: a randomized controlled trial.
May 22, 2019
Johnson SL, Haerling KA, Yuwen W, et al. Incivility and Clinical Performance, Teamwork, and Emotions: A
Randomized Controlled Trial. J Nurs Care Qual. 2020;35(1):70-76. doi:10.1097/NCQ.0000000000000407.
conference of physician leaders that will include courses related to patient safety, crisis management, and emotional
September 26, 2016 - Physicians often experience considerable emotional distress, shame, and self-doubt after being involved … In addition to exploring themes around the physician’s emotional growth and professional development,
December 22, 2018 - Respectful Maternity Care and the Potential for Emotional Harm
The patient safety movement more generally … maternity care community specifically, increasingly
recognizes that the experience of care can result in emotional … harm, and that, from the patient and family
perspective, safety encompasses both the physical and emotional … transforming-communication-and-safety-culture-intrapartum-care-multi-organization-blueprint
March 04, 2015 - Committing a medical error can have profound emotional effects on providers, to the point that clinicians