December 01, 2005 - antiretroviral treatment during primary HIV infection is controversial), it caused the patient major emotional
November 04, 2015 - When mistakes happen, quality suffers, and patients suffer emotional, financial, and physical harm.(
September 01, 2008 - His recovery was delayed, and the aspiration event caused significant
emotional distress for his family
December 22, 2018 - regarding the best time to do that) ( 16 ), and support should be offered to address relevant physical, emotional
June 01, 2007 - not able to interpret or follow up on the findings because such findings
may have both physical and emotional
August 21, 2013 - Moreover, patients' physical and
emotional symptoms, the direct effects of medication and treatment,
December 01, 2005 - As a result, there's a strong emotional overlay that goes on with almost
all kinds of issues that otherwise
June 01, 2017 - In Conversation With… Paul Aylin, MBChB
June 1, 2017
In Conversation With… Paul Aylin, MBChB. PSNet [internet]. 2017.
Editor's note: Professor Aylin is Professor of Epidemiology and Public Health at Imperial College London,
where he is also Co-Direc…
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care regimens, which can have significant impact on their financial,
physical, and emotional
December 23, 2020 - learning complex care regimens, which can have significant impact on their financial, physical, and emotional
February 01, 2013 - patient's values and goals of care, their experience of symptoms such as pain or nausea, and their own emotional … July 23, 2014
Association of open communication and the emotional and behavioural impact
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July 18, 2016 - not able to interpret or follow up on the findings because such findings may have both physical and emotional
September 25, 2019 - personal feelings or experiences about something in the situation, such as a patient
demographic feature, emotional
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Supporting the emotional well-being of health care workers during the COVID
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stress, emotional
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advocacy, C would stand for coordination of care, E would stand for emotional
December 14, 2022 - Telehealth and Patient Safety.
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O'Malley G, Shaikh U, Marcin JP. Telehealth and Patient Safety. PSNet [internet]. 2022.
In recent years, telehealth, or the delivery of healthcare over a distance using telecommunications
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