January 01, 2006 - gaze were inhibition of physician engagement in psychosocial question asking (r = -.39, p < .02) and emotional … Gazing at the monitor was inversely related to physician engagement in psychosocial questioning and emotional … responsiveness and to patient limited socio-emotional and psychosocial exchange during the visit. … Screen gaze appears particularly disruptive to psychosocial inquiry and emotional responsiveness, suggesting … associated with diminished levels of medical dialogue overall, and particularly psychosocial and socio-emotional
January 01, 2011 - adolescents visit a health care provider once a year, providing an opportunity to integrate behavioral/emotional … This exploratory project is developing a theoretically-based interactive behavioral/emotional health … Specific Aims:
Develop a theoretically-based interactive behavioral/emotional health module for adolescents
January 01, 2014 - ABSTRACT
Purpose: The primary aims of our research were to: 1) develop an interactive
behavioral/emotional … Methods: In Phase 1, we developed a computerized behavioral/emotional health module that
is acceptable … The primary aims of our research were to:
1) Develop an interactive behavioral/emotional health module … First Overall Primary Aim: Develop an interactive behavioral/emotional health module for
adolescents … Are adolescents being screened for emotional
distress in primary care? J Adolesc Health.
January 01, 2023 - adolescents visit a health care provider once a year, presenting an opportunity to integrate behavioral and emotional … This exploratory project developed an interactive behavioral and emotional health module that was integrated … aims of this project were as follows:
Develop a theoretically based interactive behavioral and emotional … team developed Health e-Check, a tablet screening module covering multiple behavioral risk areas and emotional
January 01, 2023 - RESULTS: Emotional well-being scores improved significantly for the patients of the experimental group … results accompanied by resource and management suggestions can increase physician diagnoses of impaired emotional … influence physician management of functional status problems, and can assist physicians in improving emotional
January 01, 2012 - adolescents visit a health care provider once a year, presenting an opportunity to integrate behavioral and emotional … This exploratory project is developing a theoretically based interactive behavioral and emotional health … Specific Aims:
Develop a theoretically based interactive behavioral and emotional health module for
January 01, 2023 - context: 1) verbally, by adding low, borderline, or high-risk labels to provide context and promote emotional … each scenario, participants responded to a series of questions that measured memory, perceived risk, emotional … However, the enhanced formats did not directly improve emotional response, risk perception, or behavioral … Results also indicated that the CA was as effective as the video for supporting memory and emotional
January 01, 2023 - crucial to reduce medication mishaps and avoid unnecessary readmissions, while also relieving some of the emotional … The PIT program shows promise to greatly reduce hospital readmissions and lessen patient emotional distress … process, presenting challenges that expose the most vulnerable patients to a high risk of complications, emotional … The PIT program shows promise to reduce hospital readmissions, lessen patient emotional distress by proactively
January 01, 2015 - * Yes No
Limitations you have that are due to your emotional health? Yes No
2. … * 1 2 3 4 5 0
Limitations you have that are due to your emotional health? … Good mental HRQoL (MHC >38 and ≤53)
Your emotional health is in the normal range. … Physical health
problems can also make emotional health worse. … There may be things that you can do to improve your emotional health.
January 01, 2011 - adolescents visit a health care provider once a year, providing an opportunity to integrate
behavioral/emotional … This exploratory project is developing a theoretically-based interactive behavioral/emotional health … Specific Aims:
• Develop a theoretically-based interactive behavioral/emotional health module for
September 30, 2023 - approaches at increasing willingness to engage in SDM, because of the superior ability of VR to activate emotional
January 01, 2023 - Post-transplantation patients are generally stable but experience challenges, including emotional impact … the abdominal scar, cognitive impacts from immunosuppressant medications, and both the physical and emotional
January 01, 2020 - process, presenting challenges that expose the most vulnerable patients to a high risk of complications, emotional … The PIT program shows promise to reduce hospital readmissions, lessen patient emotional distress by proactively
January 01, 2012 - adolescents visit a health care provider once a year, presenting an opportunity to
integrate behavioral and emotional … This exploratory project is developing a theoretically based interactive behavioral and emotional health … Specific Aims:
• Develop a theoretically based interactive behavioral and emotional health module for
January 01, 2018 - risk) were added to the message
to provide context for interpreting the specific scores and promote emotional … To capture emotional nuance, each sentence was
assigned positive, neutral and negative labels, based … To synthesize an utterance with a specific emotional valence, the synthesizer placed a
preference on … It is
possible that the emotional nuance was overwhelmed by degraded naturalness of the utterance, or … unit-
selection was unable to capture emotional nuances given the limited corpus.
September 01, 2023 - Empower NICU - A Bridge to Resources for Adjusting and Coping with Emotions (EmBRACE)
Project Description
Research Story
The use of a mobile health application to universally screen and monitor parents of infants in the neonatal intensive care unit for psychological sympt…
July 31, 2024 - Foundation Main Website
· Living with Chronic Pain – treatments, self-management, complementary therapy, emotional
July 31, 2024 - Foundation Main Website
· Living with Chronic Pain – treatments, self-management, complementary therapy, emotional
January 01, 2023 - Geller, Pamela A.
Empower NICU - A Bridge to Resources for Adjusting and Coping with Emotions (EmBRACE)
This research will develop, evaluate, and test the efficacy of Empower NICU – A Bridge to Resources for Adjusting and Coping with Emotions (EmBRACE), a mobile he…
June 06, 2006 - GH) 47.68 62.00 0.03
Vitality (VT) 40.09 49.00 0.20
Social Functioning (SF) 62.39 75.00 0.09
Role Emotional … Patients
Physical Well-Being 28 18.50 20.50 0.19
Social Well-Being 28 22.95 24.35 0.20