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    January 01, 2020 - care (e.g., past due screenings) and enable QI processes • Create existing patient list from electronichealth record system.
    October 01, 2014 - include using tobacco use status stickers on all patient charts or indicating tobacco use status via electronicmedical records or computerized reminder systems.   … documented clearly in the clinical record (e.g., as part of the vital signs, displayed prominently in the electronicmedical record).
    July 01, 2018 - Disaster Alternate Care Facilities: Report and Interactive Tools Chapter 4. Results Previous Page Next Page Table of Contents Disaster Alternate Care Facilities: Report and Interactive Tools Executive Summary Chapter 1. Objectives Chapter 2. Background Chapter 3. Methods Chapter 4. Results…
    June 02, 2016 - AHRQ Medical Office Survey on Patient Safety Culture: User’s Guide USER’S G UIDE MEDICAL OFFICE SURVEY ON PATIE NT SAFETY CULTURE PATIENT SAFETY AHRQ Medical Office Survey on Patient Safety Culture: User’s Guide Prepared for: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality U.S. Departm…
    September 01, 2007 - Final Progress Report: Evaluation of Risk by Active Surveillance in the Emergency Department (ERASED) Principal Investigator: Hall, Kendall K. 7P20HS017111-02 FINAL REPORT Evaluation of Risk by Active Surveillance in the Emergency Department (ERASED) Principal Investigator: Kendall K. Hall, MD, MS (University of …
    January 01, 2024 - Final Progress Report: Evaluation of Risk by Active Surveillance in the Emergency Department (ERASED) Principal Investigator: Hall, Kendall K. 7P20HS017111-02 FINAL REPORT Evaluation of Risk by Active Surveillance in the Emergency Department (ERASED) Principal Investigator: Kendall K. Hall, MD, MS (University of …
    July 01, 2017 - has been a substan- tial increase in the use of health information technology, including the use of electronichealth records, mobile devices, and applications, and the development of large, multisystem research … first consider how a LHS should deal with, man- age, and incorporate proprietary knowledge such as electronichealth records (EHRs), research findings, and patented or trademarked delivery systems.
    January 01, 2011 - Larry Morrissey Sure, one of the things that we were doing at this time is to implement an electronicmedical record, and we’re trying to work towards the goals of meaningful use.
    January 01, 2003 - The Use of Surgical Simulators to Reduce Errors 165 The Use of Surgical Simulators to Reduce Errors Marvin P. Fried, Richard Satava, Suzanne Weghorst, Anthony Gallagher, Clarence Sasaki, Douglas Ross, Mika Sinanan, Hernando Cuellar, Jose I. Uribe, Michael Zeltsan, Harman Arora Abstract The training of…
    January 01, 2025 - patient arrival notification alerts, local and statewide clinical practice guideline dissemination, and electronichealth record (EHR) improvements. … N=29), process mapping (N=4), clinician surveys (N=2), feedback workshops, and extraction from the electronichealth record (EHR). … Quantitative data were obtained from the Electronic Health Record (EHR).
    September 01, 2013 - the assessment(s)  The potential for reimbursement  The health risk questions already in your electronicmedical record  Other quality improvement initiatives that may be ongoing within your practice: … The "meaningful use" regulation for electronic health records. … Harmonized patient-reported data elements in the electronic health record: supporting meaningful use
    August 01, 2017 - general is confusing, several stakeholder groups identified that in regard to medication discrepancies, electronichealth record (EHR) systems that print prescriptions on regular paper make it difficult for patients
    August 01, 2017 - general is confusing, several stakeholder groups identified that in regard to medication discrepancies, electronichealth record (EHR) systems that print prescriptions on regular paper make it difficult for patients
    November 01, 2017 - health record data, it is now more feasible to incorporate clinical characteristics (e.g., laboratory … Additional research using electronic health record databases would substantially add to the literature … The challenge with current studies that use these types of electronic health record data sources is … medical record information across broader patient populations than have been studied using single-system … medical record and other digital sources Hospital clinical and administrative data Hospital
    November 01, 2017 - health record data, it is now more feasible to incorporate clinical characteristics (e.g., laboratory … Additional research using electronic health record databases would substantially add to the literature … The challenge with current studies that use these types of electronic health record data sources is … medical record information across broader patient populations than have been studied using single-system … medical record and other digital sources Hospital clinical and administrative data Hospital
    April 01, 2011 - organizations— including hospitals and outpatient settings—and is compatible with both paper- based and electronicmedical records. … a reminder for all clinicians, make it available at the nurses’ station, incorporate the steps into electronichealth records, or use it as an observation sheet for continual monitoring.
    April 01, 2021 - Preparing a Questionnaire Using the CAHPS Clinician & Group Survey Updated April 2021 Guidelines for Using the CAHPS® Clinician & Group Survey Introduction ............................................................................................ 1 Section 1: Preparing a Questionnaire Using the CAHPS C…
    April 01, 2019 - The health system has been using a single electronic health record (EHR) system since 2016 and has invested
    January 01, 2015 - implementation 14 Design Support Before Appointment Rooming the Patient During the Exam ElectronicHealth Record Reviewing the Medicines • Detailed process for engaging patients in medicine review
    October 01, 2007 - Is Our Pharmacy Meeting Patients' Needs? A Pharmacy Health Literacy Assessment Tool User's Guide Is Our Pharmacy Meeting Patients’ Needs? A Pharmacy Health Literacy Assessment Tool User’s Guide This user’s guide was produced under contract to the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) under Contract No.…

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