February 08, 2023 - Disseminating such information at the point of care, by having the electronic health record (EHR) “push … February 7, 2024
The safety of outpatient health care: review of electronic health records
August 20, 2018 - For example, a common electronic health record (EHR) sepsis alert is based upon meeting at least two
September 13, 2023 - Since January 1, 2011 HomeMeds has served 34,995 individuals aged 60 years and older. ,
Electronic … health record (EHR) integration: Partners in Care is upgrading the software for EHR integration towards
June 28, 2023 - Under Pressure: Tracheostomy Cuff Over Inflation
Leading to Tissue Necrosis and Cuff Rupture
June 28, 2023
Gould E, Carlsen K, Trask J, et al. Under Pressure: Tracheostomy Cuff Over Inflation Leading to Tissue
Necrosis and Cuff Rupture. PSNet [internet]. 2023.
June 01, 2004 - Direct interfacing of LIS to electronic medical record with elimination of printed reports.
June 01, 2005 - However, in our experience, management by phone (or remotely via electronic health record [EHR] systems
March 27, 2024 - healthcare organizations to communicate key information during transitions of
care, either via a shared electronic … health record (EHR) or in a written format attached to the patient’s
discharge summary.
March 01, 2011 - In Conversation with…Vineet Arora, MD, MA
March 1, 2011
In Conversation with…Vineet Arora, MD, MA . PSNet [internet]. 2011.
Editor's note: Vineet Arora, MD, MA, is Associate Program Director for the Internal Medicine Residency
and Assistant Dea…
March 29, 2023 - The Electronic Health Record (EHR) can help clinicians track “suicidal ideation/attempt” on the list
March 28, 2023 - often provided across settings by a network of providers and that specialist that may not have the same electronic … medical record. … Here in the United States, different OB/GYN practices use different electronic medical records (EMRs)
October 01, 2018 - support
tools, most notably alerts that flag patients based upon real-time information in a patient's electronic … health
record (EHR).
February 26, 2025 - The electronic health record (EHR) really changed the balance; it felt like the auditing piece, the measurement
July 08, 2022 - patient only received two doses of androgen deprivation therapy, with no further documentation in the electronic … health record until he was readmitted one year before the current admission.
May 01, 2009 - Missing Trauma
May 1, 2009
Jurkovich GJ. Missing Trauma. PSNet [internet]. 2009.
The Case
A 54-year-old woman collapsed behind the counter of a small neighborhood market. She was discovered a
few minutes later by a customer, who immediately called 911. On arrival, para…
May 01, 2016 - by NIH to look at what he calls a super alarm, which takes into account various parameters from the electronic … health record and lab work and tries to create a predictive algorithm about whether you as a patient
August 04, 2021 - Failure to recognize newly identified aortic dilations in a health care system with an advanced electronic … medical record.
September 01, 2011 - The Safety and Quality of Long Term Care
September 1, 2011
Vogelsmeier AA. The Safety and Quality of Long Term Care. PSNet [internet]. 2011.
Case Objectives
Identify commonly reported adverse events in long-term care.
Identify two to three challenges…
April 28, 2021 - order sets consistent with physiologic
insulin in accordance with ADA guidelines.9 Leveraging the electronic … health record (EHR) to
include order sets for physiologic insulin, with clinical decision support (
April 01, 2019 - How often and through what means (e.g., telephone, in person, electronic
health record) is report given
August 21, 2005 - Ideally, the
WARFDOCs calculator will be integrated into the hospital or outpatient clinic’s electronic … medical record
(EMR) system.