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    March 06, 2013 - Review Improving patient handovers from hospital to primary care: a systematic review. Citation Text: Hesselink G, Schoonhoven L, Barach P, et al. Improving patient handovers from hospital to primary care: a systematic review. Ann Intern Med. 2013;157(6):417. doi:10.7326/0003-4819-157-6-…
    October 14, 2016 - Study Classic Underdiagnosis of dementia: an observational study of patterns in diagnosis and awareness in US older adults. Citation Text: Amjad H, Roth DL, Sheehan OC, et al. Underdiagnosis of Dementia: an Observational Study of Patterns in Diagnosis and Awaren…
    November 28, 2018 - Study Leveraging the science of teamwork to sustain handoff improvements in cardiovascular surgery. Citation Text: Keebler JR, Lynch I, Ngo F, et al. Leveraging the science of teamwork to sustain handoff improvements in cardiovascular surgery. Jt Comm J Qual Patient Saf. 2023;49(8):373-3…
    February 16, 2022 - Study Team cognition in handoffs: relating system factors, team cognition functions and outcomes in two handoff processes. Citation Text: Wooldridge AR, Carayon P, Hoonakker PLT, et al. Team cognition in handoffs: relating system factors, team cognition functions and outcomes in two hand…
    January 17, 2012 - Study Classic Patient safety concerns arising from test results that return after hospital discharge. Citation Text: Roy CL, Poon EG, Karson A, et al. Patient safety concerns arising from test results that return after hospital discharge. Ann Intern Med. 2005;…
    July 07, 2021 - Review Nursing bedside clinical handover—an integrated review of issues and tools. Citation Text: Anderson J, Malone L, Shanahan K, et al. Nursing bedside clinical handover - an integrated review of issues and tools. J Clin Nurs. 2015;24(5-6):662-671. doi:10.1111/jocn.12706. Copy Citat…
    January 23, 2019 - Commentary Implementing online medication reconciliation at a large academic medical center. Citation Text: Bails D, Clayton K, Roy K, et al. Implementing online medication reconciliation at a large academic medical center. Jt Comm J Qual Patient Saf. 2008;34(9):499-508. Copy Citatio…
    December 18, 2024 - Alternate sources of history include friends, family, bystanders, emergency medical services, and the electronichealth record. … In such cases of diagnostic uncertainty, clinical decision-making tools embedded into the electronichealth record, such as the FABS or TM-score, can assist with the diagnostic evaluation.
    June 01, 2005 - Not a Miscarriage Citation Text: Learman LA. Not a Miscarriage. PSNet [internet]. Rockville (MD): Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, US Department of Health and Human Services. 2003. Copy Citation Format: Google Scholar BibTeX EndNote X3 XML EndNote 7 XML Endnote tagged PubMedId RIS …
    October 03, 2023 - March 3, 2010 Cedars-Sinai doctors cling to pen and paper: transition to electronic medicalrecords proves difficult.
    June 22, 2022 - Study A comprehensive estimation of the costs of 30-day postoperative complications using actual costs from multiple, diverse hospitals. Citation Text: Merkow RP, Shan Y, Gupta AR, et al. A comprehensive estimation of the costs of 30-day postoperative complications using actual costs fro…
    March 04, 2015 - Study Design and implementation of an automated email notification system for results of tests pending at discharge. Citation Text: Dalal A, Schnipper JL, Poon EG, et al. Design and implementation of an automated email notification system for results of tests pending at discharge. J Am M…
    August 04, 2021 - Study Remote video auditing with real-time feedback in an academic surgical suite improves safety and efficiency metrics: a cluster randomised study. Citation Text: Overdyk FJ, Dowling O, Newman S, et al. Remote video auditing with real-time feedback in an academic surgical suite improve…
    November 06, 2015 - Commentary Barcoded medication administration: a last line of defense. Citation Text: Cescon DW, Etchells E. Barcoded medication administration: a last line of defense. JAMA. 2008;299(18):2200-2. doi:10.1001/jama.299.18.2200. Copy Citation Format: DOI Google Scholar PubMe…
    October 19, 2022 - Study Evaluation of effectiveness and safety of pharmacist independent prescribers in care homes: cluster randomised controlled trial. Citation Text: Holland R, Bond CM, Alldred DP, et al. Evaluation of effectiveness and safety of pharmacist independent prescribers in care homes: cluster…
    March 02, 2022 - Study Healthcare professionals' perception of safety culture and the Operating Room (OR) Black Box technology before clinical implementation: a cross-sectional survey. Citation Text: Strandbygaard J, Dose N, Moeller KE, et al. Healthcare professionals’ perception of safety culture and th…
    July 19, 2019 - Book/Report Emerging Classic Nurse Staffing Levels, Missed Vital Signs and Mortality in Hospitals: Retrospective Longitudinal Observational Study. Citation Text: Griffiths P, Ball JE, Bloor K, et al. Nurse Staffing Levels, Missed Vital Signs And Mortality In Hos…
    July 31, 2019 - Study The effects of harm events on 30-day readmission in surgical patients. Citation Text: Kandagatla P, Su W-TK, Adrianto I, et al. The effects of harm events on 30-day readmission in surgical patients. J Healthc Qual. 2021;43(2):101-109. doi:10.1097/jhq.0000000000000261. Copy Citati…
    October 09, 2019 - Study Hospital-acquired Conditions Reduction Program, patient safety, and Magnet designation in the United States. Citation Text: Hamadi H, Borkar SR, DHA LRM, et al. Hospital-acquired Conditions Reduction Program, patient safety, and Magnet designation in the United States. J Patient Sa…
    June 08, 2010 - Study Classic Rate of undesirable events at beginning of academic year: retrospective cohort study. Citation Text: Haller G, Myles PS, Taffé P, et al. Rate of undesirable events at beginning of academic year: retrospective cohort study. BMJ. 2009;339:b3974. do…

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