August 06, 2014 - designation is required for a given medication, clinical decision support can be embedded into the electronic … health record (EHR) to help systematize the REMS program requirements ( Figure ). … Example of Clinical Decision Support for REMS-Requiring Medication in Electronic Health Record.
November 04, 2020 - Newspaper/Magazine Article
Using telehealth to revolutionize the speed of making rare disease diagnoses.
Citation Text:
Using telehealth to revolutionize the speed of making rare disease diagnoses. Nothaft W, Moore G, Le Cam Y. STAT. August 27, 2020.
Copy Citation
May 01, 2018 - Regenstrief Institute implemented a new system in
which laboratory and drug data were retrieved from the electronic … medical record at the time of prescribing
to highlight common safety concerns.
September 01, 2016 - Complaints as Safety Surveillance
September 1, 2016
Morris JL, Bismark M. Complaints as Safety Surveillance. PSNet [internet]. 2016.
The Case
A 42-year-old woman presented to the emergency department with abdominal pain. She said the pain
came on sudden…
March 15, 2007 - Moreover, the use of hospital electronic health records (EHR) can
make bedside glucose results available
March 15, 2023 - professional exchanges and handoffs between the ordering clinician, transporter, and receiving clinician, electronic … health record (EHR) and software systems can provide a central dashboard that can be viewed in real-time
September 25, 2024 - The commentary discusses how human factors engineering and electronic health record (EHR) functionalities
September 28, 2010 - Government Resource
VA Health Care: Steps Taken to Improve Practitioner Screening, but Facility Compliance with Screening Requirements is Poor.
Citation Text:
VA Health Care: Steps Taken to Improve Practitioner Screening, but Facility Compliance with Screening Requirements is Poor. W…
June 07, 2008 - Book/Report
Health-Care-Associated Infections in Hospitals: An Overview of State Reporting Programs and Individual Hospital Initiatives to Reduce Certain Infections.
Citation Text:
Health-Care-Associated Infections in Hospitals: An Overview of State Reporting Programs and Individual Ho…
June 13, 2012 - Government Resource
Quality of Care in Cranial Implant Surgeries at James A. Haley VA Medical Center, Tampa, Florida.
Citation Text:
Quality of Care in Cranial Implant Surgeries at James A. Haley VA Medical Center, Tampa, Florida. Washington, DC: VA Office of Inspector General; April 1…
January 01, 2018 - Electronic health records (EHRs) have offered patients unprecedented access to their health information
March 27, 2024 - I see many systems where they say they're taking advantage of the electronic health record (EHR) to implement
June 01, 2016 - In the era of the electronic medical record (EMR), verbal communication is often lacking.
May 31, 2017 - Newspaper/Magazine Article
Maximize benefits of IV workflow management systems by addressing workarounds and errors.
Citation Text:
Maximize benefits of IV workflow management systems by addressing workarounds and errors. ISMP Medication Safety Alert! Acute care edition. September 7, 20…
October 28, 2020 - limitations also
contributed to this patient’s CGM; device data did not interface with the hospital electronic … health
record (EHR), leading to inefficiencies and potential for error.
July 01, 2017 - Although the
positive blood culture was sent to the medical attending's inbox in the electronic health … record, he did not
see the result until well after the patient was discharged.
October 01, 2008 - These recommendations were
documented in her electronic health record, where the team specifically noted
August 04, 2021 - but generally does not see the patient or review the medical record. 33,34 Recent improvements in electronic … medical record systems and increasing use of telehealth services have led to implementation of electronic
October 01, 2017 - However, interdisciplinary
communication and standardized procedures may be supported by a site's electronic … health record (EHR).
September 27, 2023 - modern inpatient care may detract from using iterative hypothesis testing, including such factors as electronic … health record-generated problem lists, less in-person interaction among providers due to technological