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    January 01, 2014 - collected in 22 Effective Health Care Program Research Report Number 43 clinical trials or electronichealth records.
    August 01, 2019 - Health Record Tools: A Pilot Dissemination Project “Screening, Behavioral Counseling, and Referral … Medical Record (EMR) implementation package. … Medical Record; RE-AIM- Reach Effectiveness-Adoption Implementation Maintenance; SRDR- Systematic Review … Medical Record EPC Evidence-based Practice Center EtD Evidence-to-Decision FY Fiscal year GDT … health record.”
  3. DRN: Report 1 (pdf file)
    July 01, 2009 - The routine collection of such data, in the form of electronic medical records (EMRs), administrative … The CCR/CCDs can be exported from a number of proprietary electronic medical record (EMR) formats. … distributed health plans with a combined population of 11+ million members, record linkage systems, electronicmedical records, and access to both clinicians and members. … The datamarts will contain data from a variety of sources, such as electronic medical records, laboratories
    May 01, 2024 - health record (EHR) systems and different organizational contexts. … health record (EHR) interventions decreased opioid prescribing (low SOE) o Patient engagement and … health record interventions (N=15) Figure 7b. … health record systems, and different organizational contexts. … health records, limiting the strength of evidence about improving outcomes.
    October 31, 2013 - AUA is utilizing informaticists to help make guideline statements more actionable and relevant for electronichealth records (EHRs).
    October 24, 2013 - AUA is utilizing informaticists to help make guideline statements more actionable and relevant for electronichealth records (EHRs).
    June 01, 2013 - Medium: One way to increase the accessibility of this resource would be to make it available via electronichealth record (EHR) systems or web-based information platforms used in retail settings.
    May 01, 2012 - • Ability to recruit/availability of data o Retrospective cohort studies of administrative or electronichealth record data, which allows following large numbers of subjects over time. … data sources such as third-party payer (e.g., private health insurance and state Medicaid) databases, electronicmedical records, school records, and large epidemiological studies of children’s health.
    March 03, 2014 - Intervention Interventions that employ QMs, or interventions that examine how documentation (e.g., electronichealth records) affects the use of QMs.
  10. Untitled (pdf file)
    December 23, 2015 - on suicidal behaviors: National Death Index (NDI), Administrative Health Insurance Claims data, and ElectronicMedical Record data. … health record (EHR) systems and patient registries, and the recent passage of the Patient Protection … Evaluation of data completeness in the electronic health record for the purpose of patient recruitment … Review: electronic health records and the reliability and validity of quality measures: a review of
    March 01, 2016 - Lung Cancer Screening: A Clinician's Checklist Lung Cancer Screening: A Clinician’s Checklist Before… During… After… The Clinical Encounter Determine patient’s eligibility. This checklist may be completed with the assistance of a nurse, physician assistant, or other medical assistant. The Clinical Encounter Com…
    March 01, 2016 - Lung Cancer Screening: A Clinician's Checklist Lung Cancer Screening: A Clinician’s Checklist Before… During… After… The Clinical Encounter Determine patient’s eligibility. This checklist may be completed with the assistance of a nurse, physician assistant, or other medical assistant. The Clinical Encounter Com…
    September 01, 2011 - .* This thread includes topics related to comparing alternative redesign strategies—such as using electronicmedical records (EMRs), multidisciplinary treatment, decision support capabilities, and personal health … effective and efficient approaches is particularly important to enhancing interoperability to developing electronichealth records that adequately meet the needs of professionals and patients. 2. … health records, decision support capabilities, and personal health records—for increasing health professionals
    June 02, 2011 - Current Page Topic Timeline Sep. 7, 2010 Topic Initiated Jun. 2, 2011 Research Protocol Jun. 20, 2013 Systematic Review Nov. 5, 2013 Disposition of Comments Report Comparative Effectiveness of Screening for Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) Research Protocol Archived June 2, 2011 Download Main Doc…
    March 01, 2021 - Electronic Health Record (EHR) data often will not contain all the requisite components of an outcome
    March 01, 2021 - Electronic Health Record (EHR) data often will not contain all the requisite components of an outcome
    October 04, 2016 - Intro The introduction (p.8) appropriately notes the potential promise of patient registries and electronichealth record data for data linkage.
    May 01, 2020 - Electronic Health Record (EHR) data often will not contain all the requisite components of an outcome
    May 01, 2020 - Electronic Health Record (EHR) data often will not contain all the requisite components of an outcome
    January 01, 2018 - Three common approaches to using these data to improve performance are electronic health record (EHR … Development and validation of an electronic health record-based chronic kidney disease registry.

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