October 25, 2011 - menopause, retirement); race, ethnicity or cultural group; gender; income, socioeconomic status or educational … Setting:
Any setting
Studies conducted in educational settings or workplaces will be reported with … menopause, retirement); race, ethnicity or cultural group; gender; income, socioeconomic status or educational
January 01, 2020 - menopause,
retirement); race, ethnicity or cultural group; gender; income,
socioeconomic status or educational … Setting: • Any setting
• Studies conducted in educational settings or workplaces will be
reported … menopause, retirement);
race, ethnicity or cultural group; gender; income, socioeconomic status or
January 01, 2007 - Mailed educational pamphlets, programs that identify indicated
medications missing from a patient’s … intensity.55, 56 Notably, there is a dearth of well-
controlled studies on the effectiveness of mailed educational … Impact of educational mailing on the blood pressure of
primary care patients with mild hypertension.
January 01, 2010 - surgery or vaccine
administration, for pharmacologic and other
more sustained interventions such as educational … For example, in a study examining a multivisit
educational intervention for weight loss, the
effect … This may represent an educational weight loss
January 01, 1996 - average primary care practice (e.g., group counseling, role-playing, videotape programs, or multiple educational … reduce risk of HIV or other STDs. 109-111 Clinicians can help promote behavior change by reinforcing educational … A pilot study of the navy's educational program on venereal disease.
December 01, 2019 - menopause, retirement); race, ethnicity or cultural group; gender; income, socioeconomic status or educational … Setting:
Any setting
Studies conducted in educational settings or workplaces will be reported … menopause, retirement); race, ethnicity or cultural group; gender; income, socioeconomic status or educational
January 01, 2020 - menopause,
retirement); race, ethnicity or cultural group; gender; income,
socioeconomic status or educational … Setting: • Any setting
• Studies conducted in educational settings or workplaces will be
reported … menopause, retirement);
race, ethnicity or cultural group; gender; income, socioeconomic status or
January 01, 2024 - As a ‘point of care’ intervention, the need for ‘post-visit’ reinforcement of the safe use educational … provider-facing
functions were ‘turned on,’ and their patients were eligible to receive two of the educational … These educational messages focused on safe use, side effects, and safe behaviors related to
January 01, 2023 - allowed patients to enter notes, triggers and peak flow values; view their data as a graph;
and watch educational … Third,
the screener was displayed in the app landing page alongside educational material about COVID … Non-digital recruitment methods that address racial and educational disparities and
less active portal
January 01, 2007 - Mailed educational pamphlets, programs that identify indicated
medications missing from a patient’s … intensity.55, 56 Notably, there is a dearth of well-
controlled studies on the effectiveness of mailed educational … Impact of educational mailing on the blood pressure of
primary care patients with mild hypertension.
January 01, 2024 - Consumers are the primary audience for the educational and decision
facilitation products. … The four employers vary in their industries and in the educational
backgrounds of their employees. … Employers are trying to accomplish multiple educational activities with
limited resources.
January 01, 2024 - minority group
in Somalia; literacy level is lower than that of the larger Somali population, as
educational … pertaining to infectious disease, childbirth, female circumcision, and/or the
development/assessment of educational … presumably associated with greater Western acculturation, including changing gender
roles, empowerment, and educational
March 12, 2019 - CHIPRA 201: Section 2, Technical Specifications
This measure assesses the percentage of children, ages 1 through 17 years old with asthma
of any severity, who are prescribed and dispensed a new medication delivery device and have
documentation of the child or caregiver receiving education in in proper use…
March 12, 2019 - CHIPRA 201: Section 2, Technical Specifications
This measure assesses the percentage of children, ages 1 through 17 years old with asthma
of any severity, who are prescribed and dispensed a new medication delivery device and have
documentation of the child or caregiver receiving education in in proper use…
March 12, 2019 - CHIPRA 201: Section 2, Technical Specifications
This measure assesses the percentage of children, ages 1 through 17 years old with asthma
of any severity, who are prescribed and dispensed a new medication delivery device and have
documentation of the child or caregiver receiving education in in proper use…
March 12, 2019 - CHIPRA 201: Section 2, Technical Specifications
This measure assesses the percentage of children, ages 1 through 17 years old with asthma
of any severity, who are prescribed and dispensed a new medication delivery device and have
documentation of the child or caregiver receiving education in in proper use…
March 12, 2019 - CHIPRA 201: Section 2, Technical Specifications
This measure assesses the percentage of children, ages 1 through 17 years old with asthma
of any severity, who are prescribed and dispensed a new medication delivery device and have
documentation of the child or caregiver receiving education in in proper use…
March 12, 2019 - CHIPRA 201: Section 2, Technical Specifications
This measure assesses the percentage of children, ages 1 through 17 years old with asthma
of any severity, who are prescribed and dispensed a new medication delivery device and have
documentation of the child or caregiver receiving education in in proper use…
March 12, 2019 - CHIPRA 201: Section 2, Technical Specifications
This measure assesses the percentage of children, ages 1 through 17 years old with asthma
of any severity, who are prescribed and dispensed a new medication delivery device and have
documentation of the child or caregiver receiving education in in proper use…
March 12, 2019 - CHIPRA 201: Section 2, Technical Specifications
This measure assesses the percentage of children, ages 1 through 17 years old with asthma
of any severity, who are prescribed and dispensed a new medication delivery device and have
documentation of the child or caregiver receiving education in in proper use…