
Total Results: 512 records

Showing results for "educational".

  1. Sb7
    June 08, 2021 - (Figure 1)

    Educational status and gender were key factors related to smoking status. … Percent of persons 18 or older who smoke by educational status sb007f2.gif sb007f2.gif … Percent of persons 18 or older who smoke by educational status Adults with less than a high school
    June 01, 2016 - Educational attainment Nationally in 2013, uninsured rates were lower for adults with higher levels … of educational attainment (figure 5). … rates declined for all education categories but the decline was smaller among those with the highest educational … compared to those in other education categories, narrowing the differences between those with less educational … 2014 for adults in all education groups in both state categories, except for adults with the highest educational
    August 01, 2017 - Educational attainment Nationally, uninsured rates in 2013 were lower for adults with higher levels … of educational attainment (figures 9 and 10). … percentage point differences between adults with a college degree or more and those in all three other educational … point differences in uninsured rates between adults with a college degree or more and those with less educational … Percentage of non-elderly adults ages 18-64, who were uninsured for the entire calendar year, by educational
    June 01, 2016 - Educational attainment Nationally in 2013, uninsured rates were lower for adults with higher levels of … educational attainment (figure 5). … rates declined for all education categories but the decline was smaller among those with the highest educational … compared to those in other education categories, narrowing the differences between those with less educational … 2014 for adults in all education groups in both state categories, except for adults with the highest educational
    January 01, 2002 - (Figure 1) Educational status and gender were key factors related to smoking status. … Percent of persons 18 or older who smoke by educational status Less than 12 years 12 years Greater
    January 01, 2002 - (Figure 1) Educational status and gender were key factors related to smoking status. … Percent of persons 18 or older who smoke by educational status Less than 12 years 12 years Greater
    February 03, 2021 - It compares men and women, as well as women of different racial/ethnic groups, income levels, and educational
    June 01, 2007 -

    Educational level
    The likelihood of having a breast exam within the past two years …

    Educational level was also found to be related to receiving mammograms within the last two years …

    Educational level
    Educational level indicates a persons number of years of education
    June 01, 2007 - Educational level The likelihood of having a breast exam within the past two years increased with … Educational level was also found to be related to receiving mammograms within the last two years. … Educational level Educational level indicates a persons number of years of education at the time
    June 01, 2007 - Educational level The likelihood of having a breast exam within the past two years increased with education … Educational level was also found to be related to receiving mammograms within the last two years. … Educational level Educational level indicates a person’s number of years of education at the time of
    June 01, 2007 - Educational level The likelihood of having a breast exam within the past two years increased with … Educational level was also found to be related to receiving mammograms within the last two years. … Educational level Educational level indicates a persons number of years of education at the time
    December 02, 2004 - presents estimates on the percentage of adults with diagnosed hypertension by gender, race/ethnicity, age, educational
    August 25, 2009 - MEPS indicate that demographic characteristics such as age, race/ethnicity, sex, health status, and educational
    March 01, 2011 - presents estimates on the percentage of adults with diagnosed hypertension by gender, race/ethnicity, age, educational
    June 01, 2007 - Educational level Women age 18-64 who were less educated were more likely not to have received a Pap … Educational level Educational level indicates a persons number of years of education at the time of
    June 01, 2007 - Educational level Women age 18-64 who were less educated were more likely not to have received a Pap … Educational level Educational level indicates a persons number of years of education at the time of
    August 01, 2017 - Educational attainment Nationally, "ever uninsured" rates in 2013 were lower for adults with higher … levels of educational attainment (figures 9 and 10). … narrowed the differences in rates between adults in the highest education group and those in all other educational … education, there was no significant narrowing in differences in rates between adults in the highest educational … Percentage of non-elderly adults ages 18-64, who were ever uninsured during the calendar year, by educational
    June 01, 2007 -

    Educational level
    Women age 18-64 who were less educated were more likely not to …

    Educational level
    Educational level indicates a persons number of years of education
    March 01, 2014 - The rate at which children visited a dentist was also related to the educational level of parents. … Educational level The educational level of parents was measured by the reported highest grade of schooling
    June 01, 2011 - The rate at which children visited a dentist for routine dental checkups was also related to the educationalEducational level The educational level of parents was measured by the reported highest grade of schooling

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