
Total Results: 1,273 records

Showing results for "educational".

  1. 04-E029-1 Summary (pdf file)
    January 01, 2015 - There was insufficient evidence to support any specific hospital- or community- based educational or … Educational programs varied from those that provided information packages to direct teaching by subspecialty … medical-focused manuals, rehabilitation and lifestyle information, videotapes, and telephone-based educational … Two examples of components suited for focused study are the role of health-related educational efforts
    November 15, 2011 - neglect (act of omission) Defined as failure to provide for a child’s basic physical, emotional, or educational … This includes physical neglect, emotional neglect, medical/dental neglect, educational neglect, inadequate … of harm to a child Child neglect : failure to provide for a child’s basic physical, emotional, or educational … harm to a child) and child neglect (failure to provide for a child’s basic physical, emotional, or educational
    April 16, 2019 - Characteristics of Asthma Self-Management Education Packages Timeline March 05, 2019 Topic Initiated April 16, 2019 Research Protocol Characteristics of Existing Asthma Self-Management Education Packages April 27, 2020 Technical Brief …
    January 22, 2010 - brain function, including results from magnetic resonance imaging or electroencephalogram) or basic educational … databases (Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health (CINAHL), the Cochrane Library, PSYCINFO, and the EducationalEducational attainment but not literacy is associated with HIV risk behavior among incarcerated women … Literacy-appropriate educational materials and brief counseling improve diabetes self-management.
    February 01, 2022 - For the purposes of this project, the term “resources” includes long-term followup guidelines; educational
    January 01, 2016 - respiratory tract infections, prior use of antibiotics, age, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and educational … We grouped interventions by their components into the following five categories: • Educational/behavioral … frailty, comorbidity), prior RTIs, prior use of antibiotics, age, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and educational … frailty, comorbidity], prior RTIs, prior use of antibiotics, age, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and educational … Local tailoring was typically done for educational interventions (e.g., using ethnically sensitive materials
    September 02, 2016 - Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics. 1996;21(4):299-332. 8. … Educational achievement 4.
    August 01, 2012 - The intervention itself included a workshop and feedback sessions for providers and educational materials … were of interest in all three, but interim analyses were also performed based on sex,25 income,13 and educational
  9. Slide 1 (pdf file)
    May 18, 2012 - Slide 1 Educating Session Participants Susan Dorr Goold, MD, MHSA, MA Professor of Internal Medicine and Health Management and Policy University of Michigan 1 Educating Session Participants • Deliberative procedures usually inform, educate participants • Materials should be …
    June 05, 2014 - Race or ethnicity and socioeconomic considerations including literacy, educational levels, and household … guidelines and recommendations for diabetes self-management education has shifted from traditional didactic educational … Many previous systematic reviews on topics relevant to this review have included studies of didactic educational … behavior change technology, social media); d) degree of tailoring based on needs assessment (e.g., educational … Meta-analysis of randomized educational and behavioral interventions in type 2 diabetes.
    June 05, 2014 - Race or ethnicity and socioeconomic considerations including literacy, educational levels, and household … guidelines and recommendations for diabetes self- management education has shifted from traditional didactic educational … Many previous systematic reviews on topics relevant to this review have included studies of didactic educational … behavior change technology, social media); d) degree of tailoring based on needs assessment (e.g., educational … Meta-analysis of randomized educational and behavioral interventions in type 2 diabetes.
    July 01, 2020 - organizations may use research reviews to develop clinical practice guidelines, performance measures, educational
    June 17, 2014 - There is a brief reference to educational planning as these adolescent progresses through their secondary … Although we agree that a comprehensive approach may include referrals, educational, and occupational … in the technical report) includes a brief, but very informative description of transition (as an educational … Commentator & Affiliation Section Comment Response Reviewer 2 (TEP) Findings The section on educational … I was pleased to see references to other forms of educational materials such as cell phone apps, internet
    December 10, 2021 - A randomized controlled study of two educational interventions on adherence with oral contraceptives … appointment at the initial visit, while those in the clinic intervention also received individual educational … A randomized controlled study of two educational interventions on adherence with oral contraceptives … Planned parenthood releases new educational video on telemedicine abortion. 2018. … about-us/newsroom/press- releases/planned-parenthood- releases-new-educational-video-on
    January 01, 2020 - menopause, retirement); race, ethnicity or cultural group; gender; income, socioeconomic status or educational … Setting: • Any setting • Studies conducted in educational settings or workplaces will be reported … menopause, retirement); race, ethnicity or cultural group; gender; income, socioeconomic status or educational
    October 01, 2019 - health providers (Mayo Clinic) and (5) a designer with expertise in developing communication tools and educational
    January 12, 2012 - neglect (act of omission) Defined as failure to provide for a child’s basic physical, emotional, or educational … This includes physical neglect, emotional neglect, medical/dental neglect, educational neglect, inadequate … harm to a child  Child neglect: failure to provide for a child’s basic physical, emotional, or educational … harm to a child) and child neglect (failure to provide for a child’s basic physical, emotional, or educational
    June 01, 2014 - reports were fundamental because the reports were extremely descriptive, comprehensive, informative and educational … The education component of her position includes the development of educational activities,  coordination … Goolsby, I wonder have you all, since you are responsible in your role for development of a lot of educational
    September 01, 2014 - Your school district or learning center may have other names for these educational approaches, so you
    January 01, 2013 - 3 Public deliberation brings diverse public perspectives together; provides information such as educational

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