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Showing results for "educational".

    January 01, 2012 - Feasibility of a Touch Screen Computer Based Breastfeeding Educational Support - 2012 … Project Name Feasibility of a Touch Screen Computer Based Breastfeeding Educational Support … The educational material is delivered using a variety of multimedia formats and includes combinations … (Ongoing) Pilot test the acceptance of a computer-based breastfeeding educational support program and
    January 01, 2023 - To examine the effect of educational information in vaccine reminder text messages to patients’ families … One group received conventional text message vaccine reminders, while another group received educational … Subsequent texts included educational information targeted to the stage of decision making. … Stockwell Customized text messages providing educational information To examine the effect of educational … Subsequent texts included educational information targeted to the stage of decision making.
    January 01, 2010 - The goal of this project is to develop and evaluate the first theory-based online health educational … ' preferences for online learning about health topics to inform the design of an interactive online educational … The use of the interactive educational program will be compared to educational materials that are not … The project will result in a theory-based educational program developed with the cooperation and advice … older adults' preferences for online learning about health. ( Ongoing ) Develop an interactive online educational
    January 01, 2023 - Center, CUNY Feasibility of a Touch Screen Computer Based Breastfeeding Educational … Support Description This project evaluated a bilingual touchscreen educational program about
    May 24, 2011 - literacy concepts  Problems addressed: patient safety, compliance and health literacy  End product: educational … joint development and review of patient education materials  Principles of ISO 9001 Features of Educational … Principles in Action  Feedback and continuous quality improvement  Controlled document format of educational … materials  Repetition of the educational message to patients across community  Bottom-up approach … Design… Features of Educational Product… Education Deliverables ISO 9001 Principles in Action
    January 01, 2010 - The goal of this project is to develop and evaluate the first theory-based online health educational … preferences for online learning about health topics to inform the design of an interactive online educational … The use of the interactive educational program will be compared to educational materials that are not … The project will result in a theory-based educational program developed with the cooperation and advice … (Ongoing) •   Develop an interactive online educational program to teach older adults to improve their
    January 01, 2023 - Windle, John Feasibility of a Touch Screen Computer Based Breastfeeding Educational … Joshi, Ashish Project Name Feasibility of a Touch Screen Computer Based Breastfeeding Educational
    January 01, 2011 - The goal of this project is to develop and evaluate the first theory-based online health educational … ' preferences for online learning about health topics to inform the design of an interactive online educational … The use of this program will be compared to a program of educational materials, developed by the National … The project will result in a theory-based educational program developed with the cooperation and advice … (Achieved) Develop an interactive online educational program to teach older adults to improve their
    January 01, 2023 - Implementation Grants A hospital-randomized controlled trial of an educational … A hospital-randomized controlled trial of an educational quality improvement intervention in rural and … Using IT A hospital-randomized controlled trial of a formal quality improvement educational … A hospital-randomized controlled trial of a formal quality improvement educational program in rural and
    January 01, 2023 - read about other clinics like yours that have implemented health IT ( Others' Experiences ) select educational … presentations to use in your clinic ( Educational Presentations ) or read summaries of peer-reviewed … [Get examples for assessing workflow] [Get educational presentations]
    September 03, 2021 - innovative intervention that integrates active engagement of children and caregivers, patient-centered educational … TEACHH is designed to provide an effective educational platform appropriate for all health literacy levels … B y incorporating evidence-based educational strategies with telemedicine-enhanced communication, TEACHH … If successful, this model of educational support could be applied broadly to reach children with asthma
    January 01, 2023 - Maternal-Fetal Care Feasibility of a Touch Screen Computer Based Breastfeeding Educational … Feasibility of a Touch Screen Computer Based Breastfeeding Educational Support - Final Report. … Joshi, Ashish Project Name Feasibility of a Touch Screen Computer Based Breastfeeding Educational
    January 01, 2011 - The goal of this project is to develop and evaluate the first theory-based online health educational … preferences for online learning about health topics to inform the design of an interactive online educational … The use of this program will be compared to a program of educational materials, developed by the National … The project will result in a theory- based educational program developed with the cooperation and advice … (Achieved) • Develop an interactive online educational program to teach older adults to improve their
    January 01, 1995 - to develop, implement, and evaluate a comprehensive, computer-based preventive services delivery and educational … "develop, implement, and evaluate a comprehensive, computer-based preventive services delivery and educational … preventative services per age and sex group" was already in place The system also provided patient educational
    January 01, 2023 - Patient Education The aim of this study was to assess whether or not an interactive educational … The educational program chosen as the experiment intervention was an interactive, Internet-based program … To avoid bias, both groups were administered the test prior to the study group receiving the educational
    January 01, 2012 - ’ preferences for online learning about health topics to inform the design of an interactive online educational … The use of “Your health online” was compared to a program of educational materials developed by the National … The project resulted in a theory-based educational program developed with cooperation and advice from … (Achieved)  Develop an interactive online educational program to teach older adults to improve their … (Achieved)  2012 Activities:  The team finalized the Your health online: Guiding eSearches educational
    January 01, 2008 - After collecting data, an educational and implementation strategy was developed. … The customized educational courses that were created included continuing education (CE) and continuing … Of the 210 direct care providers, 198 attended educational seminars and received CE or CME credit. … hospitals in Mississippi. ( Achieved ) Identify barriers to implementation of health IT, including educational … epidemiology and root cause of medical errors and ADEs in small, rural hospitals. ( Achieved ) Formulate educational
    January 01, 2023 - Knee Comparison of an artificial intelligence-enabled patient decision aid vs educational … Comparison of an artificial intelligence-enabled patient decision aid vs educational material on decision
    January 01, 2006 - Workflow-Related Findings The project workstations "were being used for reference and educational … indicated that the computers were being used to make informed health care decisions as well as for educational … stated that the computers were being used for 'research by our medical staff and students to provide educational
    January 01, 2009 - After collecting data, an educational and implementation strategy was developed. … The customized educational courses that were created included continuing education (CE) and continuing … Of the 210 direct care providers, 198 attended educational seminars and received CE or CME credit. … (Achieved)  Identify barriers to implementation of health IT, including educational, cultural, technological … (Achieved)  Formulate educational and continuous quality improvement (CQI) strategies that are specific

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