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  1. Wp Jun2005 Akt (pdf file)
    June 01, 2005 - Women with more than 12 years of education had a higher probability of using any medical care (93%) … Women with higher education (97%) were also more likely to report using preventive health services … than women with 12 years of education (92%) 7 and those with less than 12 years of education (90% … ($2892) than did women who had less than 12 years of education ($3928). … In comparison to women with higher education women with less education had a significantly higher proportion
    May 01, 2014 - Non-elderly adults with less education were more likely to remain uninsured or lose private coverage … Alternatively, non-elderly adults uninsured in the first part of 2012 with 13 or more years of education … addition, non- elderly adults privately insured in the first part of 2012 with 13 or more years of educationEducation Education was defined as years of school completed at the end of 2009 and at the end of 2011 … Transitions in health insurance coverage by education: 2012–2013* 85.5% 3.4% 11.0% 0-11 years
    May 01, 2014 - Non-elderly adults with less education were more likely to remain uninsured or lose private coverage … Alternatively, non-elderly adults uninsured in the first part of 2012 with 13 or more years of education … addition, non-elderly adults privately insured in the first part of 2012 with 13 or more years of educationEducation Education was defined as years of school completed at the end of 2009 and at the end of 2011 … Transitions in health insurance coverage by education: 2012-2013* Some private 2012 0-11 years
    May 01, 1997 - living in families with adults who had less than a high school education … percent of children living in families where adults had completed 12 years of education … percent of children living in families where adults had more than 12 years of education … Highest Education of Any Adult Family Member and Health Insurance Status of Children … Highest Education of Any Adult Family Member and Health Insurance Status
    July 01, 2005 - attitudes in 2002 by selected demographic and socioeconomic characteristics (age, race/ethnicity, sex, education

    Education. … Adults with fewer than 12 years of education were more likely than persons with 12 or more years … of education to feel they were healthy and did not need health insurance (12.2 percent versus about … Further, adults with more than 12 years of education were slightly less likely to agree that "health
    July 01, 2005 - various demographic and socioeconomic characteristics (age, race/ethnicity, sex, insurance status, education … 1987 and 2002, persons age 65 and over, minorities, females, per­ sons with fewer than 12 years of education … (figure 3) Education In both 1987 and 2002, adults with fewer than 12 years of education were slightly … Comparing 1987 with 2002, there was a decline of more than 50 percent in this percentage across all education … , and family income, 1987 and 2002 1987 2002 100 Insurance status Education Family income 80
    June 01, 2009 - Lower levels of education were also found to be associated with being uninsured all year in the young … Educational status Measured as the highest level of education each individual has attained, as of the … of education … – High school graduate—having 12 years of education. … – At least some college—having more than 12 years of education.
    August 01, 2009 - Lower levels of education were also found to be associated with being uninsured all year in workers … Workers who had less than a high school education were about twice as likely as those who graduated … of education … – High school graduate—having 12 years of education. … Percentage of full year uninsured working adults ages 19–64, by race/ethnicity, sex, and education
    July 17, 2012 - Education: In 2008–2009, adults with a high school education (4.5 percent) and adults with at least … Education :   In 2008–2009, adults with less than high school education were less likely (52.6 percent … Education : In 2008–2009, adults with at least some college education were less likely (56.5 percent … Education :  During the period 2008–2009, adults with at least some college education were less … Education: All adults (those age 18 and older) were assigned the number of years of education
    July 17, 2012 - Education: In 2008–2009, adults with a high school education (4.5 percent) and adults with at least … Education :   In 2008–2009, adults with less than high school education were less likely (52.6 percent … Education : In 2008–2009, adults with at least some college education were less likely (56.5 percent … Education :  During the period 2008–2009, adults with at least some college education were less … Education: All adults (those age 18 and older) were assigned the number of years of education
    July 17, 2012 - Education: In 2008–2009, adults with a high school education (4.5 percent) and adults with at least some … Education: In 2008–2009, adults with less than high school education were less likely (52.6 percent … Education: In 2008–2009, adults with at least some college education were less likely (56.5 percent) … than adults with less than high school education (68.6 percent) or adults with high school educationEducation: During the period 2008–2009, adults with at least some college education were less likely
    March 01, 2014 - higher rates than those whose parents had completed high school or attained less than a high school education … Children whose parents had some college education made dental visits at higher rates (56.2 percent) than … Percentage of children (ages 2-17) with at least one dental visit, by parents' education level, 2011 … By education level Less than high school Completed high school Some college Percentage … with at least one dental visit, by parents' education level 40.1 40.5 56.2 Source: Center
    January 01, 2004 - In 2004, dental coverage varied by age, family income, race/ethnicity, and education. … In 2004, dental coverage varied by age, family income, race/ethnicity and education. … Education Education* is expressed in terms of years or formal education. … education *For children 20 years of age and younger, education refers to a caregiver’s (parent or … guardian) education.
    August 01, 2017 - In 2014 and then again in 2015, uninsured rates declined for each education category (p < 0.10 for the … Between 2013 and 2014, uninsured rates declined for adults in all education groups in both state categories … The only exception was for adults with some college education in 2015. … or more and (1) those with some college education (in 2014 and 2015, p < 0.10 for 2015), and (2) those … Education Information on the highest level of schooling completed or the highest degree received by
    June 01, 2016 - In 2014, uninsured rates declined for all education categories but the decline was smaller among those … with the highest educational attainment compared to those in other education categories, narrowing the … lower in states that expanded Medicaid than in non-expansion states for non-elderly adults in each education … There was a significant decrease in 2014 for adults in all education groups in both state categories, … Education Information on the highest level of schooling completed or the highest degree received by
    June 01, 2005 - Women with more than 12 years of education had a higher probability of using any medical care (93%) … Women with higher education (97%) were also more likely to report using preventive health services … than women with 12 years of education (92%) 6 and those with less than 12 years of education … ($2892) than did women who had less than 12 years of education ($3928). … In comparison to women with higher education women with less education had a significantly higher proportion
    July 01, 2004 - Estimates were examined by age, race/ethnicity, sex, marital status, health insurance coverage, educationEducation As educational level increased, the proportion of people with workdays lost increased … of people with more than high school education (Table 1). … school education had 13.7 workdays lost (Table 2). … Education Respondents were asked to report the years of date of the interviews.
    April 01, 2010 - Data are provided by age, race/ethnicity, education, family income, and health insurance status. … Education. … Education when first entered survey Classifications by education when first entered the survey are based … Education when first entered survey is based on the first round in which the number of years of education … Percentage unable to get or delayed in getting needed care by education for persons ages 18+, 2007
    April 01, 2010 - Data are provided by age, race/ethnicity, education, family income, and health insurance status. …

    Education. …

    Education when first entered survey
    Classifications by education when first entered … Education when first entered survey is based on the first round in which the number of years of education … Percentage unable to get or delayed in getting needed care by education for persons ages 18+, 2007
    April 01, 2010 - Data are provided by age, race/ethnicity, education, family income, and health insurance status. … Education . … Education when first entered survey Classifications by education when first entered the survey are … Education when first entered survey is based on the first round in which the number of years of education … Percentage unable to get or delayed in getting needed care by education for persons ages 18+, 2007

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