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    January 01, 2004 - Adults with higher levels of education (some college) were the least likely to be obese (20.8 percent … The variables of interest include sex, race/ethnicity, education level, and poverty and health insurance … Education Individuals with higher levels of education (some college) were the least likely to be obese … Education level Respondents were asked to report the highest grade or year of schooling ever completed … Percentage of obese adults, age 20-64, U.S. noninstitutionalized population, by education level, 1987
    January 01, 2004 - Adults with higher levels of education (some college) were the least likely to be obese (20.8 percent … The variables of interest include sex, race/ethnicity, education level, and poverty and health insurance … Education Individuals with higher levels of education (some college) were the least likely to be obese … Education level Respondents were asked to report the highest grade or year of schooling ever completed … Percentage of obese adults, age 20-64, U.S. noninstitutionalized population, by education level, 1987
    November 01, 2006 - likelihood of a child living with an adult smoker generally declined as family income and adult education … co-residing family (number of adults, poverty status, geographic location of residence, highest adult education … The likelihood of a child living with an adult smoker generally declined as family income and adult education … (24.8 percent) than in families where no adult had 13 or more years of education (39.7 percent). … with children) were imputed using selected correlates of adult smoking status (e.g., age, gender, education
    April 20, 2021 - Education Education was coded based on the data regarding the highest degree obtained and years of … education completed. … (or, if highest degree was missing, then 12 years of education) were coded as high school or GED. … We excluded from estimates by education level the small number of cases missing education data (see … Influenza vaccination estimates by education level excluded the 0.6% of the sample with missing education
    June 01, 2007 - A higher percentage of women with less than high school education reported not having received a Pap … Educational level Educational level indicates a persons number of years of education at the time of … the first MEPS interview: Less than high school = Less than 12 years of education High school graduate … = Completed 12 years of education At least some college = More than 12 years of education Within … Percentage of women age 18-64 without Pap test screening in the past three years, by education, 2005
    June 01, 2007 - A higher percentage of women with less than high school education reported not having received a Pap … Educational level Educational level indicates a persons number of years of education at the time of … the first MEPS interview: Less than high school = Less than 12 years of education High school graduate … = Completed 12 years of education At least some college = More than 12 years of education Within … Percentage of women age 18-64 without Pap test screening in the past three years, by education, 2005
    May 01, 1997 - metropolitan statistical areas, and those living in families with adults who had less than a high school education … High school diploma Less than high school education Figure 3. … Highest Education of Any Adult Family Member and Health Insurance Status of Children: First Half of 1996 … In comparison, 19 percent of children living in families where adults had completed 12 years of education … and less than 11 percent of children living in families where adults had more than 12 years of education
    June 01, 2007 - A higher percentage of women with less than high school education reported not having received a Pap … Educational level Educational level indicates a person’s number of years of education at the time of … the first MEPS interview: - Less than high school = Less than 12 years of education - High school … graduate = Completed 12 years of education - At least some college = More than 12 years of education … Percentage of women age 18-64 without Pap test screening in the past three years, by education, 2005
    July 01, 2005 - person decreased substantially across all categories of age, race/ethnicity, sex, insurance status, education … both 1987 and 2002, persons age 65 and over, minorities, females, persons with fewer than 12 years of education … various demographic and socioeconomic characteristics (age, race/ethnicity, sex, insurance status, education … (figure 3)

    In both 1987 and 2002, adults with fewer than 12 years … of education were slightly less likely to feel they could overcome illness without help than adults with
    June 01, 2007 - A higher percentage of women with less than high school education reported not having received a Pap …

    Educational level
    Educational level indicates a persons number of years of education
  11. High school graduate = Completed 12 years of education
  12. At least some college = More … than 12 years of education
  13. Within the last three years
    This refers to the three … Percentage of women age 18-64 without Pap test screening in the past three years, by education, 2005
    January 01, 2006 - The level of parent's education was significantly associated with children usually obtaining routine … Education level A person's educational attainment was indicated as the number of completed years of … education: 1) Less than high school (persons with fewer than 12 completed years of education), 2) high … school graduate (persons with exactly 12 completed years of education), and 3) at least some college … (persons with greater than 12 completed years of education).
    January 01, 2006 - The level of parent’s education was significantly associated with children usually obtaining routine … In general, a higher level of parental education was associated with an increased likelihood that a … Education level A person’s educational attainment was indicated as the number of completed years of … education: 1) Less than high school (persons with fewer than 12 completed years of education), 2) high … (persons with greater than 12 completed years of education).
    January 01, 2006 - The level of parent's education was significantly associated with children usually obtaining routine … Education level A person's educational attainment was indicated as the number of completed years of … education: 1) Less than high school (persons with fewer than 12 completed years of education), 2) high … school graduate (persons with exactly 12 completed years of education), and 3) at least some college … (persons with greater than 12 completed years of education).
    March 01, 2006 - were more likely (49.8 percent) to use a diuretic than those with a high school education (43.4 percent … ) or those with some college education (44.6 percent). …

    In 2003, 49.8 percent of adults with less than a high school education who were reported … This was higher than the proportion for adults with a high school education (43.4 percent) and adults … with at least some college education (44.6 percent).
    January 01, 2003 - 01020304050 Percentage Family incomeas of 2001AgeRace/ethnicitySexInsurance status(ages 18–64 only)Education … 2001 Percentage Family income as of 2001 Age Race/ethnicity Sex Insurance status (ages 18–64 only) Education … 01020304050 Percentage Family incomeas of 2010AgeRace/ethnicitySexInsurance status(ages 18-64 only)Education … 2011 Percentage Family income as of 2010 Age Race/ethnicity Sex Insurance status (ages 18-64 only) Education … insurance is not worth the cost, by selected characteristics, 2001 Percentage Age Race/ethnicity Sex Education
    January 01, 2006 -

    Education level
    A person's educational attainment was indicated as the number … of completed years of education: 1) Less than high school (persons with fewer than 12 completed years … of education), 2) high school graduate (persons with exactly 12 completed years of education), and 3 … ) at least some college (persons with greater than 12 completed years of education). … For this analysis, the parents' education level was based on the highest educational attainment level
    June 01, 2016 - Education Among adults who were uninsured in 2013, those with a high-school diploma or GED or less … education were less likely than adults with more education to gain any insurance coverage in 2014 (27.0 … In 2014, previously uninsured adults with a high-school education or less were less likely to enroll … Further, among adults with insurance in 2013, those with a high-school diploma/ GED or less education … and 2) some college or more education.
    March 01, 2006 - were more likely (49.8 percent) to use a diuretic than those with a high school education (43.4 percent … ) or those with some college education (44.6 percent). … In 2003, 49.8 percent of adults with less than a high school education who were reported as receiving … This was higher than the proportion for adults with a high school education (43.4 percent) and adults … with at least some college education (44.6 percent).
    March 01, 2006 - were more likely (49.8 percent) to use a diuretic than those with a high school education (43.4 percent … ) or those with some college education (44.6 percent). … In 2003, 49.8 percent of adults with less than a high school education who were reported as receiving … This was higher than the proportion for adults with a high school education (43.4 percent) and adults … with at least some college education (44.6 percent).
  • Wp Jun2005 At (pdf file)
    June 01, 2005 - Women with more than 12 years of education had a higher probability of using any medical care (93%) … Women with higher education (97%) were also more likely to report using preventive health services … than women with 12 years of education (92%) 7 and those with less than 12 years of education (90% … ($2892) than did women who had less than 12 years of education ($3928). … In comparison to women with higher education women with less education had a significantly higher proportion
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