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    January 01, 2006 - or use of medicines prescribed by a doctor; the need or use of more medical care, mental health, or education … related to specific medical events, such as Medicaid Disproportionate Share and Medicare Direct Medical Education … related to specific medical events, such as Medicaid Disproportionate Share and Medicare Direct Medical Education … related to specific medical events, such as Medicaid Disproportionate Share and Medicare Direct Medical Education … related to specific medical events, such as Medicaid Disproportionate Share and Medicare Direct Medical Education
    January 01, 2001 - While HMO enrollment did not differ significantly by marital status, education level, … There were, however, differences by education level and type of public coverage. … high school were less likely to be enrolled in an HMO than those with a high school education … There were no differences in HMO enrollment rates by education level or marital status … Low income 17,101 43.4 Middle income 60,874 47.6 High income Education
    September 01, 2005 - receiving medical care to treat high cholesterol who were using a statin when comparing by gender, education … persons receiving medical care for the treatment of high cholesterol who were taking a statin by gender, education
    September 01, 2005 - receiving medical care to treat high cholesterol who were using a statin when comparing by gender, education … persons receiving medical care for the treatment of high cholesterol who were taking a statin by gender, education
    September 01, 2005 - receiving medical care to treat high cholesterol who were using a statin when comparing by gender, education … persons receiving medical care for the treatment of high cholesterol who were taking a statin by gender, education
    October 01, 2011 - use of medicines prescribed by a doctor; 2) the need or use of more medical care, mental health, or education … related to specific medical events, such as Medicaid Disproportionate Share and Medicare Direct Medical Education
    March 01, 2012 - percent, respectively). 1 There were also significant differences in the percentage obese by education … BMI is greater than or equal to 30 and less than 40 ● Extremely obese = BMI is 40 or greater Education … Distribution of BMI categories by education, adults age 20 and older, 2009 MEPS 1.7% 28.4% 36.1%
    September 18, 2007 - Medicare hospital subsidies for graduate medical education were allocated to all patients in proportion … to physician expenditures under the assumption that lower education costs lead to lower physician … e Graduate medical education subsidies are assumed to lower the prices physicians charge, by reducing … the education expenses they must recoup. 18 Table 3: Simulated Federal, State, and Local Tax
  9. Wp 07002 (pdf file)
    September 18, 2007 - Medicare hospital subsidies for graduate medical education were allocated to all patients in proportion … to physician expenditures under the assumption that lower education costs lead to lower physician … e Graduate medical education subsidies are assumed to lower the prices physicians charge, by reducing … the education expenses they must recoup. 18 Table 3: Simulated Federal, State, and Local Tax
    July 01, 2008 - Medicare hospital subsidies for graduate medical education were allocated to all patients in proportion … to physician expenditures under the assumption that lower education costs lead to lower physician … capital pass throughs In proportion to Medicare hospital expenditures Medicare Graduate Medical Education … c Medicare Graduate Medical Education subsidies are assumed to lower the prices physicians charge, by … reducing the education expenses they must recoup.
    January 01, 2002 - Return To Table Of Contents Student Status and Educational Attainment Completed years of education … medical events, such as Medicaid Disproportionate Share and Medicare Direct Medical Education … EDUCAT Education Status for 1998 Completed years of education are summarized in the variable … Education status was constructed from the round specific education status variables using
    December 01, 2001 - Return To Table Of Contents Student Status and Educational Attainment Completed years of education … related to specific medical events, such as Medicaid Disproportionate Share and Medicare Direct Medical Education … EDUCAT Education Status for 1997 Completed years of education are summarized in the variable EDUCAT … Education status was constructed from the round specific education status variables using the algorithm
    December 01, 2021 - Source of payment Age groups Census region Marital status Race/ethnicity Sex Education
    April 01, 2009 - Sociodemographic characteristics include age, gender, education, race/ethnicity, and geographic location … Higher levels of education may be reflected in greater knowledge about preventive care and treatment … There is no statistically significant association between prescription drug use and education, income … 10.0* 2.1 3.3 ^ 2.6 White 49.3* 88.3* 84.0 90.1* 84.8 Gender Male 31.8* 50.6* 38.9* 38.7* 27.2 Education … 0.276 0.194 -0.092 0.061 Black -0.355 0.186 -0.042 0.054 Asian/other -0.372 0.290 -0.187 0.099 Education
    November 01, 2022 - Non-Hispanic White Veterans; Veterans with private coverage, higher income, higher education … Those with higher income, with higher education, living in the South Atlantic region, and … Veteran men are more likely to have some college education and less likely to have incomes … Veteran women are more likely to have private health insurance, have some college education …   (2,184) (0.9)                     Education
  16. Services (pdf file)
    September 30, 1997 - OMB # 0935-0099 EXPIRES: 09/30/97 SP ID #: PSF ID #: SP NAME: INTERVIEWER NAME: INTERVIEWER ID: DATE OF INTERVIEW: ________/______/_______ MONTH DAY YEAR TIME INTERVIEW BEGAN: am/pm Department of Health and Human Services Public Health Service Agency for Health Care Policy and Research and National Center for…
    March 01, 1998 - Education Adults’ educational level greatly influenced the probability of children being insured. … • Only 10.6% of children living in families where adults had more than 12 years of education were uninsured … y fo r H ea lth C ar e Po lic y an d Re se ar ch 10 How do parents’ employment and education
    December 01, 2021 - Source of payment Age groups Census region Marital status Race/ethnicity Sex Education
    January 01, 2022 - information on childhood immunizations, limitations to school attendance, participation in special education … information on childhood immunizations, limitations to school attendance, participation in special education … information on childhood immunizations, limitations to school attendance, participation in special education … considered to be or correlated with social or behavioral determinants of health, including race/ethnicity, education
    January 01, 2022 - information on childhood immunizations, limitations to school attendance, participation in special education … information on childhood immunizations, limitations to school attendance, participation in special education … information on childhood immunizations, limitations to school attendance, participation in special education … considered to be or correlated with social or behavioral determinants of health, including race/ethnicity, education

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