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    May 01, 2013 - providers usually or always explained things in a way that was easy to understand varied by race/ethnicity, educationEducation was positively associated with individuals reporting health providers usually or always explained … Education Education is measured as the highest level of education each individual has attained. … We use the following three education categories: Less than high school: No HS diploma, GED or equivalent … always explained so you understood: Adults age 18 and older, 2010 Sex Race/ethnicity Age Education
    May 01, 2013 - providers usually or always explained things in a way that was easy to understand varied by race/ethnicity, educationEducation was positively associated with individuals reporting health providers usually or always explained … Education Education is measured as the highest level of education each individual has attained. … We use the following three education categories: Less than high school: No HS diploma, GED or equivalent … always explained so you understood: Adults age 18 and older, 2010 Sex Race/ethnicity Age Education
    November 01, 2001 - Education and income are important factors that influence a woman's health status. … Health insurance, income, and education are all factors that have been associated with a person's … Women with higher incomes (who often have more education) were more likely to have a Pap smear … Women with more than 12 years of education were the most likely to be in excellent or very good … Women with less than 12 years of education were the most likely to be in fair or poor health
    March 01, 2006 - and for subgroups of this population defined by age, sex, race/ethnicity, income, insurance status, education … reported to have treatment for hypertension, the proportion with diuretic use increased for two of three education … For those with less than a high school education, it rose from 44.3 to 49.8 percent; and for those with … at least some college education, it rose from 35.7 to 44.6 percent (figure 6). … Percentage of adults reported as receiving treatment for hypertension who used diuretics, by education
    February 01, 2008 - LEP Hispanic adults received less education than their English-proficient counterparts. … were more than four times as likely as English-proficient Hispanic adults to have had a sixth grade education … 5.1 3.5 7.4 ‡‡ Divorced/Separated 12.8 10.1 † 12.9 12.5 Never Married 25.1 22.7 †† 33.2 21.6 ‡‡ EducationEducation when first entered survey Classifications by education when first entered the survey are based … Education when first entered survey is based on the first round in which the number of years of education
    November 01, 2001 - health (32.0 percent) than those with a high school education (13.0 percent) or those with education … percent) than women with 12 years of education (5.6 percent) or more than 12 years of education (3.8 … 12 years of education. … Education While women with education levels greater than high school graduation were more likely than … women with less education to have an ambulatory visit, women of all levels of education were equally
    May 01, 2013 - providers usually or always explained things in a way that was easy to understand varied by race/ethnicity, educationEducation was positively associated with individuals reporting health providers usually or always explained … Education Education is measured as the highest level of education each individual has attained. … We use the following three education categories: Less than high school: No HS diploma, GED or equivalent … races 18-24 25-44 45-64 65+ Less than high school HS/GED/Other College Sex Race/ethnicity Age Education
    January 01, 2011 - Education of the reference person 3. Sex of the reference person 4. … Higher education level 3. Male 4. Non-minority 5. Never married 6. … 0.4 1.1 19 - 24 7.9 7.2 16.6 25 - 39 27.9 27.6 31.7 40 - 64 44.8 45.3 38.6 65+ 19.0 19.5 12.1 Education … RU (reference person) level Effect DF Wald Chi- Square Pr > Chi- Square age 1 1.8 0.1794 education … mode with 1=face‐to‐face, 2=phone. 17                                      Education
    April 01, 2014 - In 2011, adults with fewer than 12 years of education were more likely than individuals with 12 or more … years of education to indicate they were healthy and not in need of coverage (14.1 percent versus 11.4 … Pe rc en ta ge Family income as of 2001Age Race/ethnicity Sex Insurance status (ages 18–64 only)Education … Pe rc en ta ge Family income as of 2010Age Race/ethnicity Sex Insurance status (ages 18-64 only)Education … 20 30 40 50 Family income as of 2010Age Race/ethnicity Sex Insurance status (ages 18–64 only)Education
    August 01, 2017 - In 2014 and then again in 2015, uninsured rates declined for each education category (p < 0.10 for the … lower in states that expanded Medicaid than in non-expansion states for non-elderly adults in each education … Between 2013 and 2014, uninsured rates declined for adults in all education groups in both state categories … or more and (1) those with some college education (in 2014 and 2015, p < 0.10 for 2015), and (2) those … Available from: Education 6 Roemer, M.
    February 01, 2008 - LEP Hispanic adults received less education than their English-proficient counterparts. … were more than four times as likely as English-proficient Hispanic adults to have had a sixth grade educationEducation when first entered survey Classifications by education when first entered the survey are … Education when first entered survey is based on the first round in which the number of years of education … Separated 12.8 10.1 † 12.9 12.5 Never Married 25.1 22.7 †† 33.2 21.6 ‡‡ Education
    February 01, 2008 - LEP Hispanic adults received less education than their English-proficient counterparts. … were more than four times as likely as English-proficient Hispanic adults to have had a sixth grade educationEducation when first entered survey Classifications by education when first entered the survey are … Education when first entered survey is based on the first round in which the number of years of education … Separated 12.8 10.1 † 12.9 12.5 Never Married 25.1 22.7 †† 33.2 21.6 ‡‡ Education
    March 01, 2006 - and for subgroups of this population defined by age, sex, race/ethnicity, income, insurance status, education … reported to have treatment for hypertension, the proportion with diuretic use increased for two of three education … For those with less than a high school education, it rose from 44.3 to 49.8 percent; and for those with … at least some college education, it rose from 35.7 to 44.6 percent (figure 6). … Percentage of adults reported as receiving treatment for hypertension who used diuretics, by education
    March 01, 2006 - and for subgroups of this population defined by age, sex, race/ethnicity, income, insurance status, education … reported to have treatment for hypertension, the proportion with diuretic use increased for two of three education … For those with less than a high school education, it rose from 44.3 to 49.8 percent; and for those with … at least some college education, it rose from 35.7 to 44.6 percent (figure 6). … Percentage of adults reported as receiving treatment for hypertension who used diuretics, by education
    March 01, 2006 - and for subgroups of this population defined by age, sex, race/ethnicity, income, insurance status, education … reported to have treatment for hypertension, the proportion with diuretic use increased for two of three education … For those with less than a high school education, it rose from 44.3 to 49.8 percent; and for those with … at least some college education, it rose from 35.7 to 44.6 percent (figure 6). … Percentage of adults reported as receiving treatment for hypertension who used diuretics, by education
    April 24, 2009 - and business services (7270-7790), information (6470-6780) and education
    February 01, 2005 - Emphasis is placed on the relationships between exercise and age, race/ethnicity, sex, income, educationEducation level Individuals with some college were the most likely and individuals who did not graduate … Education level Respondents were asked to report the highest grade or year of schooling ever completed … Percentage exercising at least three times a week for half an hour or more, age 18 and older, by education
    February 01, 2005 - Emphasis is placed on the relationships between exercise and age, race/ethnicity, sex, income, education

    Education level
    Individuals with some college were the most likely and individuals …

    Education level
    Respondents were asked to report the highest grade or year of schooling … Percentage exercising at least three times a week for half an hour or more, age 18 and older, by education
    February 01, 2005 - Emphasis is placed on the relationships between exercise and age, race/ethnicity, sex, income, educationEducation level Individuals with some college were the most likely and individuals who did not graduate … Education level Respondents were asked to report the highest grade or year of schooling ever completed … Percentage exercising at least three times a week for half an hour or more, age 18 and older, by education
    February 01, 2005 - Emphasis is placed on the relationships between exercise and age, race/ethnicity, sex, income, educationEducation level Individuals with some college were the most likely and individuals who did not graduate … Education level Respondents were asked to report the highest grade or year of schooling ever completed … Percentage exercising at least three times a week for half an hour or more, age 18 and older, by education

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