January 01, 2019 - Education
Between 2015 and 2016, uninsured rates for non-elderly adults with a high school diploma … or GED and adults with some college education declined by 3.0 percentage points and 2.6 percentage points … category in 2016 except for adults with some college education. … Education
Information on the highest level of schooling completed or the highest degree received by … Note that the education questions in the MEPS-HC changed over this time period.
October 01, 2007 -
Educational level
Adults age 20 and older with at least some college education … had their blood cholesterol checked by a health professional than those who had only a high school education … or less than a high school education (14.5 percent versus 18.0 percent and 21.2 percent, respectively … Cholesterol: http://www.Americanheart.org
Know Your Numbers: It's National Cholesterol Education … Percentage of adults age 20 and older, who never had blood cholesterol checked, by education, 2005
June 01, 2016 - Education
Among adults who were uninsured in 2013, those with a high-school diploma or GED or less education … were less likely
than adults with more education to gain any insurance coverage in 2014 (27.0 versus … In 2014, previously
uninsured adults with a high-school education or less were less likely to enroll … Further, among
adults with insurance in 2013, those with a high-school diploma/GED or less education … and 2) some college or more education.
June 01, 2009 - Education
Measured as the highest level of education each individual has
attained. … of
education. … High school graduate—having 12 years of education. … At least some college—having more than 12 years of
education. … What levels of education did non-elderly full-time low income
workers have in 2005–06?
November 01, 2007 - More than half of those with less than a high school education reported they have never had a screening … Educational level
Adults age 50 and older with less than a high school education were more likely … colonoscopy as compared with those who had either completed high school or had at least some college education … Percentage of adults age 50 and older, who never had a screening colonoscopy, by education, 2005
November 01, 2007 - More than half of those with less than a high school education reported they have never had a screening … Educational level
Adults age 50 and older with less than a high school education were more likely … colonoscopy as compared with those who had either completed high school or had at least some college education … Percentage of adults age 50 and older, who never had a screening colonoscopy, by education, 2005
November 01, 2007 - More than half of those with less than a high school education reported they have never had a screening …
Educational level
Adults age 50 and older with less than a high school education … colonoscopy as compared with those who had either completed high school or had at least some college education … Percentage of adults age 50 and older, who never had a screening colonoscopy, by education, 2005
February 01, 2006 - Among persons 18 and older, those with some college education were more likely than high school graduates … or those with fewer than 12 years of education to have received a flu shot in the last year (34.3 percent … Adults having at least some college education were much more likely than their less-educated counterparts … who only completed high school or had fewer than 12 years of education to have obtained a flu vaccination
February 01, 2006 - Among persons 18 and older, those with some college education were more likely than high school graduates … or those with fewer than 12 years of education to have received a flu shot in the last year (34.3 percent … Adults having at least some college education were much more likely than their less-educated counterparts … who only completed high school or had fewer than 12 years of education to have obtained a flu vaccination
December 01, 2021 - Source of payment
Age groups
Census region
Marital status
Education … Source of payment
Age groups
Census region
Marital status
February 01, 2006 - with some college
ation were more likely
high school graduates or
with fewer than 12
s of education … Adults having at least some college education were much more likely than their less-educated
counterparts … who only completed high school or had fewer than 12 years of education to have obtained a
flu vaccination
July 01, 2006 - Education. … Education. … Education. … Adults with less than a high school education (43.0 percent) and adults with a
high school education … Education.
November 01, 2007 - Educational level
Adults age 50 and older with less than a high school education were more likely to … colonoscopy as compared with those who had either completed high school or had at least
some college education … Percentage of adults age 50 and
older, who never had a screening
colonoscopy, by education, 2005
June 01, 2009 - Education
Measured as the highest level of education each individual
has attained. … less than 12 years of education. … High school graduate—having 12 years of education. … At least
some college—having more than 12 years of education. … Education data was missing for 1.0 percent of
cases in 2005–06.
August 01, 2019 - three measures across the condition subgroups, we examine differences by age, sex, race/ethnicity, education … Education: In all condition groups, adults with some college were less likely than those with lower … Education: In both chronic condition groups, adults with some college education were less likely to … have four or more opioid fills than those with high school or less education. … the average number of fills was 4.8 for those with some college versus 6.1–6.5 for those with less education
August 01, 2019 - three measures across the condition subgroups, we examine differences by age, sex, race/ethnicity,
education … • Education: In all condition groups, adults with some college were less likely than those with
lower … • Education: In both chronic condition groups, adults with some college education were less likely … to have four or more opioid fills than those with high school or less education. … the average number of fills was 4.8 for those with
some college versus 6.1–6.5 for those with less education
November 01, 2001 - Education
Women with less that 12
years of education were much more likely to have … (13.0 percent) or those with education beyond high
school (8.6 percent). … or more than 12 years of education (3.8 percent). … women with more than
12 years of education. … Education
While women with education
levels greater than high school graduation
January 01, 2006 - Education . … Education . … Education. … Education. … Education.
June 01, 2016 - In 2014, uninsured rates declined for all
education categories but the decline was smaller among those … with the highest educational attainment compared to
those in other education categories, narrowing the … lower in states that expanded Medicaid than in non-expansion states for non-elderly
adults in each education … There was a
significant decrease in 2014 for adults in all education groups in both state categories, … Education
Information on the highest level of schooling completed or the highest degree received by a
January 01, 2013 - Also, the estimated distributions by
education, reported health status and the out-of-pocket medical … 23.6 1.64 23.8 1.62
3 South 35.9 0.73 36.7 1.78 37.0 1.78
4 West 23.1 0.62 22.8 1.39 22.6 1.39
Education … There also appear
to be differences in the distributions in terms of education level, reported health … Both in 2009 and 2010, the estimated proportion of
persons with less than 12th grade education appears … on the NHIS in terms of the estimates of insurance status (private, public,
no insurance) and by education