April 01, 2010 - Data are provided by age, race/ethnicity, education, family income, and health insurance status. … Education . … Education when first entered survey
Classifications by education when first entered the survey are … Education when first entered survey is based on the first round in which the number of years of education … Percentage unable to get or delayed in getting needed care by education for persons ages 18+, 2007
March 01, 2006 - (43.4
ent) or those with
e college education
percent). … In 2003, 49.8 percent of adults with less than a high school education who were reported as receiving … This was higher than the proportion
for adults with a high school education (43.4 percent) and adults … with at least some college education
(44.6 percent). … Percentage of adults reported as receiving treatment
for hypertension who used diuretics, by education
June 01, 2011 - parents received dental checkups at higher rates than those whose parents had less than a high school education … Children whose parents had some college education received routine dental checkups at higher rates than … children whose parents had completed high school education or had received less than a high school education … Children (ages 2-17), who reported to have at least one dental checkup in 2008, by parents' education
June 01, 2011 - parents received dental checkups at higher rates than those whose parents had less than a high school education … Children whose parents had some college education received routine dental checkups at higher rates than … children whose parents had completed high school education or had received less than a high school education … Children (ages 2-17), who reported to have at least one dental checkup in 2008, by parents' education
July 01, 2004 - Education
As educational level increased, the proportion of people with workdays lost increased … of people with more than high school education (Table 1). … In 2001, people with more than high school education had 10.2 workdays lost, while those with no high … school education had 13.7 workdays lost (Table 2). … Education
Respondents were asked to report the years of date of the interviews.
June 01, 2013 - There were also significant differences in the percentage of near elderly persons with heart disease by
education … Individuals with less than a high school education and
those with a high school degree were both more … likely than those with at least a college education to
have been diagnosed with heart disease (19.1 … Education is measured as the highest level of education each individual has attained. … We use the following
three education categories:
Less than high school: No HS diploma, GED, or equivalent
June 01, 2013 - There were also significant differences in the percentage of elderly persons with heart disease by education … Individuals with less than a high school education were more likely than those
with at least a college … education to have been diagnosed with heart disease (40.9 percent versus 34.0
percent), while persons … Education is measured as the highest level of education each individual has attained. … We use the following
three education categories:
Less than high school: No HS diploma, GED, or equivalent
June 01, 2013 - Individuals with less than a high school education and those with a high school degree were both more … likely than those with at least a college education to have been diagnosed with heart disease (19.1 … , Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, Nevada, Washington, Oregon, California, Alaska, and Hawaii
Education … Education is measured as the highest level of education each individual has attained. … We use the following three education categories:
Less than high school : No HS diploma, GED, or equivalent
June 01, 2013 - There were also significant differences in the percentage of elderly persons with heart disease by education … Individuals with less than a high school education were more likely than those with at least a college … education to have been diagnosed with heart disease (40.9 percent versus 34.0 percent), while persons … Education is measured as the highest level of education each individual has attained. … We use the following three education categories:
Less than high school : No HS diploma, GED, or equivalent
June 01, 2013 - Individuals with less than a high school education and those with a high school degree were both more … likely than those with at least a college education to have been diagnosed with heart disease (19.1 … , Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, Nevada, Washington, Oregon, California, Alaska, and Hawaii
Education … Education is measured as the highest level of education each individual has attained. … We use the following three education categories:
Less than high school : No HS diploma, GED, or equivalent
June 01, 2013 - There were also significant differences in the percentage of elderly persons with heart disease by education … Individuals with less than a high school education were more likely than those with at least a college … education to have been diagnosed with heart disease (40.9 percent versus 34.0 percent), while persons … Education is measured as the highest level of education each individual has attained. … We use the following three education categories:
Less than high school : No HS diploma, GED, or equivalent
July 01, 2004 - Estimates were examined by age, race/ethnicity, sex, marital status, health insurance coverage, education … Education
As educational level increased, the proportion of people with workdays lost increased … of people with more than high school education (Table 1). … school education had 13.7 workdays lost (Table 2). … Education
Respondents were asked to report the years of date of the interviews.
July 01, 2004 - Estimates were examined by age, race/ethnicity, sex, marital status, health insurance coverage, education … Education
As educational level increased, the proportion of people with workdays lost increased … of people with more than high school education (Table 1). … school education had 13.7 workdays lost (Table 2). … Education
Respondents were asked to report the years of date of the interviews.
July 01, 2004 - Estimates were examined by age, race/ethnicity, sex, marital status, health insurance coverage, education … Education
As educational level increased, the proportion of people with workdays lost increased … of people with more than high school education (Table 1). … school education had 13.7 workdays lost (Table 2). … Education
Respondents were asked to report the years of date of the interviews.
October 01, 2007 - More than one-fifth (21.2 percent) of those with less than a high school education reported they have … Educational level
Adults age 20 and older with at least some college education were less likely to … had their blood cholesterol checked by a health professional than those who had only a high school education … or less than a high school education (14.5 percent versus 18.0 percent and 21.2 percent, respectively … Percentage of adults age 20 and older, who never had blood cholesterol checked, by education, 2005
October 01, 2007 - More than one-fifth (21.2 percent) of those with less than a high school education reported they have … Educational level
Adults age 20 and older with at least some college education were less likely to … had their blood cholesterol checked by a health professional than those who had only a high school education … or less than a high school education (14.5 percent versus 18.0 percent and 21.2 percent, respectively … Percentage of adults age 20 and older, who never had blood cholesterol checked, by education, 2005
December 01, 2004 - adults
ever diagnosed with
hypertension was 1.4 times
greater for those with less
than a high school education … than for those with a college
education (25.3 percent and
17.6 percent, respectively) … The percentage among adults with less than a high school
education was 1.4 times greater than for adults … with a college education (25.3 percent and 17.6 percent,
respectively). … Education level
Respondents were asked to report the highest grade or year of schooling ever completed
July 01, 2005 - attitudes in 2002 by se
lected demographic and socioeconomic characteristics (age, race/
ethnicity, sex, education … Education. … Adults with fewer than 12 years of education were more likely than persons with 12 or more
years of … education to feel they were healthy and did not need health insurance (12.2 percent versus
about 9–10 … Further, adults with more than 12 years of education were slightly less
likely to agree that “health
February 01, 2015 - Non-elderly adults uninsured in the first part of 2013 with 13 or more years of education were more likely … to gain coverage in 2014 (36.5 percent) than uninsured adults with similar education in the previous … (21.3 percent) and with 12 years of education (28.4 percent) (figure 5). … Education
Education was defined as years of school completed as of the first part of 2012 and as of … Percentage of uninsured individuals gaining and losing health insurance coverage, by education level:
May 01, 2021 - available to workers in lower-wage jobs and to those who are Black or Hispanic/Latino or have less education … For example, only 30 percent of workers with less than a high school education held jobs with paid leave … Finance, public administration, and education/health/social service industry workers also had relatively … Education
Education was captured with five categories: less than a high school degree, … SE
All wage earners