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    July 25, 2012 - Aspects of high quality discharge summaries • Comprehensive, brief, legible • Record of patient education … This consisted of education and plan of care at home to manage heart failure symptoms. … • Symptoms are reviewed daily, chronic disease management education is included. 27 Technology … Patient education 9. Assess patient understanding 10. DC summary to PCP 11. … Davis has been involved in Chronic Care management and patient education for the past 12 years and
    January 01, 2023 - representatives from the American Association of Medical Colleges, National Quality Foundation, Society for Education
    January 01, 2009 - care organizations, community groups, philanthropies, and governments across the region, focusing on education … Importance of Public Education in Building Support for HIE: Findings from discussions and interviews … with community groups and safety net patient focus group suggest that training and education should
    June 08, 2009 - integrate timely reports into care planning requires regular facilitation of the change strategy, education … Many facilities reported clinical staff turnover that resulted in the need to provide on-going education … Facility coordinators incorporated new CNA documentation into orientation education. … focused on particular residents or staff members to provide focused feedback and identify staff-specific education
    January 01, 2008 - Milestone #4 Provide extensive healthcare professional no-cost education through use of telemedicine … Intensive patient education on side effect management and support is required during treatment since … Milestone #4: Provide Extensive Healthcare Professional No-Cost Education through Use of Telemedicine … Technologies To date, 5,993 hours of Continuing Medical Education (CME) and Nursing Continuing Education … In addition Project ECHO’s other telehealth clinics provide continuing medical education at each weekly
    July 25, 2012 - Discharge summaries and patient education provide opportunities for improvement and quality measure … The project also included providing ongoing education to the patient. … Each patient received a home visit at the start of the program that focused on patient education and … The system includes chronic disease management education and has been used with CHF patients with good … When selecting a tool to measure patient activation and to evaluate the effectiveness of the education
    January 01, 2011 - For clinicians, these include education, clinical decision support, audit, and feedback on vaccination … information on a Web site designed for this project that combines content available through the CHOP Vaccine Education
    January 01, 2011 - The project provided patient education materials and medication lists automatically extracted from Epic … value in understanding how best to change existing practices to ensure medication reconciliation, education
    January 01, 2011 - For clinicians, these include education, clinical decision support, audit, and feedback on vaccination … information on a Web site designed for this project that combines content available through the CHOP Vaccine Education
    January 01, 2010 - For clinicians, these include education, clinical decision support, audit, and feedback on vaccination … information on a Web site designed for this project that combines content available through the CHOP Vaccine Education
    July 17, 2017 - This continuing education activity is managed and accredited by the Professional Education Services … Homes: Focus Groups “… You know, I feel like in, again, on the inpatient basis, we do home safety education … … I feel like that might help some of the education piece stick a little bit more.” 76 Contact … read aloud by the moderator. 78 Obtaining CME/CE Credits If you would like to receive continuing education
    January 01, 2010 - system to provide ethnically diverse, publicly-insured patients who have diabetes with surveillance and education … Patients with an answer that is “out of range” on an item receive an immediate automated health education … These calls provide further education about medication adherence based on clinical criteria developed
    January 01, 2009 - care organizations, community groups, philanthropies, and governments across the region, focusing on education … Importance of Public Education in Building Support for HIE: Findings from discussions and interviews … with community groups and safety net patient focus group suggest that training and education should
    January 01, 2012 - health resources could potentially provide a sustainable and patient-centered format for delivering the education … readiness, in terms of both aptitude and desire, to use Web-based health resources such as patient education
    January 01, 2011 - health resources could potentially provide a sustainable and patient-centered format for delivering the education … readiness, in terms of both aptitude and desire, to use Web-based health resources such as patient education
    January 01, 2012 - LHWs used a paper- based system to track BP readings and conduct counseling and health education sessions … The PHR will display health information and health education materials to congregants with hypertension
    January 01, 2012 - For clinicians, these included education, clinical decision support, and audit and feedback on vaccination … due, and a link to a Web site designed for this project that features content from the CHOP Vaccine Education
    January 01, 2007 - included the following: assistance in diagnosing and/or managing chronic pain; health care provider education … the system for explanations, therapeutic rationale, and therapy guidelines; and interactive patient education
    January 01, 2010 - Rand will complete the following education objectives: learn health informatics theory and be able to
    January 01, 2010 - Organization Brigham and Women's Hospital Funding Mechanism RFA: HS07-004: Centers for Education … December 2010 Target Population: General Summary: The Centers for Education … increase awareness of the benefits and risks of new, existing, or combined uses of therapeutics through education

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