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    January 01, 2011 - and specialty care; 2) poor data organization and presentation; 3) omission of provider and patient education … improve data organization and presentation; 2) integrate outside results; and 3) provide just-in time education
    January 01, 2001 - . ¤ 85.6% of patients received 7 or 8 patient education/instruction sheets. ¤ 98.6% of patients with
    May 26, 2011 - • 85% college educated or some college education • 96% White (reflects FCHP membership) OVERALL … • Develop and implement state-of-the-art security protocols along with public education • Reliable
    January 01, 2011 - Louise offers health education, advice on monitoring and self-care, and assessment of medication dosing … computer-based, interactive, animated character, to offer patients with limited health literacy or health education
    January 01, 2010 - The VPA offers health education, advice on monitoring and self-care, and assessment of medication dosing … computer-based, interactive, animated character, to offer patients with limited health literacy or health education
    January 01, 2011 - Each practice determined its own strategies, which included patient education about the PHR provided … information via a PHR, compared to 32 percent of PHRNA; 65 percent of PHRA would prefer receiving patient education
    January 01, 2011 - with the iECHO partner relations management tool is being developed for didactics, continuing medical education
    January 01, 2012 - health resources could potentially provide a sustainable and patient-centered format for delivering the education … readiness, in terms of both aptitude and desire, to use Web-based health resources such as patient education
    January 01, 2012 - LHWs used a paper- based system to track BP readings and conduct counseling and health education sessions … The PHR will display health information and health education materials to congregants with hypertension
    January 01, 2010 - one listing of patients with a specific condition Use EHR technology to identify patient-specific education … provide those to the patient as appropriate More than 10% of patients are provided patient- specific education
    March 05, 2008 - Heart… PHR Services Today • Patient education … Documents and other objects Educational Partners • PreOp – Patient Education … Appointments – Medication Refills – R f l t S ci list Referrals to Specialists – Review Bills Online • Education
    January 01, 2004 - Bakersfield, Tehachapi, California City, and Mojave 2 helicopter services in California City No formal trainingprograms for healthcare professionals 1 “Care-a-Van” in Mojave Tehachapi Valley Healthcare District … Education – have to raise the water level, through education, so that everyone’s boat floats just a little … Ideas come from IOM’s “Health Professions Education: A bridge to quality” Plan to develop a curriculum … will fund the development of FollowMe PHR for DM, which will then overlap with provider and patient education
    January 01, 2012 - The software provides patient education on diagnoses, treatment, support, side effects, prevention, and … of text on each screen was shortened; patients had the option to listen to an audio presentation of education
    January 01, 2011 - After accounting for education, Internet experience was found to be a significant predictor of performance … In addition to education and Internet experience, cognitive variables were also found to significantly
    June 22, 2006 - Office of Management and Budget, e-Authentication Guidelines for Federal Agencies (2003) Education … and Outreach All participants called for both consumer and provider education and outreach. … Although limited resources are available for consumer education in particular, the following may be … AHIMA, HIPAA Privacy and Security Training (2003) AHIMA, Protecting Confidentiality in Health Care Education
    June 22, 2006 - Office of Management and Budget, e-Authentication Guidelines for Federal Agencies (2003) Education … and Outreach All participants called for both consumer and provider education and outreach. … Although limited resources are available for consumer education in particular, the following may be … AHIMA, HIPAA Privacy and Security Training (2003)  AHIMA, Protecting Confidentiality in Health Care Education
    January 01, 2006 - Huber JT et al. 2006 "Informing neighborhood health: a health information outreach project targeting community clinics." Reference Huber JT, Varman B. Informing neighborhood health: a health information outreach project targeting community clinics. J Consum Health Internet 2006;10(2):37-45. Abst…
    June 30, 2007 - Education All states recognize the need for varying levels of education to reduce variation in how … most common recommendations were for educational campaigns directed at patients and consumers and trainingprograms for providers and organizations. …  Establish core education competencies for staff who manage personal health information, to include … Two state teams called for education campaigns at the national level to reduce variation in practice
    July 05, 2000 - Services encompass comprehensive Primary Care, Dental, Mental Health and Social Services, Health Education … Processes Financial and Other Administrative Processes Patient Self-Management Secondary Uses Education
    January 01, 2012 - Each practice determined its own strategies, which included patient education about PHRs provided by … information via a PHR, compared to 32 percent of PHRNA; 65 percent of PHRA would prefer receiving patient education

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