January 01, 2012 - health resources could potentially provide a sustainable and patient-centered format for delivering the
education … readiness, in terms of both aptitude and desire, to use Web-based health resources such as
patient education
January 01, 2012 - LHWs used a paper-
based system to track BP readings and conduct counseling and health education sessions … The PHR will
display health information and health education materials to congregants with hypertension
January 01, 2010 - one listing of patients with a
specific condition
Use EHR technology to identify patient-specific
education … provide those to the
patient as appropriate
More than 10% of patients are provided patient-
specific education
December 31, 2007 - diabetes registry is only one component of a concerted local effort to manage and control diabetes through education
May 26, 2011 - • 85% college educated or some college education
• 96% White (reflects FCHP membership)
OVERALL … • Develop and implement state-of-the-art security protocols along
with public education
• Reliable
January 01, 2011 - Louise offers health education, advice on monitoring and self-care, and assessment of medication dosing … computer-based, interactive, animated character, to offer patients with
limited health literacy or health education
January 01, 2001 - . ¤ 85.6% of patients received 7 or 8 patient education/instruction sheets. ¤ 98.6% of patients with
June 22, 2006 - Office of Management and Budget, e-Authentication Guidelines for Federal
Agencies (2003)
Education … and Outreach
All participants called for both consumer and provider education and outreach. … Although
limited resources are available for consumer education in particular, the following may be … AHIMA, HIPAA Privacy and Security Training (2003)
AHIMA, Protecting Confidentiality in Health Care Education
June 22, 2006 - Office of Management and Budget, e-Authentication Guidelines for Federal
Agencies (2003)
Education … and Outreach
All participants called for both consumer and provider education and outreach. … Although
limited resources are available for consumer education in particular, the following may be … AHIMA, HIPAA Privacy and Security Training (2003)
AHIMA, Protecting Confidentiality in Health Care Education
January 01, 2010 - The VPA offers health education, advice
on monitoring and self-care, and assessment of medication dosing … computer-based, interactive, animated character, to offer patients with limited
health literacy or health education
January 01, 2011 - Each practice determined its own
strategies, which included patient education about the PHR provided … information via a PHR, compared to 32 percent of PHRNA;
65 percent of PHRA would prefer receiving patient education
June 30, 2007 - Education
All states recognize the need for varying levels of education to reduce variation in how … most common recommendations were for educational campaigns directed at patients
and consumers and training … programs for providers and organizations. … Establish core education competencies for staff who manage personal health
information, to include … Two state teams called for education
campaigns at the national level to reduce variation in practice
January 01, 2011 - with the iECHO partner relations management tool is being developed for didactics, continuing medical education
March 05, 2008 - Heart…
PHR Services Today
• Patient education … Documents and other objects
Educational Partners
• PreOp – Patient Education … Appointments
– Medication Refills
– R f l t S ci list Referrals to Specialists
– Review Bills Online
• Education
January 01, 2008 - this review showed that if the introduction of computerized tools is going to succeed, an adequate training … program is imperative." … the effect of the implementation on health care personnel and those that concerned telemedicine or education
January 01, 2018 - Hawaiian or Pacific
1 0
White and Native
American/Alaskan native
2 0
Hispanic 1 0
Education … groups of patients and caregivers, and three groups
of primary care team members in sequential futures
workshops … Islander
1 (2)
White 31 (57)
More than one race 8 (15)
Other 3 (6)
Hispanic/Latino 5 (9%)
Education … methods included
including ethnographic interviews, photo elicitation, home tours, participatory design workshops … domains; demographic surveys; recordings, artifacts, transcripts and
notes from participatory design workshops
October 01, 2007 - One will receive technology and education support to see if such training improves patient quality data … ; the other will receive technology but not education training.
January 01, 2012 - to be a feasible strategy that could be an efficient and
sustainable means for reconciliation and education … Study 2 focused on education for new prescription medicines. … Patient characteristics including age, sex, race/ethnicity, education, income, literacy level,
number … A Medication reconciliation
and education strategy (NUMed) for ambulatory care. … Workshop at
the International Conference on Communication in Healthcare, Oslo, Norway; September 2,
January 01, 2011 - and specialty care; 2) poor data organization and presentation; 3) omission of provider and patient education … improve data organization and presentation; 2)
integrate outside results; and 3) provide just-in time education
September 21, 2016 - What are the training and education policies in your office for both clinical and computer?
3. … What patient education materials do you have?
a. In what languages?