June 11, 2019 - intercourse without a condom and with more than 1 partner whose HIV status is unknown, exchanging sex for drugs … of Detection and Early Treatment
The USPSTF found adequate evidence that individual antiretroviral drugs … of mother-to-child transmission of less than 1.0% to 2.8% among women treated with 3 antiretroviral drugs … 24 , 25
Potential Harms of Screening and Treatment
Longer-term use of individual antiretroviral drugs … had suicidal ideation. 46 However, an analysis of the Data Collection on Adverse Events of Anti-HIV Drugs
October 07, 2008 - Recommendations
The USPSTF recommends against the use of aspirin or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
April 23, 2013 - Having sexual partners who are HIV-infected, bisexual, or injection drug users
Exchanging sex for drugs
June 01, 2007 - Routine aspirin or nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs for the primary prevention of colorectal cancer
July 01, 2013 - Although the long-
term use of certain antiretroviral drugs may be associated
with increased risk for … , having sex with commercial
sex workers, using intravenous drugs, and needle sharing
among injection … Individual antiretroviral drugs, drug classes, and com-
binations are all associated with short-term … The esti-
mates of risk and the drugs implicated vary among studies. … Class of antiretroviral drugs and the risk of myocardial
May 14, 2004 - □ Yes □ No In the past year, have you or your partner had a problem with drugs or
September 18, 2014 - in mutually monogamous
relationships; previous or concurrent STI; and exchanging sex for money or drugs
November 01, 2013 - marijuana in the last 30 days (%)
High school seniors never using illicit drugs
June 11, 2019 - abacavir use based on 4 cohort studies, including the Data Collection on Adverse Events of Anti-HIV Drugs … rather than the regimen as a whole, some evidence on long-term harms of ART apply to drugs not considered … Mocroft A, Lundgren JD, Ross M, et al; Data Collection on Adverse Events of Anti-HIV Drugs (D:A:D) Study … myocardial infarction in patients with HIV infection exposed to specific individual antiretroviral drugs … from the 3 major drug classes: the Data collection on Adverse events of anti-HIV drugs (D:A:D) study
March 29, 2019 - of Detection and Early Treatment
The USPSTF found adequate evidence that individual antiretrovi-
ral drugs … risk factor for HIV infection; the esti-
mated prevalence of HIV infection among persons who inject drugs … of mother-to-child transmission of less than
1.0% to 2.8% among women treated with 3 antiretroviral drugs … and RCTs), later initiation of ART during pregnancy or treat-
ment with fewer than 3 antiretroviral drugs … had suicidal ideation.46 However, an
analysis of the Data Collection on Adverse Events of Anti-HIV Drugs
January 22, 2013 - -01-22
Public Comment on Draft Research Plan: Interventions to Reduce the Nonmedical Use of Drugs
September 01, 2021 - condom use when not in a mutually monogamous relationship
A history of exchanging sex for money or drugs
August 01, 2020 - minorities, persons living with HIV, persons with injection
drug use, persons who exchange sex for money or drugs
March 14, 2019 - events
Serious adverse events
KQ 4: Drug resistance; development of mutations or antibodies to drugs … care–referable settings (e.g., correctional settings, community care settings serving persons who inject drugs
December 15, 2020 - Other high-prevalence populations include persons who inject drugs; men who have sex with men; persons … Persons from such risk groups include persons who have injected drugs in the past or currently; men who … those who report continued risk for acquiring HBV transmission, such as persons who continue to inject drugs … infants whose parents were born in regions with an HBsAg prevalence of 8% or greater; persons who inject drugs … The epidemiology of viral hepatitis among people who inject drugs: results of global systematic reviews
December 15, 2020 - Other high-prevalence popula-
tions include persons who inject drugs; men who have sex with men;
persons … Other high-prevalence populations include persons who inject drugs;
men who have sex with men; persons … Persons from such risk groups
include persons who have injected drugs in the past or currently; men
who … who
report continued risk for acquiring HBV transmission, such as per-
sons who continue to inject drugs … Global
epidemiology of hepatitis B and hepatitis C in
people who inject drugs: results of systematic
January 01, 1996 - 87,88 and reduced overall mortality. 89 In the first long-term trial of newer cholesterol-lowering drugs … Trials of Cholesterol-Lowering Drugs in Asymptomatic Men
Three large, multicenter, placebo-controlled … (see below). 92 , 127 , 130 The newest class of lipid-lowering drugs, HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors … Adverse effects of hypolipidaemic drugs. Med Toxicol . 1987;2:10–32. [ PubMed ] 131. … Use of cholesterol-lowering drugs. United States. 1992.
February 23, 2009 - HDL = high-density lipoprotein, MI = myocardial infarction, NSAIDs = nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
June 03, 2019 - intercourse without a condom and with more
than 1 partner whose HIV status is unknown, exchanging sex for drugs
September 01, 2022 - men; persons with HIV infection or other sexually
transmitted infections; persons who use illicit drugs