June 01, 2021 - Risk of Clostridium difficile infection
with acid suppressing drugs and
antibiotics: meta-analysis.
January 01, 2012 - Behavioral Health Risk Assessment for Pregnant Women Measure Technical Specifications
Text Description for PCPI eSpecification
Copyright 2012 American Medical Association and the National Committee for Quality Assurance. All rights reserved.
Clinical Topic Maternity Care
Measure Title Behavioral Health Risk…
March 01, 2019 - A lcohol/Drugs. … Is my use of alcohol or illicit drugs affecting me so that I cannot focus on the performance of my duties … Matthews, the Team Leader, is calling out orders for drugs, X-rays, and labs.
April 29, 2024 - Opioids
Patient Experience
Payment Sources
Prescription Drugs
August 01, 2012 - National Collaborative for Innovation in Quality Measurement
Tobacco Use and Help
List of References
Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids. 2012. Tobacco Overview.
http://www.tobaccofreekids.org/facts_issues/tobacco_101/ (April 2012).
Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids. 2011. Health Harms from Smoking and Other Tobac…
January 01, 2014 - Paediatr Drugs. 2013 Dec 1;15(6):441-7.
July 01, 2015 - Paediatr Drugs 2013 Dec;15(6):441-7. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23918049 ( PDF File , 399 KB
February 12, 2014 - • Alcohol/Drugs. … Is my use of alcohol or illicit drugs affecting
me so that I cannot focus on the performance of my duties … Matthews, the Team Leader, is calling out orders for drugs, X-
rays, and labs.
January 01, 2019 - Declines in Hospital-Acquired Conditions
Declines in Hospital-
Acquired Conditions
National efforts to reduce hospital-acquired conditions such
as adverse drug events and injuries from falls helped prevent
20,700 deaths and saved $7.7 billion between 2014 and 2017.
January 01, 2014 - 1b.4_Input_File_Specifications_508
Eligibility Summary
Eligibility Summary
Reference Name Concept Description Required Variable Format
member_id Patient unique identifier yes text or numeric
payer_id Insurance Provider/Health Plan unique identifier (e.g., Blue Cross, Kaiser, etc) during the specific enrollment per…
January 01, 2014 - Operative
AEs comprised 44.9% of the total AEs,
while drugs, especially antibiotics and
June 01, 2021 - AHRQ Safety Program for Improving Antibiotic Use
Developing an Antibiotic Stewardship Program
Long-Term Care
Slide Title and Commentary
Slide Number and Slide
Developing an Antibiotic Stewardship Program
Long-Term Care
Hello and welcome to the presentation, “Developing an Antibiotic Stewardship Prog…
July 25, 2016 - For the youth:
• Do not smoke, use tobacco, drink alcohol, or use drugs, inhalants, anabolic steroids … Smoking marijuana and other drugs can hurt your lungs; alcohol and other drugs are
bad for brain development … • Support friends who choose not to use tobacco, alcohol, drugs, steroids, or diet pills. … If you smoke, use drugs, or drink alcohol, let’s talk about it. … • Strongly advise against the use of alcohol, tobacco, and other illicit drugs by youth.
June 01, 2021 - I am concerned because he is also on several other drugs, which can lead to harmful drug interactions
June 01, 2018 - found that antibiotics are frequently over-prescribed, contributing to microbial resistance to these drugs
April 18, 2023 - Expanding Cardiac Rehabilitation
February 14, 2023
Dentists Prescribing Fewer High-Alert Drugs
September 01, 2013 - Systemic absorption of both drugs is minimal. 32-36 Of the minimal amount of mupirocin that is absorbed
September 01, 2013 - Systemic absorption of both drugs is minimal. 32-36 Of the minimal amount of mupirocin that is absorbed
June 01, 2021 - AHRQ Safety Program for Improving Antibiotic Use
Improving Antibiotic Use Is a Patient Safety Issue
Long-Term Care
Slide Title and Commentary
Slide Number and Slide
Improving Antibiotic Use Is a Patient Safety Issue
Long-Term Care
Welcome to this presentation titled “Improving Antibiotic Use Is a Patie…
March 01, 2017 - growing problem
Often forced to use older antibiotics to deal with resistant organisms
Many of these drugs … Many of these drugs are especially harmful in older people. So how do we avoid using antibiotics?