December 01, 2017 - Neuropsychiatric
Stroke and TIAs
Parkinson's disease
Dementias and delirium
Topic: Adverse Drug Events (ADE)
AHRQ offers research and resources for healthcare professionals to better understand and reduce risks related to adverse drug events.
AHRQ Research Inspires Efforts at Banner Desert To Reduce Drug Errors in E.D. Patients
November 11, 2019 - There was also a larger reduction in the number of drugs
prescribed in the intervention group (p<0.046 … When two STOPP criteria, the prescription of benzodiazepines or of neuroleptic drugs to
patients who … According to
the STOPP criteria, 70 drugs were inappropriately prescribed before the intervention, and … 20 drugs after
6 months. … The median number of inappropriately prescribed drugs according to the STOPP criteria
before education
January 01, 2003 - , wrong-
dose or omitted-dose error if the MAR contained new orders to add,
change, or discontinue drugs … An example of this is the variety exhibited in
borrowing practices when drugs are not available. … Concerned about the impact on the resident of
missing one or more doses of these drugs, a staff member … borrows the drugs to
assure therapeutic continuity. … from one
resident’s supply to give to another resident whose drugs are not yet available.
June 01, 2021 - Interactions with other medications
Some antibiotics interact with certain drugs.
July 01, 2018 - A = A lcohol and Drugs.
F = F atigue.
E = E ating and Elimination. … Matthews, the Team Leader, is calling out orders for drugs, X-rays, and labs.
April 01, 2018 - 5
-- Side Effects/Adverse Drug Reactions
-- Specific to High-Risk Drugs … Chemotherapeutic Agents
---- Insulin
---- Look-Alike, Sound-Alike Drugs
June 15, 2018 - defined as a mean heart rate > 2 SD above normal for age in the
absence of external stimulus, chronic drugs … as a mean heart rate <10th percentile for age in
the absence of external vagal stimulus, β-blocker drugs
July 01, 2018 - refills (e.g., beta agonists, inhaled corticosteroids, leukotrine modifiers, oral steroids, other asthma drugs
January 01, 2024 - Drugs Aging 2022 Jul;39(7):559-71. doi: 10.1007/s40266-022-00953-y.. … formulary exclusion by 4 large Medicare Advantage (MA) insurers to manage 20 physician-administered drugs … with the highest total Medicare expenditures (top 20 drugs). … For each insurer, they calculated the number of top 20 physician-administered drugs subject to prior … Medicare Advantage coverage restrictions for the costliest physician-administered drugs.
March 01, 2025 - Effective Health Care Program , which provides the best available evidence on the benefits and harms of drugs
January 01, 2024 - Although it is possible to create
orders for custom formulations or usage instructions for drugs, generally … We defined warfarin, lovastatin/simvastatin, and methylphenidate/Adderall as object
drugs of interest … Precipitant drugs and their potential
consequences are listed in the table below. … A mean of 70 patients per clinic had received one or
more of the target drugs. … New prescriptions for familiar drugs and controlled substances took longer
with the CCOE tool
March 01, 2017 - Treating Rheumatoid Arthritis
The 2012 Recommendations for the Use of Disease-Modifying Antirheumatic Drugs
September 01, 2012 - vary at different times of year (since ordering can be sporadic and availability of generic and other drugs
October 01, 2014 - AHRQ review summarizes the literature on adult use of second-generation antidepressants, comparing the drugs
October 01, 2014 - Response Model (BERM), helps health officials predict the number and type of staff needed to dispense drugs
March 01, 2024 - The Centers for Education & Research Therapeutics (CERTs) conduct research and education about drugs
April 26, 2018 - defined as a mean heart rate > 2 SD above normal for age in the
absence of external stimulus, chronic drugs … as a mean heart rate <10th percentile for age in
the absence of external vagal stimulus, β-blocker drugs
May 01, 2017 - unit to consider as it establishes its processes for ensuring safe medication administration of these drugs … Admin.
High-Alert Medications1
High-alert medications are “drugs that bear a heightened risk of … Although mistakes are not necessarily more common with these drugs, the consequences of errors are more … safeguards to reduce the risk of errors, such as the following:
Improving access to information about these drugs
July 01, 2018 - new summary data tables, which address the areas of health insurance, medical conditions, prescribed drugs … allows for county-level comparisons of hospitalization rates for opioids, alcohol, stimulants, and other drugs … particular, he presented graphic pages that show rates of hospital stays relating to alcohol and other drugs … We need to address the issue of the high costs of drugs.