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    March 27, 2019 - Study Pilot Testing Fall TIPS (Tailoring Interventions for Patient Safety): a patient-centered fall prevention toolkit. Citation Text: Dykes PC, Duckworth M, Cunningham S, et al. Pilot Testing Fall TIPS (Tailoring Interventions for Patient Safety): a Patient-Centered Fall Prevention Tool…
    January 12, 2022 - Review Optimizing post-acute care patient safety: a scoping review of multifactorial fall prevention interventions for older adults. Citation Text: Leland NE, Lekovitch C, Martínez J, et al. Optimizing post-acute care patient safety: a scoping review of multifactorial fall prevention int…
    May 08, 2017 - Commentary Effects of racial bias in pulse oximetry on children and how to address algorithmic bias in clinical medicine. Citation Text: Gray KD, Subramaniam HL, Huang ES. Effects of racial bias in pulse oximetry on children and how to address algorithmic bias in clinical medicine. JAMA …
    April 13, 2022 - Study Frequency of diagnostic errors in the neonatal intensive care unit: a retrospective cohort study. Citation Text: Shafer GJ, Singh H, Thomas EJ, et al. Frequency of diagnostic errors in the neonatal intensive care unit: a retrospective cohort study. J Perinatol. 2022;42(10):1312-131…
    June 22, 2022 - Study Analysis of variation between diagnosis at admission vs discharge and clinical outcomes among adults with possible bacteremia. Citation Text: Dregmans E, Kaal AG, Meziyerh S, et al. Analysis of variation between diagnosis at admission vs discharge and clinical outcomes among adults…
    May 26, 2021 - Study Contributors to diagnostic error or delay in the acute care setting: a survey of clinical stakeholders. Citation Text: Redmond S, Barwise A, Zornes S, et al. Contributors to diagnostic error or delay in the acute care setting: a survey of clinical stakeholders. Health Serv Insights…
    February 01, 2013 - Study Burns surgery handover study: trainees' assessment of current practice in the British Isles. Citation Text: Al-Benna S, Al-Ajam Y, Alzoubaidi D. Burns surgery handover study: trainees' assessment of current practice in the British Isles. Burns. 2009;35(4):509-12. doi:10.1016/j.bu…
    April 14, 2021 - Study Adverse events in women giving birth in a labor ward: a retrospective record review study. Citation Text: Skoogh A, Hall-Lord ML, Bååth C, et al. Adverse events in women giving birth in a labor ward: a retrospective record review study. BMC Health Serv Res. 2021;21(1):1093. doi:10.…
    January 23, 2017 - Study US national trends in pediatric deaths from prescription and illicit opioids, 1999–2016. Citation Text: Gaither JR, Shabanova V, Leventhal JM. US National Trends in Pediatric Deaths From Prescription and Illicit Opioids, 1999-2016. JAMA Netw Open. 2018;1(8):e186558. doi:10.1001/jam…
    July 07, 2021 - Review Classic The potential for improved teamwork to reduce medical errors in the emergency department. Citation Text: Risser DT, Rice MM, Salisbury ML, et al. The potential for improved teamwork to reduce medical errors in the emergency department. Ann Emerg M…
    January 12, 2022 - Study Complexity and challenges of the clinical diagnosis and management of Long COVID. Citation Text: O’Hare AM, Vig EK, Iwashyna TJ, et al. Complexity and challenges of the clinical diagnosis and management of Long COVID. JAMA Netw Open. 2022;5(11):e2240332. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen…
    November 11, 2020 - Commentary Honesty and transparency, indispensable to the clinical mission--Parts I-III. Citation Text: Brenner MJ, Boothman RC, Rushton CH, et al. Honesty and Transparency, Indispensable to the Clinical Mission—Parts I - III. Otolaryngol Clin North Am. 2021;55(1):43-103. doi:10.1016/j.o…
    September 28, 2010 - Study Preventable harm occurring to critically ill children. Citation Text: Larsen G, Donaldson AE, Parker HB, et al. Preventable harm occurring to critically ill children. Pediatr Crit Care Med. 2007;8(4):331-336. Copy Citation Format: Google Scholar PubMed BibTeX EndNot…
    May 11, 2016 - Review Eliminating explicit and implicit biases in health care: evidence and research needs. Citation Text: Vela MB, Erondu AI, Smith NA, et al. Eliminating explicit and implicit biases in health care: evidence and research needs. Annu Rev Public Health. 2022;43(1):477-501. doi:10.1146/…
    May 25, 2022 - Review The safety of health care for ethnic minority patients: a systematic review. Citation Text: Chauhan A, Walton M, Manias E, et al. The safety of health care for ethnic minority patients: a systematic review. Int J Equity Health. 2020;19(1):118. doi:10.1186/s12939-020-01223-2. Cop…
    December 21, 2014 - Study Bariatric surgery with operating room teams that stayed fixed during the day: a multicenter study analyzing the effects on patient outcomes, teamwork and safety climate, and procedure duration. Citation Text: Stepaniak PS, Heij C, Buise MP, et al. Bariatric surgery with operating r…
    September 07, 2022 - Study Supporting error management and safety climate in ambulatory care practices: the CIRSforte study. Citation Text: Müller BS, Lüttel D, Schütze D, et al. Supporting error management and safety climate in ambulatory care practices: the CIRSforte study. J Patient Saf. 2024;20(5):314-32…
    August 17, 2022 - Review Medication errors' causes analysis in home care setting: a systematic review. Citation Text: Dionisi S, Di Simone E, Liquori G, et al. Medication errors' causes analysis in home care setting: A systematic review. Public Health Nurs. 2022;39(4):876-897. doi:10.1111/phn.13037. Cop…
    April 24, 2018 - Study Effects of skilled nursing facility structure and process factors on medication errors during nursing home admission. Citation Text: Lane SJ, Troyer JL, Dienemann JA, et al. Effects of skilled nursing facility structure and process factors on medication errors during nursing home a…
    October 27, 2021 - Review The impact of "missed nursing care" or "care not done" on adults in health care: a rapid review for the Consensus Development Project. Citation Text: Willis E, Brady C. The impact of “missed nursing care” or “care not done” on adults in health care: A rapid review for the Consensu…

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