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    September 12, 2018 - Study Competencies for improving diagnosis: an interprofessional framework for education and training in health care. Citation Text: Olson A, Rencic J, Cosby K, et al. Competencies for improving diagnosis: an interprofessional framework for education and training in health care. Diagnosi…
    August 04, 2021 - Review Impact of pharmacist interventions on medication errors in hospitalized pediatric patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Citation Text: Naseralallah LM, Hussain TA, Jaam M, et al. Impact of pharmacist interventions on medication errors in hospitalized pediatric patients:…
    September 26, 2016 - Study Building a simulation-based crisis resource management course for emergency medicine, phase 1: results from an interdisciplinary needs assessment survey. Citation Text: Hicks CM, Bandiera GW, Denny CJ. Building a simulation-based crisis resource management course for emergency …
    December 31, 2014 - Study Impact of an automated email notification system for results of tests pending at discharge: a cluster-randomized controlled trial. Citation Text: Dalal A, Roy CL, Poon EG, et al. Impact of an automated email notification system for results of tests pending at discharge: a cluster-r…
    March 17, 2021 - Study Integrating adverse event reporting into a free-text mobile application used in daily workflow increases adverse event reporting by physicians. Citation Text: Delio J, Catalanotti JS, Marko K, et al. Integrating Adverse Event Reporting Into a Free-Text Mobile Application Used in Da…
    November 10, 2021 - Study Causes of adverse events in home mechanical ventilation: a nursing perspective. Citation Text: Lipprandt M, Liedtke W, Langanke M, et al. Causes of adverse events in home mechanical ventilation: a nursing perspective. BMC Nurs. 2022;21(1):264. doi:10.1186/s12912-022-01038-2. Copy…
    June 22, 2022 - Study Trends in adverse event rates in hospitalized patients, 2010-2019. Citation Text: Eldridge N, Wang Y, Metersky M, et al. Trends in adverse event rates in hospitalized patients, 2010-2019. JAMA. 2022;328(2):173-183. doi:10.1001/jama.2022.9600. Copy Citation Format: DOI…
    November 03, 2015 - Study Using FDA reports to inform a classification for health information technology safety problems. Citation Text: Magrabi F, Ong M-S, Runciman WB, et al. Using FDA reports to inform a classification for health information technology safety problems. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2012;19(1):4…
    November 30, 2022 - Study Examining medication ordering errors using AHRQ Network of Patient Safety Databases. Citation Text: Grauer A, Rosen A, Applebaum JR, et al. Examining medication ordering errors using AHRQ network of patient safety databases. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2023;30(5):838-845. doi:10.1093/ja…
    March 01, 2023 - Review Effect of the surgical safety checklist on provider and patient outcomes: a systematic review. Citation Text: Armstrong BA, Dutescu IA, Nemoy L, et al. Effect of the surgical safety checklist on provider and patient outcomes: a systematic review. BMJ Qual Saf. 2022;31(6):463-478. …
    December 18, 2017 - Review Classic Systems thinking and incivility in nursing practice: an integrative review. Citation Text: Phillips JM, Stalter AM, Winegardner S, et al. Systems thinking and incivility in nursing practice: An integrative review. Nurs Forum. 2018;2018(3):286-298.…
    November 17, 2021 - Study Retrospective analysis of reported suicide deaths and attempts on Veterans Health Administration campuses and inpatient units. Citation Text: Mills PD, Soncrant C, Gunnar W. Retrospective analysis of reported suicide deaths and attempts on Veterans Health Administration campuses an…
    May 26, 2021 - Study Development and validation of a brief culture-of-safety survey. Citation Text: Barnard C, Chung JW, Flaherty V, et al. Development and validation of a brief culture-of-safety survey. Jt Comm J Qual Patient Saf. 2022;48(9):430-438. doi:10.1016/j.jcjq.2022.04.006. Copy Citation …
    June 15, 2022 - Review Preferences and perceptions of medical error disclosure among marginalized populations: a narrative review. Citation Text: Olazo K, Wang K, Sierra M, et al. Preferences and perceptions of medical error disclosure among marginalized populations: a narrative review. Jt Comm J Qual P…
    February 15, 2023 - Commentary Expanding frontiers of risk management: care safety in nursing home during COVID-19 pandemic. Citation Text: Scopetti M, Santurro A, Tartaglia R, et al. Expanding frontiers of risk management: care safety in nursing home during COVID-19 pandemic. Int J Qual Health Care. 2021;3…
    June 22, 2022 - Study Analysis of variation between diagnosis at admission vs discharge and clinical outcomes among adults with possible bacteremia. Citation Text: Dregmans E, Kaal AG, Meziyerh S, et al. Analysis of variation between diagnosis at admission vs discharge and clinical outcomes among adults…
    May 26, 2021 - Study Contributors to diagnostic error or delay in the acute care setting: a survey of clinical stakeholders. Citation Text: Redmond S, Barwise A, Zornes S, et al. Contributors to diagnostic error or delay in the acute care setting: a survey of clinical stakeholders. Health Serv Insights…
    March 27, 2019 - Study Pilot Testing Fall TIPS (Tailoring Interventions for Patient Safety): a patient-centered fall prevention toolkit. Citation Text: Dykes PC, Duckworth M, Cunningham S, et al. Pilot Testing Fall TIPS (Tailoring Interventions for Patient Safety): a Patient-Centered Fall Prevention Tool…
    May 08, 2017 - Commentary Effects of racial bias in pulse oximetry on children and how to address algorithmic bias in clinical medicine. Citation Text: Gray KD, Subramaniam HL, Huang ES. Effects of racial bias in pulse oximetry on children and how to address algorithmic bias in clinical medicine. JAMA …
    April 13, 2022 - Study Frequency of diagnostic errors in the neonatal intensive care unit: a retrospective cohort study. Citation Text: Shafer GJ, Singh H, Thomas EJ, et al. Frequency of diagnostic errors in the neonatal intensive care unit: a retrospective cohort study. J Perinatol. 2022;42(10):1312-131…

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