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  1. Wp Apr2005 Sz (pdf file)
    April 01, 2005 - Second, we jointly analyze the impacts of alcohol and drugs, whereas their previous work considered … Indeed, most of the previous literature focuses on either alcohol or drugs, but not both. … Indeed, most of the previous literature focuses on either alcohol or drugs, but not both. … moderately, and 74 percent had either never used drugs or used them just a few times (less than 12 … “Teenage Sex, Drugs, and Alcohol Use: Problems Identifying the Cause of Risky Behaviors.”
    December 01, 2021 - care Medical conditions, 1996-2015 Medical conditions, 2016 and later Prescribed drugs … Prescribed drugs These MEPS summary tables provide statistics on total expenditures, total
    January 01, 2013 - with an understanding of the costs and extent to which specific therapeutic classes and subclasses of drugs … This Statistical Brief provides trends for one therapeutic subclass of prescribed drugs—urinary antispasmodics … These factors include: 1) drugs are reclassified due to changes in the Multum therapeutic classification … scheme, 2) new drugs become available over time, and 3) generic versions of previously brand name only … drugs become available.
    June 01, 2012 - with an understanding of the costs and extent to which specific therapeutic classes and subclasses of drugs … This Statistical Brief provides trends for one therapeutic subclass of prescribed drugs—anticonvulsants … These factors include: 1) drugs are reclassified due to changes in the Multum therapeutic classification … scheme, 2) new drugs become available over time, and 3) generic versions of previously brand name only … drugs become available.
    January 01, 2013 - with an understanding of the costs and extent to which specific therapeutic classes and subclasses of drugs … This Statistical Brief provides trends for one therapeutic subclass of prescribed drugs—urinary antispasmodics … These factors include: 1) drugs are reclassified due to changes in the Multum therapeutic classification … scheme, 2) new drugs become available over time, and 3) generic versions of previously brand name only … drugs become available.
    June 01, 2012 - with an understanding of the costs and extent to which specific therapeutic classes and subclasses of drugs … This Statistical Brief provides trends for one therapeutic subclass of prescribed drugs—anticonvulsants … These factors include: 1) drugs are reclassified due to changes in the Multum therapeutic classification … scheme, 2) new drugs become available over time, and 3) generic versions of previously brand name only … drugs become available.
    June 01, 2013 - , 2010 June 2013 Frederick Rohde, MA Highlights In 2010, prescription drugs … Introduction In 2010, prescription drugs accounted for 21.4 percent of overall health care expenditures … A higher percentage of prescription drug expenses was paid out of pocket (21.8 percent for drugs versus … 61.3 percent of the U.S. civilian noninstitutionalized population had expenditures for prescription drugs
    November 01, 2010 - in the 10 Largest States, 2007 Frederick Rohde, MA Highlights In 2007, prescription drugs … Introduction In 2007, prescription drugs accounted for 20.7 percent of the overall health care … A higher percentage of the prescription drug expenditures was paid out of pocket (27.7 percent for drugs … 61.7 percent of the U.S. noninstitutionalized civilian population had an expenditure for prescription drugs
    January 01, 2008 - . 33.2 percent), office-based medical provider care (85 percent vs. 80.8 percent), and prescription drugs … People with public only insurance had higher average expenditures for prescription drugs than privately … . 33.2 percent), office-based medical provider care (85 percent vs. 80.8 percent), and prescription drugs … In addition, the average expenditure for prescription drugs was $1,224 vs. $561 in the 18-44 age group … status All medical care 1 Hospital care 2 Office-based medical provider care 3 Prescription drugs
    January 01, 2013 - with an understanding of the costs and extent to which specific therapeutic classes and subclasses of drugs … This Statistical Brief provides trends for one therapeutic subclass of prescribed drugs—urinary antispasmodics … These factors include: 1) drugs are reclassified due to changes in the Multum therapeutic classification … scheme, 2) new drugs become available over time, and 3) generic versions of previously brand name only … drugs become available.
    January 01, 2008 - . 33.2 percent), office-based medical provider care (85 percent vs. 80.8 percent), and prescription drugs … People with public only insurance had higher average expenditures for prescription drugs than privately … . 33.2 percent), office-based medical provider care (85 percent vs. 80.8 percent), and prescription drugs … In addition, the average expenditure for prescription drugs was $1,224 vs. $561 in the 18-44 age group … status All medical care 1 Hospital care 2 Office-based medical provider care 3 Prescription drugs
    June 01, 2012 - an understanding of the costs and extent to which specific therapeutic classes and subclasses of drugs … This Statistical Brief provides trends for one therapeutic subclass of prescribed drugs—anticonvulsants … These factors include: 1) drugs are reclassified due to changes in the Multum therapeutic classification … scheme, 2) new drugs become available over time, and 3) generic versions of previously brand name only … drugs become available.
    July 01, 2020 - spending was 12.0 percent for medical providers’ office-based visits, 11.6 percent for prescription drugs … Payments for over-the-counter drugs are not included in MEPS total expenditures. … hospital 15.2% Emergency room 13.6% Inpatient hospital 12.7% Home health 6.0% Prescription drugs … type Median ($) 95% CI Mean ($) 95% CI All categories 691 572–811 5,216 4,498–5,933 Prescription drugs … room 4.3% Home health 9.8% Inpatient 54.8% Office-based 12.0% Outpatient 7.5% Prescription drugs
    September 01, 2005 - Individuals were classified as using statins if they had one or more purchases of these drugs during … The group of drugs commonly known as statins is more formally referred to as 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl … coenzyme A (HMG-CoA) reductase inhibitors. * This brief focuses solely on this class of drugs. … Other cholesterol-lowering drugs, such as fibric acid derivatives and bile acid sequestraints, were not … Statins were defined as those prescribed drugs in the Multum Lexicon therapeutic sub-class, HMG-CoA Reductase
    September 01, 2005 - Individuals were classified as using statins if they had one or more purchases of these drugs during … The group of drugs commonly known as statins is more formally referred to as 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl … * This brief focuses solely on this class of drugs … Other cholesterol-lowering drugs, such as fibric acid derivatives and bile acid sequestraints, were not … Statins were defined as those prescribed drugs in the Multum Lexicon therapeutic sub-class, HMG-CoA Reductase
    September 01, 2005 - Individuals were classified as using statins if they had one or more purchases of these drugs during … The group of drugs commonly known as statins is more formally referred to as 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl … coenzyme A (HMG-CoA) reductase inhibitors.* This brief focuses solely on this class of drugs. … Other cholesterol- lowering drugs, such as fibric acid derivatives and bile acid sequestraints, were … Statins were defined as those prescribed drugs in the Multum Lexicon therapeutic sub-class, HMG-CoA
    September 01, 2005 - Individuals were classified as using statins if they had one or more purchases of these drugs during … The group of drugs commonly known as statins is more formally referred to as 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl … coenzyme A (HMG-CoA) reductase inhibitors. * This brief focuses solely on this class of drugs. … Other cholesterol-lowering drugs, such as fibric acid derivatives and bile acid sequestraints, were not … Statins were defined as those prescribed drugs in the Multum Lexicon therapeutic sub-class, HMG-CoA Reductase
    August 01, 2018 - Component (MEPS-HC) for 2008 to 2015 to analyze reported ADHD diagnosis and purchases of prescription drugs … Of the drugs identified in these records, only those for which a peer-reviewed paper identified through … These restrictions excluded drugs that might be commonly prescribed for conditions that are comorbid … Stimulant : For the purpose of this Brief, stimulants are those drugs that treat ADHD and have the Multum … Non-stimulant : For the purpose of this Brief, non-stimulants are those drugs that treat ADHD but do
    March 01, 2006 - issued in 1997, and JNC 7 guidelines, which were issued in 2003, both recommend diuretics as first-line drugs … JNC 7 guidelines also state that when more than one class of drugs is required to control blood pressure … This includes drugs with one active ingredient from the diuretic class as well as antihypertensive combination … drugs that contain a diuretic along with an active ingredient from another class of antihypertensive … drugs.

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