
Total Results: 925 records

Showing results for "drugs".

    January 01, 2018 - News and Announcements New Community-Level Statistics on HCUPnet on Stays for Alcohol and Other Drugs … Hospital stays involving alcohol, opioids, stimulants and other drugs are now available as new county … Choose Stays for Alcohol and Other Drugs . Agree to the terms of the data use agreement.
    December 28, 2023 - = 'INJ021: Effect of other external causes, initial encounter' 'INJ022' = 'INJ022: Poisoning by drugs … injury' 'INJ027' = 'INJ027: Other unspecified injury' 'INJ028' = 'INJ028: Adverse effects of drugs … and medicaments, initial encounter' 'INJ029' = 'INJ029: Underdosing of drugs and medicaments, initial … 'INJ058: Effect of other external causes, subsequent encounter' 'INJ059' = 'INJ059: Poisoning by drugs … and medicaments, subsequent encounter' 'INJ066' = 'INJ066: Underdosing of drugs and medicaments,
    December 28, 2023 - Medical examination/evaluation' 'FAC015 ' = 'FAC015 : Resistance to antimicrobial drugs … INJ027 : Other unspecified injury' 'INJ028 ' = 'INJ028 : Adverse effects of drugs … and medicaments, initial encounter' 'INJ029 ' = 'INJ029 : Underdosing of drugs and … of other external causes, subsequent encounter' 'INJ059 ' = 'INJ059 : Poisoning by drugs … and medicaments, subsequent encounter' 'INJ066 ' = 'INJ066 : Underdosing of drugs and
    January 01, 2004 - effects, and other external causes, excluding those of complications of surgical and medical care and drugs … reaction or later complication, without mention of misadventure at time of procedure E930-E949 Drugs
    September 01, 2021 - must include any diagnosis of: P96.1: Neonatal withdrawal symptoms from maternal use of drugs … under a different ICD-10-CM diagnosis code (P96.2: Withdrawal symptoms from therapeutic use of drugs … rates of NAS using the ICD-10-CM diagnosis code P96.2 (withdrawal symptoms from therapeutic use of drugs … in newborn) in addition to the code P96.1 (neonatal withdrawal symptoms from maternal use of drugs
  6. Slide 1 (pdf file)
    February 25, 2008 - chemistry, hematology, serology, microbiology (including parasitology and virology), toxicology • Drugs … LOINC for laboratory test names – SNOMED CT for laboratory result values and diagnoses – RxNorm for drugs
    February 12, 2015 - HCUP Adverse Drug Events Infographic 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Adverse Drug Events Occurring in U.S. Hospitals Adverse drug events (ADEs) are the most common nonsurgical adverse events that occur in hospitals. New data from all payers in 32 States in HCUP show characteristics of the four most frequent specific …
    December 20, 2010 - Includes chemistry, hematology, serology, microbiology (including parasitology and virology), toxicology Drugs … LOINC for laboratory test names SNOMED CT for laboratory result values and diagnoses RxNorm for drugs
    January 01, 2005 - 668 1.7 35 269 1.7 14 398 1.7 2.1 Injuries, poisonings and toxic effects of drugs
    January 01, 2005 - 668 1.7 35 269 1.7 14 398 1.7 2.1 Injuries, poisonings and toxic effects of drugs
    September 10, 2008 - First three digits of T36-T50: Poisoning of drugs, medicaments and biological substances, initial or … subsequent encounter or sequela; excluding adverse effects and underdosing of drugs, medicaments and
    September 10, 2008 - First three digits of T36-T50: Poisoning of drugs, medicaments and biological substances, initial or … subsequent encounter or sequela; excluding adverse effects and underdosing of drugs, medicaments and
    August 10, 2015 - First three digits of T36-T50: Poisoning of drugs, medicaments and biological substances, initial or … subsequent encounter or sequela; excluding adverse effects and underdosing of drugs, medicaments and
  14. (pdf file)
    May 01, 2006 - stays ohol abuse, 20.8 percent s for drug abuse, and ercent of stays for poison- non-psychotropic drugs … abuse, 22.3 percent of stays for drug abuse, 16.8 percent of stays for poisoning by non-psychotropic drugs … $6,500 17 Fracture of leg 24,000 8.7% $28,600 18 Poisoning by non-psychotropic medications and drugs
    May 01, 2021 - HCPCS Level II codes include but are not limited to descriptions for ambulance services, dental service drugs
    February 01, 2018 - Accessed June 15, 2018. 5 Ibid. 6 Green M. 8 Most Commonly Abused Drugs in the U.S. … July 1, 2014. … default/files/report_2790/ShortReport-2790.html … population).12 The opioid crisis—which has resulted from the abuse of both prescription and illegal drugs … , or misuse of prescription drugs or other substances.
    January 01, 2008 - alcohol/drug induced organic mental disorders 21 Injuries, poisonings and toxic effects of drugs … 305.0 Non-dependent abuse of alcohol 305.2-305.9 Non-dependent abuse of illicit/legal drugs
    October 01, 2013 - Accessed May 24, 2013. 6 ADEs involving antineoplastic drugs occurred at a rate of 7.8 per 10,000 discharges … However, we did not include antineoplastic drugs (cancer chemotherapy) in our analysis because these … drugs have a well-known set of expected and serious side effects that are considered worth the risk
    May 01, 2006 - , 20.8 percent of stays for drug abuse, and 16.8 percent of stays for poisoning by non-psychotropic drugs … abuse, 22.3 percent of stays for drug abuse, 16.8 percent of stays for poisoning by non-psychotropic drugs … Fracture of leg 24,000 8.7% $28,600   18 Poisoning by non-psychotropic medications and drugs
    October 01, 2013 - Accessed May 24, 2013. 6 ADEs involving antineoplastic drugs occurred at a rate of 7.8 per 10,000 … However, we did not include antineoplastic drugs (cancer chemotherapy) in our analysis because these … drugs have a well-known set of expected and serious side effects that are considered worth the risk,

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