January 01, 2005 - Commonly used two classes of drugs, angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEIs) and angiotensin … actionable information for patients, physicians and policy makers to make decision in uses of these drugs
February 01, 2008 - Antiepileptic Drugs.
Fifth ed. … Antiepileptic Drugs. Fourth ed. New York,
Raven Press; 1995. p. 799-806.
19. … Antiepileptic Drugs. Fifth ed. … Therapeutic equivalence of generic
drugs letter to health practitioners. … Are there
potential problems with generic substitution of
antiepileptic drugs?
May 19, 2010 - These drugs have been studied for off-label use in several conditions. … 84 published studies on atypical antipsychotics and found that the most common off-label uses of the drugs … Sub-Question 2: How do atypical antipsychotic medications compare with other drugs, including first … How do they compare within the class and with other drugs used for the conditions? … across condition, and then compared within the class and with other drugs used for the conditions.
October 01, 2007 - detailed (including
beneficiary identifiers, contract identifiers pharmacy provider infor-
mation on drugs … Key Words: Medicare, Part D, pharmaceuticals
(Med Care 2007;45: S9–S12)
The Medicare Part D benefit … Part D plan covers 15%,
and the beneficiary pays a 5% coinsurance, or copayments of
$2 for generic drugs … and $5 for nongeneric drugs. … Drugs provided (including the National Drug Classifica-
tion �NDC� code, compound code, and quantity
April 01, 2020 - for Chronic Pain: Evidence Summary
Purpose of Review
Evaluate the benefits and harms of nonopioid drugs … neuropathy/post-herpetic neuralgia and fibromyalgia,
and small with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory
drugs … (NSAIDs), acetaminophen,
topical formulations such as capsaicin, and drugs
used for other conditions … Few differences
were found between drugs. … Differences were not found between
drugs or doses.
October 01, 2015 - Boston (MA): Vertex Pharmaceuticals, Inc.; 2014
Nov 05 [accessed 2014 Dec 11]. [3 p]. … Boston (MA): Vertex
Pharmaceuticals Inc.; 2015 Jan 11 [accessed 2015
May 13]. [5 p]. … Boston (MA):
Vertex Pharmaceuticals Inc.; 2015 May 12
[accessed 2015 May 13]. [2 p]. … Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, Inc. … Ridgefield (CT):
Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, Inc.; 2014
Oct. 18 p.
January 01, 2012 - Coordinating Council for Comparative Effectiveness
Research, AHRQ is interested in innovations in drugs … For purposes of horizon scanning, AHRQ’s interests are broad and encompass drugs, devices,
procedures … Information is compiled for expert comment on topics at a granular
level (i.e., similar drugs in the … However, experts shared the belief that these drugs’ benefits would prove to be only incremental … Prescription drugs: abuse and addiction. [internet].
June 01, 2015 - health care sector, horizon
scanning pertains to identification of new (and new uses of existing) pharmaceuticals … Available:
4. … CNS Drugs. 2012 Mar
1;26(3):189-204. … http://www.cesar.umd.edu/cesar/drugs/ketamine.pdf
http … Rochester (MI): JHP
Pharmaceuticals, LLC; 2011 Jun. 4 p.
January 01, 2012 - Coordinating Council for Comparative Effectiveness
Research, AHRQ is interested in innovations in drugs … In the health care sector, horizon
scanning pertains to identifying new (and new uses of existing) pharmaceuticals … For purposes of horizon scanning, AHRQ’s interests are broad and encompass drugs, devices,
procedures … Information is compiled for expert comment on topics at a granular
level (i.e., similar drugs in the … These drugs will
probably face intense scrutiny, considering the challenges of accurately diagnosing
January 01, 2007 - yes
If yes, explain the specific technologies, devices, drugs, or interventions you would like to … see compared:
2 new drugs have now been approved for the treatment of PAH:
inhaled treprostinil … ambrisentan
Comparisons should be made between these new drugs and the older ones, listed here by … Side effects of various drugs include but are not limited to liver function abnormalities, elevated serum … Since the 2007 update of the medical therapies section of the 2004 guidelines, 2 new drugs have been
January 01, 2007 - Available therapies for RA
include corticosteroids; synthetic disease-modifying
antirheumatic drugs, … Finally, very little is known about
the benefits or risks of these drugs in different patient
subgroups … : comparative risk of harms:
infliximab) vs. anti-TNF Moderate Low
Biologic DMARDs vs. … Moderate Moderate
In patients with no previous use of study drugs, higher
ACR 20/50 response rates … Adjusted indirect comparisons also indicated that
anakinra has lower efficacy than anti-TNF drugs.
April 01, 2012 - Comparative Effectiveness Review
Number 51
Dietary Supplements in Adults Taking
Cardiovascular Drugs … (when compared with cardiovascular drugs alone or
cardiovascular drugs and a different dietary supplement … • Studies included cardiovascular drugs not marketed in
the United States. … Drugs Aging.
2009 Dec;26(Suppl 1):41-51. PMID: 20136168.
13. Garner JB. … Dietary Supplements
in Adults Taking Cardiovascular Drugs.
May 01, 2012 - ...............................................................................3
Recently Marketed Drugs … If newer drugs were started more recently, the newer drugs may appear safer than older drugs
because … their apparent rate would be lower; investigators would observe a higher event rate for
older drugs … in a class;
requiring all patients in the cohort to have a 365-day window without use of any drugs … For drugs that are available as combination products, it is important to handle the baseline
September 01, 2011 - Disease-Modifying
Antirheumatic Drugs (DMARDs) in Children
With Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA) … Treatment with
the class of agents known as disease-modifying anti-
rheumatic drugs (DMARDs) has become … , which are
created by biologic processes, or non-biologic drugs,
which are manufactured chemically. … Furthermore, it is possible that the
effectiveness of these drugs varies by category of JIA. … be used for
difficult-to-treat JIA, or the impact of using multiple
May 15, 2012 - coronary heart disease events among patients using COX-2 selective non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs … For older drugs, a 365-day window may identify patients starting a new episode of therapy, but not … Most of these patients used other disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs) and have now switched … If newer drugs were started more recently, the newer drugs may appear safer than older drugs because … COX-2 selective non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and risk of serious coronary heart disease.
November 03, 2011 - The FDA has
approved no drugs for migraine prevention in children. … prevention, which include
novel antiepileptic drugs, calcium channel modulators, glutamate blockers … o Use of drugs for acute migraine (prescribed or over-counter). … Drugs approved by the FDA for migraine prevention and off-label drugs examined in
clinical trials. … Studies that examined eligible drugs on populations with other diseases.
October 01, 2007 - it involved 2 short-term drugs instead of 2 long-term drugs? … Changes could also confuse physicians; confusion could generalize beyond the study
drugs. … Some
leaders noted that newer drugs are not typically included on their formulary. … Including short term drugs would be more challenging. … Make clear that physicians have flexibility to prescribe nonstudy drugs.
September 01, 2007 - For example, although 15 drugs were
withdrawn from the market between 1997 and 2005 based on MedWatch … The surveillance administration process involves the identification of
newly introduced drugs that … No effective mechanism currently exists for tracking
the purchase of such drugs. … Such dispensation of drugs by the physicians may need to be
monitored, especially for drugs that have … In order to cater to this need,
all drugs taken by patients will need to be monitored.
September 01, 2007 - For example, although 15 drugs were
withdrawn from the market between 1997 and 2005 based on MedWatch … The surveillance administration process involves the identification of
newly introduced drugs that … No effective mechanism currently exists for tracking
the purchase of such drugs. … Such dispensation of drugs by the physicians may need to be
monitored, especially for drugs that have … In order to cater to this need,
all drugs taken by patients will need to be monitored.
July 16, 2013 - Protocol
October 11, 2016
The Effectiveness of Disease-Modifying Antirheumatic Drugs … – An Update
Research Protocol
May 24, 2017
Disease-Modifying Antirheumatic Drugs