October 26, 2020 - -2
3 or/1-2 (7262)
4 exp *Therapeutics/ (2522988)
5 (biofeedback or device* or diet* or drug or drugs … (anal or fecal or faecal) adj incontinen*).ti. (584)
2 (biofeedback or device* or diet* or drug or drugs … ((anal or fecal or faecal) adj incontinen*).ti. (15)
2 (biofeedback or device* or diet* or drug or drugs … incontinence OR fecal incontinence OR faecal incontinence ) AND ( biofeedback OR
device OR diet OR drug OR drugs … OR+f
October 26, 2020 - -2
3 or/1-2 (7262)
4 exp *Therapeutics/ (2522988)
5 (biofeedback or device* or diet* or drug or drugs … (anal or fecal or faecal) adj incontinen*).ti. (584)
2 (biofeedback or device* or diet* or drug or drugs … ((anal or fecal or faecal) adj incontinen*).ti. (15)
2 (biofeedback or device* or diet* or drug or drugs … incontinence OR fecal incontinence OR faecal incontinence ) AND ( biofeedback OR
device OR diet OR drug OR drugs … OR+f
October 26, 2020 - -2
3 or/1-2 (7262)
4 exp *Therapeutics/ (2522988)
5 (biofeedback or device* or diet* or drug or drugs … (anal or fecal or faecal) adj incontinen*).ti. (584)
2 (biofeedback or device* or diet* or drug or drugs … ((anal or fecal or faecal) adj incontinen*).ti. (15)
2 (biofeedback or device* or diet* or drug or drugs … incontinence OR fecal incontinence OR faecal incontinence ) AND ( biofeedback OR
device OR diet OR drug OR drugs … OR+f
October 26, 2020 - -2
3 or/1-2 (7262)
4 exp *Therapeutics/ (2522988)
5 (biofeedback or device* or diet* or drug or drugs … (anal or fecal or faecal) adj incontinen*).ti. (584)
2 (biofeedback or device* or diet* or drug or drugs … ((anal or fecal or faecal) adj incontinen*).ti. (15)
2 (biofeedback or device* or diet* or drug or drugs … incontinence OR fecal incontinence OR faecal incontinence ) AND ( biofeedback OR
device OR diet OR drug OR drugs … OR+f
October 26, 2020 - -2
3 or/1-2 (7262)
4 exp *Therapeutics/ (2522988)
5 (biofeedback or device* or diet* or drug or drugs … (anal or fecal or faecal) adj incontinen*).ti. (584)
2 (biofeedback or device* or diet* or drug or drugs … ((anal or fecal or faecal) adj incontinen*).ti. (15)
2 (biofeedback or device* or diet* or drug or drugs … incontinence OR fecal incontinence OR faecal incontinence ) AND ( biofeedback OR
device OR diet OR drug OR drugs … OR+f
October 26, 2020 - -2
3 or/1-2 (7262)
4 exp *Therapeutics/ (2522988)
5 (biofeedback or device* or diet* or drug or drugs … (anal or fecal or faecal) adj incontinen*).ti. (584)
2 (biofeedback or device* or diet* or drug or drugs … ((anal or fecal or faecal) adj incontinen*).ti. (15)
2 (biofeedback or device* or diet* or drug or drugs … incontinence OR fecal incontinence OR faecal incontinence ) AND ( biofeedback OR
device OR diet OR drug OR drugs … OR+f
October 26, 2020 - -2
3 or/1-2 (7262)
4 exp *Therapeutics/ (2522988)
5 (biofeedback or device* or diet* or drug or drugs … (anal or fecal or faecal) adj incontinen*).ti. (584)
2 (biofeedback or device* or diet* or drug or drugs … ((anal or fecal or faecal) adj incontinen*).ti. (15)
2 (biofeedback or device* or diet* or drug or drugs … incontinence OR fecal incontinence OR faecal incontinence ) AND ( biofeedback OR
device OR diet OR drug OR drugs … OR+f
October 26, 2020 - -2
3 or/1-2 (7262)
4 exp *Therapeutics/ (2522988)
5 (biofeedback or device* or diet* or drug or drugs … (anal or fecal or faecal) adj incontinen*).ti. (584)
2 (biofeedback or device* or diet* or drug or drugs … ((anal or fecal or faecal) adj incontinen*).ti. (15)
2 (biofeedback or device* or diet* or drug or drugs … incontinence OR fecal incontinence OR faecal incontinence ) AND ( biofeedback OR
device OR diet OR drug OR drugs … OR+f
August 01, 2013 - Five articles12-16
investigated antidepressant drugs versus placebo. … These
drugs included sertraline,12,13 paroxetine,14 trazodone,15
and nortriptyline.16 Dosage levels … The neurotransmitter drugs were gabapentin,17 baclofen,18
alprazolam,19 and acamprosate.20,21 Three … studies
investigated other drugs, including methylprednisolone
versus placebo,22 vardenafil versus … , food
supplements, and other
Evidence suggests that neurotransmitter drugs showed
February 01, 2009 - Annual age-specific utilization of DMARDs, glucocorticoids, non-steroidal anti-
inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs … rheumatoid arthritis, disease modifying anti-rheumatic drugs, epidemiology
Effective Health Care … 8
The treatment of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) with disease modifying anti-rheumatic drugs … Interestingly, about 10% of patients were not using any study drugs on
the index dates. … The changing
use of disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs in
individuals with rheumatoid arthritis
March 11, 2013 - joint steroid injection, intradiscal methylene blue, intradiscal ozone, injections involving anti-TNF drugs … yes
If yes, explain the specific technologies, devices, drugs, or interventions you would like to
June 17, 2009 - yes
If yes, explain the specific technologies, devices, drugs, or interventions you would like to … All drugs have side effects. Medical foods do not.
September 01, 2011 - A few years ago, these drugs were all off label for autism, depression,
augmentation of depression, … Actually, we refrained from
doing pooled analyses across,
drugs in response to reviewers
comments … So, we think the
report is suitably restrained on
drawing conclusions across
drugs. … As these drugs are
approved for use in MDD, rationale for inclusion of the data in the report should … The drugs
are still included in the
chart for comparative
May 15, 2017 - Newly approved drugs and those under review by the FDA are described in Section B
(see Table 1) above … Few data are available on efficacy for these drugs; even less is
known about how their effectiveness … and harms compared with that of existing drugs. … What has Changed
New drugs: Additional clinical trials of three biosimilar drugs and a tsDMARD (an … Clinical trials of new drugs
for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis: focus on early disease.
November 27, 2012 - , just as non-
biologics for psoriasis are not considered a “class” of drugs either. … We have added
the terms biologic and nonbiologic to our
glossary with a listing of the drugs which … Suggest specifically mentioning the nonbiologic drugs. Thank you for this suggestion. … Are they
naïve to both drugs (mtx, adalimumab, etanercept?)
Thank you for this suggestion. … More information about each of the drugs
and phototherapy would be helpful.
July 09, 2013 - In the health care sector, horizon
scanning pertains to identifying new (and new uses of existing) pharmaceuticals … Information is compiled for expert comment on topics at a
granular level (i.e., similar drugs in the … The search is on for ways to definitively diagnose AD and for drugs, biologics, and alternative
or … The Horizon Scanning System is tracking several
drugs in late-phase development. … Peripheral and Central Nervous System Drugs
Advisory Committee.
January 01, 2012 - Bedminster (NJ): NPS
Pharmaceuticals, Inc.; 2011 May 12 [accessed
2011 Jul 15]. [2 p]. … Bedminster (NJ):
NPS Pharmaceuticals, Inc.; 2011 Oct 31
[accessed 2011 Nov 11]. [4 p]. … Bedminster (NJ): NPS
Pharmaceuticals, Inc.; 2012 Oct 16 [accessed
2012 Oct 16]. [3 p]. … Bedminster (NJ): NPS
Pharmaceuticals, Inc.; 2012 Jan 31 [accessed
2012 Jun 5]. [2 p]. … Bedminster (NJ): NPS Pharmaceuticals, Inc.;
2011 Dec 1 [accessed 2012 Jan 26]. [2 p].
September 23, 2016 - Second-Generation Antipsychotic Drugs
Aripiprazole (Abilify®, Aristada™*)
Asenapine (Saphris® ), … and in 2013 for 2nd versus 2nd
generation drugs. … Consensus development conference on antipsychotic drugs and
obesity and diabetes. … Drug Class Review of Atypical Antipsychotic Drugs;
Update 3. … Drug Class Review: Second Generation Antipsychotic
Drugs. Final Report - Update 4.
March 28, 2019 - We have listed
the included drugs and also how they
were decided upon. … Only studies that
evaluated one of the drugs in Table 1
were eligible. … These drugs could have
been in comparison to a TCA. … to
meaningfully compare drugs in this class and assess their
relative harms. … Thus, it is incorrect to claim
that drugs does not cause adverse events based on public
March 28, 2019 - We have listed
the included drugs and also how they
were decided upon. … Only studies that
evaluated one of the drugs in Table 1
were eligible. … These drugs could have
been in comparison to a TCA. … to
meaningfully compare drugs in this class and assess their
relative harms. … Thus, it is incorrect to claim
that drugs does not cause adverse events based on public