November 15, 2016 - Pharmacological interventions: Nonsteroidal anti- inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) may be effective in treating … Table 5 : FDA Black Box Warnings for Drugs Used To Treat Low Back Pain
FDA Black Box Warning … immediate-release)
Misuse, abuse, addiction, overdose, and death
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs … Furthermore, several of the trials evaluating antidepressants were funded by the manufacturers of the drugs
November 01, 2016 - .
�� Pharmacological interventions: Nonsteroidal anti-
inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) may be effective … Furthermore, several of the
trials evaluating antidepressants were funded by the
manufacturers of the drugs … Drugs FDA Black Box Warning
��Misuse, abuse, addiction, overdose, and … death
��Cardiovascular thrombotic events, including
myocardial … can be fatal
Antidepressants �� Suicidal thoughts and behaviors
Table 5: FDA Black Box Warnings for Drugs
March 09, 2010 - Center Systematic Review Protocol
Project Title: The Effectiveness of Disease-Modifying Antirheumatic
Drugs … Therapy with the so-called disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (DMARDs) has
become an increasingly … These drugs, which operate through a
number of different mechanisms (see Table 2), share the common … effect of limiting radiologic
progression of disease.4 Although these drugs can dramatically improve … There are
many unanswered questions about the safety and effectiveness of these drugs, especially for
June 01, 2013 - to be similar enough to be grouped together
and all beta blocker drugs to be similar enough to be … • Although based on limited studies and use of different
drugs for pretreatment, current evidence … Procedural therapies:
• Transcatheter PVI versus antiarrhythmic drugs
– Based on eight RCTs (five … For KQ 3, our findings underscore the need for additional
studies to compare rate-control drugs with … of the comparative safety and effectiveness
of these different drugs and procedures.
December 01, 2015 - Coordinating Council for Comparative Effectiveness Research, AHRQ is interested in innovations
in drugs … health care sector, horizon
scanning pertains to identification of new (and new uses of existing) pharmaceuticals … For purposes of horizon scanning, AHRQ’s interests are broad and encompass drugs,
devices, procedures … Information is compiled for expert comment on topics at a granular
level (i.e., similar drugs in the … ALZT-OP1's developers hypothesize that
administering these drugs in concert will relieve symptoms of
April 09, 2012 - Benefits from drugs are small. Drugs for urgency UI have comparable effectiveness.
April 01, 2009 - no
If yes, explain the specific technologies, devices, drugs, or interventions you would like to … about the Effective Health Care Program
Dietary Supplements in Adults Taking Cardiovascular Drugs
July 21, 2009 - yes
If yes, explain the specific technologies, devices, drugs, or interventions you would like to … see compared:
Drugs, behavioral treatments and hysterectomy (with or without oophorectomy)
January 01, 2012 - Bedminster (NJ): NPS
Pharmaceuticals, Inc.; 2011 May 12 [accessed
2011 Jul 15]. [2 p]. … Bedminster (NJ):
NPS Pharmaceuticals, Inc.; 2011 Oct 31
[accessed 2011 Nov 11]. [4 p]. … Bedminster (NJ): NPS
Pharmaceuticals, Inc.; 2012 Oct 16 [accessed
2012 Oct 16]. [3 p]. … Bedminster (NJ): NPS
Pharmaceuticals, Inc.; 2012 Jan 31 [accessed
2012 Jun 5]. [2 p]. … Bedminster (NJ): NPS Pharmaceuticals, Inc.;
2011 Dec 1 [accessed 2012 Jan 26]. [2 p].
September 01, 2011 - This review did not evaluate
pharmacokinetics of the drugs. … into the text of
the report for methotrexate or the other
drugs. … I would also indicate the drugs that you are referring
to. … So a moderate SoE for symptoms only applies to a few drugs not
the entire class. … Specific drugs are
described in the text.
June 01, 2013 - Coordinating Council for Comparative Effectiveness
Research, AHRQ is interested in innovations in drugs … For purposes of horizon scanning, AHRQ’s interests are broad and encompass drugs, devices,
procedures … Information is compiled for expert comment on topics at a granular
level (i.e., similar drugs in the … Vertex Pharmaceuticals Incorporated. … Vertex Pharmaceuticals Incorporated.
October 26, 2020 - -2
3 or/1-2 (7262)
4 exp *Therapeutics/ (2522988)
5 (biofeedback or device* or diet* or drug or drugs … (anal or fecal or faecal) adj incontinen*).ti. (584)
2 (biofeedback or device* or diet* or drug or drugs … ((anal or fecal or faecal) adj incontinen*).ti. (15)
2 (biofeedback or device* or diet* or drug or drugs … incontinence OR fecal incontinence OR faecal incontinence ) AND ( biofeedback OR
device OR diet OR drug OR drugs … OR+f
October 26, 2020 - -2
3 or/1-2 (7262)
4 exp *Therapeutics/ (2522988)
5 (biofeedback or device* or diet* or drug or drugs … (anal or fecal or faecal) adj incontinen*).ti. (584)
2 (biofeedback or device* or diet* or drug or drugs … ((anal or fecal or faecal) adj incontinen*).ti. (15)
2 (biofeedback or device* or diet* or drug or drugs … incontinence OR fecal incontinence OR faecal incontinence ) AND ( biofeedback OR
device OR diet OR drug OR drugs … OR+f
October 26, 2020 - -2
3 or/1-2 (7262)
4 exp *Therapeutics/ (2522988)
5 (biofeedback or device* or diet* or drug or drugs … (anal or fecal or faecal) adj incontinen*).ti. (584)
2 (biofeedback or device* or diet* or drug or drugs … ((anal or fecal or faecal) adj incontinen*).ti. (15)
2 (biofeedback or device* or diet* or drug or drugs … incontinence OR fecal incontinence OR faecal incontinence ) AND ( biofeedback OR
device OR diet OR drug OR drugs … OR+f
October 26, 2020 - -2
3 or/1-2 (7262)
4 exp *Therapeutics/ (2522988)
5 (biofeedback or device* or diet* or drug or drugs … (anal or fecal or faecal) adj incontinen*).ti. (584)
2 (biofeedback or device* or diet* or drug or drugs … ((anal or fecal or faecal) adj incontinen*).ti. (15)
2 (biofeedback or device* or diet* or drug or drugs … incontinence OR fecal incontinence OR faecal incontinence ) AND ( biofeedback OR
device OR diet OR drug OR drugs … OR+f
October 26, 2020 - -2
3 or/1-2 (7262)
4 exp *Therapeutics/ (2522988)
5 (biofeedback or device* or diet* or drug or drugs … (anal or fecal or faecal) adj incontinen*).ti. (584)
2 (biofeedback or device* or diet* or drug or drugs … ((anal or fecal or faecal) adj incontinen*).ti. (15)
2 (biofeedback or device* or diet* or drug or drugs … incontinence OR fecal incontinence OR faecal incontinence ) AND ( biofeedback OR
device OR diet OR drug OR drugs … OR+f
October 26, 2020 - -2
3 or/1-2 (7262)
4 exp *Therapeutics/ (2522988)
5 (biofeedback or device* or diet* or drug or drugs … (anal or fecal or faecal) adj incontinen*).ti. (584)
2 (biofeedback or device* or diet* or drug or drugs … ((anal or fecal or faecal) adj incontinen*).ti. (15)
2 (biofeedback or device* or diet* or drug or drugs … incontinence OR fecal incontinence OR faecal incontinence ) AND ( biofeedback OR
device OR diet OR drug OR drugs … OR+f
October 26, 2020 - -2
3 or/1-2 (7262)
4 exp *Therapeutics/ (2522988)
5 (biofeedback or device* or diet* or drug or drugs … (anal or fecal or faecal) adj incontinen*).ti. (584)
2 (biofeedback or device* or diet* or drug or drugs … ((anal or fecal or faecal) adj incontinen*).ti. (15)
2 (biofeedback or device* or diet* or drug or drugs … incontinence OR fecal incontinence OR faecal incontinence ) AND ( biofeedback OR
device OR diet OR drug OR drugs … OR+f