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Showing results for "drugs".

    December 31, 2007 - Electronic Prescribing6 Lowering Patients’ Prescription Drug Costs The high cost of prescription drugs … prescription directly to a pharmacy.14 The system provides real­time information on the relative costs of drugs—or … Physicians select drugs from a color­coded list indicating the drug’s relative cost. … decision support, the e­prescribing system notifies participating physicians of typical doses for common drugs
    August 26, 2014 - • 49% of the LASA pairs ► The cumulative total of subjects who received both drugs in a pair … • Eliminated drugs that would be of interest to other parties (e.g., inpatient). … • List of LASA pairs is not pediatric specific, so pediatricians are unfamiliar with many drugs. … • For 3.1% of the LASA pairs ► So many subjects receive both drugs within a 6-month period that … Retrospective detection of potential medication errors involving drugs with similar names.
    June 14, 2021 - practice audit and feedback/physician report cards; for example, outlining rates at which highly indicated drugs … only one drug from a medication cocktail is selected or for reasons when ordering certain highly toxic drugs … example, for drug levels when ordering certain antibiotics or for premedication when ordering certain drugs … Clinicians, Patient Clinicians, Patient, Health System WHAT (INFOR MATION) Reference on drugs … administration, IV compatibility) Patient-oriented reference (drug, disease, lab) Reference drugs
    March 01, 2002 - Using the electronic medical record to enhance the use of combination drugs Authors:  Wells … Description:  The electronic medical record (EMR) was used to identify candidate patients for combination drugs
    January 01, 2021 - were involved in DDIs, and 51 drugs appeared in more than one interaction. … Table 3 shows the ten drugs that appeared most often in DDIs. … While 112 discrete drugs were involved in the 79 DDIs, 51 drugs (45.5%) appeared in more than one interaction … drug appeared in a DDI (%), N=235 interacting drugs. … Top 10 most common drugs involved in DDIs.
    January 01, 2011 - initiative to conduct research and provide education to advance the optimal use of therapeutics such as drugs … High-risk commonly used drugs such as opioid analgesics are frequently selected and dosed improperly. … Drug name confusion causes patients to receive the wrong drugs. … Consumers use drugs unsafely because drug information is limited and/or confusing.
    January 01, 2005 - drug interaction software database to identify clinically important interactions involving transplant drugs … clinical significance Evaluation Method:  compare the expert-derived list of interactions for certain drugs
    January 01, 2008 - Abstract "Background: Maintaining therapeutic concentrations of drugs with a narrow therapeutic window … any change in the health of patients resulting from computerized advice (such as adverse reactions to drugs … were included (as compared to fifteen comparisons in the original review) including a wide range of drugs … change in the initial dose of drug but to have no effect on the maintenance dose and the total amount of drugs
    January 01, 2011 - Final guidelines included 35 drugs or drug classes and 61 laboratory tests. … ordered than for drugs without BBWs (86.4% vs 78.0%, p < 0.001). … Final guidelines included 38 drugs and drug classes and a total of 66 laboratory tests. … Final guidelines included 35 drugs/drug classes and 61 laboratory tests. … Rates of patient noncompletion of ordered tests for all drugs was generally <10%.
    January 01, 1997 - Levels of computer support were control (alphabetical list of drugs), limited support (list of preferred … drugs), and full support (the same list with explanations available for suggestions). … In the limited support mode the pick list of drugs was ordered with the most favoured drug at the top
    January 01, 2023 - Drugs & Therapy Perspectives; Auckland Vol. 38, Iss. 3, (Mar 2022): 146-155.
    January 01, 2010 - reminders specifically related to the patient on drug-drug interactions, drug-lab interactions, and drugs … support rules to medication history documents in selected areas, such as inadequate lab monitoring, drugs … with abnormal labs, or drugs to avoid in the elderly. ( Achieved ) Deliver enhanced medication history … It was strongly agreed that medication histories helped discover drugs which were previously unknown
    January 01, 2012 - initiative to conduct research and provide education to advance the optimal use of therapeutics such as drugs … High-risk commonly used drugs such as opioid analgesics are frequently selected and dosed improperly … Drug name confusion causes patients to receive the wrong drugs. … Consumers use drugs unsafely because drug information is limited and confusing.
    January 01, 2008 - This is shown best by our ability to use the SPL labels and their descriptions of drugs directly for … When FDA published product labels really do cover all of currently marketed drugs, as they should by … law, then the need for other drug-terminologies that simply list and group drugs could be entirely … SPL had more detail on the drugs that are covered, but RxNorm and SPL have excellent agreement on the … User-defined abstraction from manufactured drugs can easily be created on the basis of detailed drug
    January 01, 2023 - Medicaid paid claims data was used to identify patients 0-to-20 years of age who had received both drugs … For 83 percent of pairs, the cumulative total of subjects who received both drugs amounted to less than … By contrast, among the remaining 17 percent of pairs, there were 97,163 subjects who received both drugs
    June 27, 2008 - Potential Savings from Substituting Generic Drugs for Brand-Name Drugs: Medical Expenditure Panel Survey … The Implications of Choice: Prescribing Generic or Preferred Pharmaceuticals Improves Medication Adherence
    January 01, 2023 - and Outcomes Prior authorization for biologic disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs … Prior authorization for biologic disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs: a description of US Medicaid
  18. 08-1094 (pdf file)
    January 02, 2025 - This includes information about eligibility, benefits (including drugs included in the applicable … and any requirements for prior authorization), the drug being prescribed or dispensed and other drugs … , drugs for which the beneficiary paid in cash, and drugs not covered under Medicare Part D, including … covered under Medicare Part D and not drugs provided during a hospital stay. … advance what other, less costly drugs within a given drug classification or generic drugs can be
    January 01, 2007 - Evaluation Method:  Using medical charts, assessed frequency of prescription of the four drugs mentioned … Healthcare Utilization:  Combined prescription rates for all 4 drugs fell consistently throughout the
    January 01, 2017 - Patients are exposed to drugs whose risks are poorly understood. … Drug name confusion causes patients to receive the wrong drugs. … Analysis of suicide attempts and self-harm for 949 drugs revealed 9 drugs associated with increased risk … and 28 drugs associated with decreased risk. … (referred to as control drugs) available in the market.

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