
Total Results: 1,547 records

Showing results for "drugs".

    January 01, 2023 - program and thought this could undermine their clinical authority as they prefer to write for brand name drugs
    January 01, 2011 - Background and Significance ADEs, defined as harm to patients by drugs,(8) comprise one of the largest … The range of possible ADE types and offending drugs is therefore potentially greater in pediatrics than … , pediatric ADEs may more commonly involve electrolyte solutions, antiinfectives, immunomodulating drugs … proportion of ADEs due to electrolyte-wasting medications (diuretics, antimicrobials, antirejection drugs … Validation of automated event triggers using laboratory values related to two problem-prone drugs.
    January 01, 2022 - project team identified three fall injury risk factors (mobility limitations, fall risk increasing drugs … Recommendations were grouped by risk factor with exercise first, fall risk increasing drugs (FRIDS) … In the medication section all recommendations were based on the class of medication the drugs selected … FRIDS tailored deprescription resources N/A because deprescribing was not used 0 some drugs did … /primary-care-management-guidance-fall-risk- increasing-drugs Bibliography: 1.
    April 01, 1996 - There were no differences in the cost of lipid lowering drugs prescribed between the intervention and
    January 01, 2009 - vendor and product-centric labels; while SPL labels still cover only 23 percent of RxNorm clinical drugs … This is shown best by the ability to use the SPL labels and their descriptions of drugs directly for
    January 01, 2005 - Ten of the most prescribed categories of drugs were assessed....
    May 25, 2016 - For some drugs it wasn’t the dose that was the issue, it was the frequency with which drugs were being … The third set of recommendations were for drugs which at particularly low levels of renal insufficiency … were quite a few attempts during the course of the year that we tracked to actually try to order drugs … taking; recommendations about dosing issues; and recommendations about lab monitoring of the new drugs … And that’s a dangerous assumption because then why would you tell your physician about your drugs taken
    May 25, 2011 - • RxNorm • part of UMLS Metathesaurus • designated as nomenclature standard for clinical drugs • under
    January 01, 2003 - The authors present a summary of the clinics visited, diagnoses made, drugs prescribed, and tests performed
    January 01, 2022 - Pharmacogenomics Implementation Consortium (CPIC) has published 25 guidelines for 20 pharmacogenes and 61 drugs … were modeled separately, and thus the same patient would not trigger multiple alerts for multiple drugs … Incorporation of alerts fired for refills and the possibility that the same patient may require multiple drugs … beyond the scope for the current application development, including: the addition of more genes and drugs … were commonly dispensed in practice.5This evidence suggests that incorporating a broad list of genes, drugs
    January 01, 2009 - The primary drugs that generated ADEs in this specialized patient population were assessed, and recommendations
    January 01, 2023 - The FDA maintains the National Drug Code (NDC) Directory, the universal set of all drugs manufactured … The study found that SPL labels currently contain only a fraction of RxNorm clinical drugs, but they
    January 01, 2023 - Overriding drug-drug interaction alerts in clinical decision support systems: A scoping review. Citation Villa Zapata L, Subbian V, Boyce RD, Hansten PD, Horn JR, Gephart SM, Romero A, Malone DC. Overriding drug-drug interaction alerts in clinical decision support systems: A scoping review. Stud Healt…
    January 01, 2006 - insufficiency  Hypokalemia  Hyperkalemia  Drug dose recommendations  Hyperglycemia  Multiple drugs
    January 01, 2008 - Among diabetic patients receiving diabetes drugs in 2004, 87.6% had ≥ 1 HbA1c test during the year and … Among those with a HbA1c test in 2004: 10.6% did not receive any drugs in the 90 days before their test … Additionally, 50.5% received drugs in one, 30.7% in two, and 8.3% in three or more classes of diabetes … drugs. … Among subjects on any regimen, the mean proportion of days covered by any lipid drugs was 90.8%; among
    January 01, 2011 - initiative to conduct research and provide education that advances the optimal use of therapeutics (i.e., drugs
    January 01, 2007 - the new technology increase their use of generic drug equivalents, prescribe a higher proportion of drugs … found on the formulary, and decrease the cost of drugs per prescription? … Since we have only data on drugs that were dispensed, we can only evaluate potential DDIs, we cannot … determine whether actual events occurred or whether patients were actually taking the two drugs at … The proportion of drugs in Tier 2 and Tier 3 (brand medications) decreased correspondingly.
    January 01, 2023 - Prescribing Patterns of Cost-Effective Drugs ( PDF , 94 KB): Evaluating the costs of prescription drug
    January 01, 2023 - initiative to conduct research and provide education that advances the optimal use of therapeutics including drugs … , Electronic Health Record/Electronic Medical Record , Voice Recognition Use of hepatotoxic drugs … Use of hepatotoxic drugs in chronic liver disease. J Patient Saf 2012 Jun;8(2):45-50.
    January 01, 2023 - Patient Reports of Side Effects with Electronic Health Records for Surveillance of Recently Approved Drugs … Information Exchange , Voice Recognition Preventability of adverse drug events involving multiple drugs … Preventability of adverse drug events involving multiple drugs using publicly available clinical decision

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