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    October 01, 2005 - Overall, 11.9 percent of families reported having out-of-pocket prescription drug expenses totaling greater … For families spending less than or equal to 5 percent of their income on out-of-pocket drug expenses, … This allowed for computing a meaningful estimate of the ratio of out-of-pocket prescription drug costs
    October 01, 2005 - Overall, 11.9 percent of families reported having out-of-pocket prescription drug expenses totaling greater … For families spending less than or equal to 5 percent of their income on out-of-pocket drug expenses, … This allowed for computing a meaningful estimate of the ratio of out-of-pocket prescription drug costs
    April 01, 2007 - STATISTICAL BRIEF #168 April 2007 Trends in Outpatient Prescription Drug Utilization and Expenditures … This brief also provides the percentage of total health care expenditures represented by prescribed drug

    When comparing 1997 and 2004 estimates, for those with a drug purchase (168.5 million persons … out-of-pocket expenditure for outpatient prescription medicines more than doubled for those with a drugTrends in Outpatient Prescription Drug Utilization and Expenditures: 1997 and 2004.
    May 01, 2013 - Expenses for metabolic agents accounted for nearly one-quarter of total prescription drug expenses for … Prescription drug therapeutic classes are defined according to the Multum/Lexicon therapeutic classification … all sources (e.g., out of pocket, private, and public insurance sources) for outpatient prescription drug … $63.4 billion and accounted for 68.3 percent of this population's $92.8 billion total prescription drug
    May 01, 2013 - Expenses for metabolic agents accounted for a little less than one-fifth of total prescription drug expenses … Prescription drug therapeutic classes are defined according to the Multum/Lexicon therapeutic classification … all sources (e.g., out of pocket, private, and public insurance sources) for outpatient prescription drug … by total expense) accounted for 61 percent ($153.4 billion) of the $253.3 billion total prescription drug
    February 01, 2015 - Expenses for metabolic agents accounted for a little less than one-fifth of total prescription drug expenses … Prescription drug therapeutic classes are defined according to the Multum/Lexicon therapeutic classification … all sources (e.g., out of pocket, private, and public insurance sources) for outpatient prescription drug … total expense) accounted for 58.3 percent ($155.8 billion) of the $267.4 billion total prescription drug
    February 01, 2015 - Expenses for metabolic agents accounted for nearly one-quarter of total prescription drug expenses for … Prescription drug therapeutic classes are defined according to the Multum/Lexicon therapeutic classification … all sources (e.g., out of pocket, private, and public insurance sources) for outpatient prescription drug … $61.4 billion and accounted for 68.5 percent of this population's $89.6 billion total prescription drug
    January 01, 2000 - It is not surprising, therefore, that rates of antibiotic drug use are higher for young children than … presents data from the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey–Household Component (MEPS-HC) on antibiotic drug … per child in 2000.4 • Aggregate expenditures for antibiotics accounted for 53.8 percent of total drug … Each drug that was listed as purchased or otherwise obtained in the PMED files was assigned to a major … Antibiotic expenditures as a percentage of all drug expenditures for children 0 to 4 years old, 1996
    February 01, 2011 - More than three-fourths of the Medicare population age 65 and older with a prescribed drug expense in … all sources (e.g., out of pocket, private, and public insurance sources) for outpatient prescription drug … $60 (59.9) billion and accounted for almost 72 percent (71.9) of the $83.4 billion total prescription drug … Among Medicare beneficiaries age 65 and older with a prescribed drug expense, over three-quarters (77.5 … Percentage with prescribed drug expenses by therapeutic classification (top five), Medicare beneficiaries
    February 01, 2011 - More than three-fourths of the Medicare population age 65 and older with a prescribed drug expense in … all sources (e.g., out of pocket, private, and public insurance sources) for outpatient prescription drug … $60 (59.9) billion and accounted for almost 72 percent (71.9) of the $83.4 billion total prescription drug … Among Medicare beneficiaries age 65 and older with a prescribed drug expense, over three-quarters (77.5 … Percentage with prescribed drug expenses by therapeutic classification (top five), Medicare beneficiaries
    December 01, 2021 - to select a statistic of interest, data years, and grouping variable (therapeutic class or generic drug … The table can be sorted by drug name or therapeutic class name, or data values for each year by clicking … Total expenditures ($) Show standard errors Group by: Therapeutic class Prescribed drug
    February 01, 2012 - expenditures, and total number of prescriptions, as well as average annual cost per person and average drug … The Brief also compares average cost per drug purchase and average annual cost per person for common …    Web Only MEPS Topics:    Health Care Costs/Expenditures , Medical Expenditures , Prescribed Drug
    May 01, 2011 - 2008, among those under age 18 reporting attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, total prescription drug … hyperactivity disorder was $415, and by 2008, the average annual prescription drug expense more than … Introduction This Statistical Brief presents trends in health care and prescription drug utilization … Examining these data provides valuable insight into the spending, utilization, and prescription drug … increase in the mean number of prescription drug purchases by children reporting ADHD in 2008 compared
    May 01, 2011 - 2008, among those under age 18 reporting attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, total prescription drug … hyperactivity disorder was $415, and by 2008, the average annual prescription drug expense more than … Introduction This Statistical Brief presents trends in health care and prescription drug utilization … Examining these data provides valuable insight into the spending, utilization, and prescription drug … increase in the mean number of prescription drug purchases by children reporting ADHD in 2008 compared
    January 01, 2004 - It is not surprising, therefore, that rates of antibiotic drug use are higher for young children than … presents data from the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey--Household Component (MEPS-HC) on antibiotic drug … Figure 4 shows aggregate expenditures for antibiotics as a percentage of all drug spending for children … Each drug that was listed as purchased or otherwise obtained in the PMED files was assigned to a major … Antibiotic expenditures as a percentage of all drug expenditures for children 0 to 4 years old, 1996
    January 01, 2004 - It is not surprising, therefore, that rates of antibiotic drug use are higher for young children than … presents data from the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey--Household Component (MEPS-HC) on antibiotic drug … Figure 4 shows aggregate expenditures for antibiotics as a percentage of all drug spending for children … Each drug that was listed as purchased or otherwise obtained in the PMED files was assigned to a major … Antibiotic expenditures as a percentage of all drug expenditures for children 0 to 4 years old, 1996
    June 30, 2012 - L XL   Publication Details Title:    Evaluating an Alternative Data Source for Editing MEPS Drug … Both the AWUP and median RUP are at the National Drug Code level. … These two sources paid for 59.8% of drug expenditures in the MEPS population.
    March 02, 2012 - age 18 and older accounted for 61 percent ($146.9 billion) of the $239.8 billion total prescription drug … Costs/Expenditures , Medical Expenditures , Outpatient Visits/Use/Events and Expenditures , Prescribed Drug
    March 02, 2012 - $58.5 billion and accounted for almost 68 percent (67.6) of the $86.5 billion in total prescription drug … Expenditures , Medicare/Medicaid/SCHIP , Outpatient Visits/Use/Events and Expenditures , Prescribed Drug
    October 01, 2005 - Overall, 11.9 percent of families reported having out-of-pocket prescription drug expenses totaling greater … For families spending less than or equal to 5 percent of their income on out-of-pocket drug expenses, … This allowed for computing a meaningful estimate of the ratio of out-of-pocket prescription drug costs

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