July 01, 2011 - childhood asthma in the
U.S. have slowed since the mid-1990s1, health care costs and prescription drug … Results are also provided on total health care and prescription drug
expenditures for children treated … Also, prescription drug expenditures as a
share of total health care expenditures were significantly … ● Between 1997-1998 and 2007-
2008, average annual
prescription drug expenditures
for Hispanics … ●
Over the period, average
annual prescription drug
expenditures nearly doubled
for those
February 01, 2012 - Between 1999 and 2008, the inflation adjusted average annual dermatological drug expense for persons … Comparing 1999 and 2008, the average drug price and average annual expense per person with a purchase … Breaking down total prescription drug costs into therapeutic classes and subclasses provides decision … The Brief also compares average cost per drug purchase and average annual cost per person for common … There was also an increase of 52 percent in the inflation adjusted average drug expense per purchase
February 01, 2012 - Between 1999 and 2008, the inflation adjusted average annual dermatological drug expense for persons … Comparing 1999 and 2008, the average drug price and average annual expense per person with a purchase … Breaking down total prescription drug costs into therapeutic classes and subclasses provides decision … The Brief also compares average cost per drug purchase and average annual cost per person for common … There was also an increase of 52 percent in the inflation adjusted average drug expense per purchase
February 01, 2010 - Prescription medicine expenses on metabolic agents accounted for nearly one-fifth of total prescription drug … Nearly half of the adult population with a prescribed drug expense in 2007 purchased a central nervous … all sources (e.g., out of pocket, private and public insurance sources) for outpatient prescription drug … older (ranked by total expense) accounted for 62.1 percent of the $220.1 billion total prescription drug … Among adults with a prescribed drug expense (about two-thirds of population), 46.1 percent purchased
February 01, 2010 - Prescription medicine expenses on metabolic agents accounted for nearly one-fifth of total prescription drug … Nearly half of the adult population with a prescribed drug expense in 2007 purchased a central nervous … all sources (e.g., out of pocket, private and public insurance sources) for outpatient prescription drug … older (ranked by total expense) accounted for 62.1 percent of the $220.1 billion total prescription drug … Among adults with a prescribed drug expense (about two-thirds of population), 46.1 percent purchased
May 01, 2011 - 2008, among those under age 18 reporting attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, total prescription drug … In 1996, the average annual prescription drug expense for children under age 18 reporting attention deficit … hyperactivity disorder was $415, and by 2008, the average annual prescription drug expense more than … Examining these data provides valuable insight into the spending, utilization, and prescription drug … increase in the mean number of prescription drug purchases by children reporting ADHD in 2008 compared
April 19, 2007 -
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Publication Details
Trends in Outpatient Prescription Drug … payment, and average number of purchases for outpatient-prescribed medicines for those with a prescribed drug … This brief also provides the percentage of total health care expenditures represented by prescribed drug … Costs/Expenditures , Medical Expenditures , Outpatient Visits/Use/Events and Expenditures , Prescribed Drug
February 20, 2008 - persons who purchased at least one prescribed medicine at the following types of pharmacies: mail order; drug … person characteristics of those persons with a prescribed medicine expense purchasing at least one drug … from a mail order pharmacy with the person characteristics of those purchasing at least one drug from … /Expenditures , Health Status , Medical Conditions , Medical Expenditures , Pharmacies , Prescribed Drug
July 22, 2005 - calendar year 2002, as well as estimates for these population groups on the percentage of total prescribed drug … Medical Conditions , Medical Expenditures , Outpatient Visits/Use/Events and Expenditures , Prescribed Drug
March 01, 2012 - Expenses for metabolic agents accounted for nearly one-fourth of total prescription drug expenses for … More than three-fourths of the Medicare population age 65 and older with a prescribed drug expense in … all sources (e.g., out of pocket, private, and public insurance sources) for outpatient prescription drug … $58.5 billion and accounted for almost 68 percent (67.6) of the $86.5 billion in total prescription drug … Among Medicare beneficiaries age 65 and older with a prescribed drug expense, over three-quarters (77.1
March 01, 2012 - Expenses for metabolic agents accounted for nearly one-fourth of total prescription drug expenses for … More than three-fourths of the Medicare population age 65 and older with a prescribed drug expense in … all sources (e.g., out of pocket, private, and public insurance sources) for outpatient prescription drug … $58.5 billion and accounted for almost 68 percent (67.6) of the $86.5 billion in total prescription drug … Among Medicare beneficiaries age 65 and older with a prescribed drug expense, over three-quarters (77.1
January 01, 2000 - Note4b">4
Aggregate expenditures for antibiotics accounted for 53.8 percent of total drug … It is not surprising, therefore, that rates of antibiotic drug use are higher for young children than … presents data from the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey--Household Component (MEPS-HC) on antibiotic drug …
Figure 4 shows aggregate expenditures for antibiotics as a percentage of all drug spending for … Each drug that was listed as purchased or otherwise obtained in the PMED files was assigned to a major
February 01, 2010 - More than three-fourths of the Medicare population age 65 and older with a prescribed drug expense in … all sources (e.g., out of pocket, private and public insurance sources) for outpatient prescription drug … These classes together accounted for 66.2 percent of the $81.7 billion total prescription drug expenses … Among Medicare beneficiaries ages 65 and older with a prescribed drug expense, just over three-quarters … Percentage with prescribed drug expenses by therapeutic classification (top 5), Medicare beneficiaries
February 01, 2010 - More than three-fourths of the Medicare population age 65 and older with a prescribed drug expense in … all sources (e.g., out of pocket, private and public insurance sources) for outpatient prescription drug … These classes together accounted for 66.2 percent of the $81.7 billion total prescription drug expenses … Among Medicare beneficiaries ages 65 and older with a prescribed drug expense, just over three-quarters … Percentage with prescribed drug expenses by therapeutic classification (top 5), Medicare beneficiaries
June 01, 2013 - From 2000 to 2010, for persons under age 40, the inflation adjusted average cost per drug purchase of … From 2000 to 2010, for persons under age 40, the inflation adjusted average cost per drug purchase of … Analyzing trends in total prescription drug costs by therapeutic subclasses for certain subpopulations … There was an increase in the inflation adjusted average drug expense per purchase for persons under age … However, there was a decrease in the inflation adjusted average drug expense per purchase for persons
June 01, 2013 - From 2000 to 2010, for persons under age 40, the inflation adjusted average cost per drug purchase of … From 2000 to 2010, for persons under age 40, the inflation adjusted average cost per drug purchase of … Analyzing trends in total prescription drug costs by therapeutic subclasses for certain subpopulations … There was an increase in the inflation adjusted average drug expense per purchase for persons under age … However, there was a decrease in the inflation adjusted average drug expense per purchase for persons
January 01, 2000 - It is not
surprising, therefore, that rates of antibiotic drug use are higher for young children than … presents data from the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey–Household
Component (MEPS-HC) on antibiotic drug … per child in 2000.4
• Aggregate expenditures for antibiotics accounted for 53.8 percent of total drug … Each drug that
was listed as purchased or otherwise obtained in the PMED files was assigned to a major … Antibiotic expenditures as a percentage of all
drug expenditures for children 0 to 4 years old, 1996
May 01, 2011 - 2008, among those under age 18 reporting attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, total prescription drug … hyperactivity disorder was $415, and by 2008, the average annual prescription drug expense more than … Introduction This Statistical Brief presents trends in health care and prescription drug utilization … Examining these data provides valuable insight into the spending, utilization, and prescription drug … increase in the mean number of prescription drug purchases by children reporting ADHD in 2008 compared
May 01, 2011 - 2008, among those under age 18 reporting attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, total prescription drug … hyperactivity disorder was $415, and by 2008, the average annual prescription drug expense more than … Introduction This Statistical Brief presents trends in health care and prescription drug utilization … Examining these data provides valuable insight into the spending, utilization, and prescription drug … increase in the mean number of prescription drug purchases by children reporting ADHD in 2008 compared
December 01, 2021 - to select a statistic of interest, data years, and grouping variable (therapeutic class or generic drug … The table can be sorted by drug name or therapeutic class name, or data values for each year by clicking … Total expenditures ($)
Show standard errors
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Therapeutic class
Prescribed drug