May 01, 2006 - Stagnitti, MPA
Outpatient prescription drug expenses for the U.S. community … For those with a prescribed drug expense, the average prescription drug expense per Medicare beneficiary … In 2003, for Medicare beneficiaries with a prescription drug expense, the average total drug expense … drug expenses for the Medicare population at $75.3 billion and total prescription drug spending by the … (figure 3)
In 2003, for those with a prescribed drug expense, the average annual drug expense per Medicare
November 01, 2011 - proportion of adult women obtaining at least one outpatient prescription hormone replacement therapy drug … of the adult female population obtaining a prescription for at least one hormone replacement therapy drug … The number of adult women obtaining at least one prescription for a hormone replacement therapy drug … was a decrease in the proportion of adult women obtaining at least one hormone replacement therapy drug … Total number of adult women using at least one prescribed hormone replacement therapy drug, 2001-2008
November 01, 2011 - proportion of adult women obtaining at least one outpatient prescription hormone replacement therapy drug … of the adult female population obtaining a prescription for at least one hormone replacement therapy drug … The number of adult women obtaining at least one prescription for a hormone replacement therapy drug … was a decrease in the proportion of adult women obtaining at least one hormone replacement therapy drug … Total number of adult women using at least one prescribed hormone replacement therapy drug, 2001-2008
January 01, 2006 - We find that, from 1997 to 2003, the proportion of this population using a drug from at least one of … Among adults who used at least one of the five drug classes, the proportion using beta blockers increased … Some of the most marked and potentially important differences in antihypertensive drug use were observed … from two or more of the five antihypertensive drug classes included in our study. … the household respondent was asked what condition(s) the drug was intended to treat).
February 27, 2009 - includes estimates for the Medicare population (age 65 and older) of the percentage of annual prescribed drug … expenses for the top five therapeutic classes represented, the percentage of those with a prescribed drug … Healthcare Research and Quality
Web only
MEPS Topics:
Medical Conditions , Prescribed Drug
July 01, 2006 - We find that,
from 1997 to 2003, the proportion of this population using a drug from at least
one of … Among adults who used at least one of the five drug classes, the
proportion using beta blockers increased … Some of the most marked and
potentially important differences in antihypertensive drug use were observed … from two or more of the five
antihypertensive drug classes included in our study. … the household
respondent was asked what condition(s) the drug was intended to treat).
February 01, 2011 - all sources (e.g., out of pocket,
private and public insurance sources) for outpatient prescription drug … total expense) accounted for 67
percent ($155.7 billion) of the $232.6 billion total prescription drug … ● Forty-six percent of the
adult population with a
prescribed drug expense in
2008 purchased a … Two-thirds (67.4 percent) of the adult population had a prescription drug expenditure in 2008. … Among
these adults with a prescribed drug expense, 46.0 percent purchased central nervous system agents
February 06, 2008 - well as estimates for the Medicare population age 65 and older on the percentage of annual prescribed drug … expenses the top five therapeutic classes represented, the percentage of those with a prescribed drug … Healthcare Research and Quality
Web only
MEPS Topics:
Medical Conditions , Prescribed Drug
January 31, 2008 - 2005, as well as estimates for the population age 18 and older on the percentage of annual prescribed drug … expenses the top five therapeutic classes represented, the percentage of those with a prescribed drug … Healthcare Research and Quality
Web only
MEPS Topics:
Medical Conditions , Prescribed Drug
December 28, 2006 - well as estimates for the Medicare population age 65 and older on the percentage of annual prescribed drug … expenses the top five therapeutic classes represented, the percentage of those with a prescribed drug … Costs/Expenditures , Medical Expenditures , Outpatient Visits/Use/Events and Expenditures , Prescribed Drug
December 28, 2006 - 2004, as well as estimates for the population age 18 and older on the percentage of annual prescribed drug … expenses the top five therapeutic classes represented, the percentage of those with a prescribed drug … MEPS Topics:
Medical Expenditures , Outpatient Visits/Use/Events and Expenditures , Prescribed Drug
January 06, 2006 - well as estimates for the Medicare population age 65 and older on the percentage of annual prescribed drug … expenses the top five therapeutic classes represent, the percentage of those with a prescribed drug … Expenditures , Medicare/Medicaid/SCHIP , Outpatient Visits/Use/Events and Expenditures , Prescribed Drug
January 06, 2006 - 2003, as well as estimates for the age 18 and older population on the percentage of annual prescribed drug … expenses the top five therapeutic classes represent, the percentage of those with a prescribed drug … Medical Conditions , Medical Expenditures , Outpatient Visits/Use/Events and Expenditures , Prescribed Drug
February 01, 2010 - all sources (e.g., out of
pocket, private and public insurance sources) for outpatient prescription drug … These classes together accounted for 66.2 percent of the $81.7 billion
total prescription drug expenses … Among Medicare beneficiaries age 65 and older with a prescribed drug expense,
just over three-quarters … ● More than three-fourths of the
Medicare population age 65
and older with a prescribed
drug expense … Percentage with prescribed drug expenses by
therapeutic classification (top 5), Medicare beneficiaries
January 01, 1997 - STATISTICAL BRIEF #21
Trends in Outpatient Prescription Drug Utilization and Expenditures: … Introduction
An examination of trends in outpatient prescription drug utilization (i.e., number … Over the counter medicines and free samples are not included in the outpatient prescription drug expenditures … The average annual expenditure for prescribed medicines for those with a drug purchase (168.5 million … The average out of pocket expenditure on outpatient prescription medicines for those with a drug purchase
July 01, 2011 - childhood asthma in the U.S. have slowed since the mid-1990s 1 , health care costs and prescription drug … Results are also provided on total health care and prescription drug expenditures for children treated … Average annual prescription drug expenditures more than doubled from $349 in 1997–1998 to $838 in 2007 … Also, prescription drug expenditures as a share of total health care expenditures were significantly … The average annual prescription drug expenditures for Hispanics nearly doubled from $312 in 1997–1998
July 01, 2011 - childhood asthma in the U.S. have slowed since the mid-1990s 1 , health care costs and prescription drug … Results are also provided on total health care and prescription drug expenditures for children treated … Average annual prescription drug expenditures more than doubled from $349 in 1997–1998 to $838 in 2007 … Also, prescription drug expenditures as a share of total health care expenditures were significantly … The average annual prescription drug expenditures for Hispanics nearly doubled from $312 in 1997–1998
June 01, 2013 - Analyzing trends in total prescription drug
costs by therapeutic subclasses for certain subpopulations … From 2000 to 2010,
for persons under age
40, the inflation adjusted
average cost per drug
purchase … From 2000 to 2010, for
persons under age 40, the
inflation adjusted average
cost per drug purchase … There was an increase in the inflation adjusted average drug expense per purchase for persons under age … However, there was a decrease in
the inflation adjusted average drug expense per purchase for persons
February 01, 2010 - all sources (e.g., out of pocket, private and public insurance
sources) for outpatient prescription drug … older (ranked by total expense) accounted for 62.1 percent of the
$220.1 billion total prescription drug … Among adults with a prescribed drug expense (about two-thirds of population),
46.1 percent purchased … ● Nearly half of the adult
population with a prescribed
drug expense in 2007
purchased a central … Percentage of adults with prescribed drug expenses
by therapeutic classification (top five), adults
February 01, 2011 - all sources (e.g., out of pocket, private, and public insurance
sources) for outpatient prescription drug … (59.9) billion and accounted for almost 72
percent (71.9) of the $83.4 billion total prescription drug … medicine
expenses for metabolic
agents accounted for more
than one-fourth of total
prescription drug … ● More than three-fourths of
the Medicare population
age 65 and older with a
prescribed drug expense … which had the lowest
Among Medicare beneficiaries age 65 and older with a prescribed drug