May 01, 2005 - STATISTICAL BRIEF #79
May 2005
Prescription Drug Expenditures in the 10 Largest States for Persons … The percentage of persons under age 65 with a prescription drug expenditure in 2002 was lower than the … The percentage of prescription drug expenditures paid out of pocket by persons under age 65 in Texas … The percentage of prescription drug expenditures of persons under age 65 paid by Medicaid in New York … Prescription Drug Expenditures in the 10 Largest States for Persons under Age 65, 2002.
December 01, 2006 - cardiovascular agent prescription medicine expenses accounted for 17.5 percent of total prescription drug … Over 40 percent (44.2 percent) of the adult population with a prescribed drug expense in 2004 purchased … a central nervous system agent, and exceeded the percentage of adults purchasing a drug in each of the … also provides estimates for the population age 18 and older on the percentage of annual prescribed drug … expenses the top five therapeutic classes represented, the percentage of those with a prescribed drug
October 01, 2006 - (figure 3)
In 1999, the average expense per purchase for a brand name prescribed drug was $59.49, and … the average expense for a generic drug was $23.48. … a generic drug. … The Medi-Span Master Drug DataBase includes a Multi-Source Code variable. … This variable allows a prescribed drug to be designated as 1) single-source, no generics available; 2
October 01, 2006 - (figure 3)
In 1999, the average expense per purchase for a brand name prescribed drug was $59.49, and … the average expense for a generic drug was $23.48. … a generic drug. … The Medi-Span Master Drug DataBase includes a Multi-Source Code variable. … This variable allows a prescribed drug to be designated as 1) single-source, no generics available; 2
December 01, 2006 - Nearly three-quarters of Medicare beneficiaries age 65 and older with a prescribed drug expense had a … In 2004, cardiovascular agents accounted for a quarter (25.8 percent) of prescription drug spending by … The average drug expense per prescription for antihyperlipidemic agents ($103.83) and gastrointestinal … expenses the top five therapeutic classes represented, the percentage of those with a prescribed drug … Percentage of total prescribed drug expenses by the Medicare population age 65 and older that the top
December 01, 2006 - Nearly three-quarters of Medicare beneficiaries age 65 and older with a prescribed drug expense had a … In 2004, cardiovascular agents accounted for a quarter (25.8 percent) of prescription drug spending by … The average drug expense per prescription for antihyperlipidemic agents ($103.83) and gastrointestinal … expenses the top five therapeutic classes represented, the percentage of those with a prescribed drug … Percentage of total prescribed drug expenses by the Medicare population age 65 and older that the top
December 01, 2006 - expenses the top five therapeutic classes repre-
sented, the percentage of those with a prescribed drug … older totaled $47.6 billion and accounted for 73.5
percent of the $64.8 billion total prescription drug … 65
lder ($64.8 billion) in
y three-quarters of Medi-
eneficiaries age 65 and
with a prescribed drug … therapeutic classes of
4, cardiovascular agents
nted for a quarter (25.8
nt) of prescription drug … verage drug expense
escription for antihyper-
mic agents ($103.83)
astrointestinal agents
May 01, 2011 - Stagnitti, MPA
This Statistical Brief presents trends in health care and prescription drug … Examining these data provides valuable insight into the spending,
utilization, and prescription drug … Moreover, for children under age 18 reporting ADHD,
total prescription drug expenses increased from … among those under
age 18 reporting attention
deficit hyperactivity
disorder, total prescription
drug … deficit hyperactivity
disorder was $415, and by
2008, the average annual
prescription drug expense
January 01, 2006 - cardiovascular agent prescription medicine expenses accounted for 17.0 percent of total prescription drug … Over 40 percent (42.4 percent) of the adult population with a prescribed drug expense in 2003 purchased … also provides estimates for the age 18 and older population on the percentage of annual prescribed drug … expenses the top five therapeutic classes represent, the percentage of those with a prescribed drug … (figure 2)
In 2003, for adults with a prescribed drug expense, central nervous system agents had the
January 01, 2006 - Expe
the a
of the
presc … also provides estimates for the age 18 and older population
on the percentage of annual prescribed drug … expenses the top five
therapeutic classes represent, the percentage of those with a
prescribed drug … (figure 2)
In 2003, for adults with a prescribed drug expense, central nervous system agents had … Percentage of annual prescribed drug expenses for
the adult population that the top five therapeutic
December 01, 2006 - cardiovascular agent prescription medicine expenses accounted for 17.5 percent of total prescription drug … Over 40 percent (44.2 percent) of the adult population with a prescribed drug expense in 2004 purchased … a central nervous system agent, and exceeded the percentage of adults purchasing a drug in each of the … expenses the top five therapeutic classes represented, the percentage of those with a prescribed drug … (figure 2)
In 2004, for adults with a prescribed drug expense, central nervous system agents had the
January 01, 2008 - Forty five percent of the adult population with a prescribed drug expense in 2005 purchased a central … also provides estimates for the population age 18 and older on the percentage of annual prescribed drug … expenses the top five therapeutic classes represented, the percentage of those with a prescribed drug … ranked by annual expense represent, 2005
Therapeutic Class Percentage of total prescribed drug … ranked by total expense, 2005
Therapeutic Class Percentage with a prescribed drug expense, 18
January 01, 2006 - cardiovascular agent prescription medicine expenses accounted for 17.0 percent of total prescription drug … Over 40 percent (42.4 percent) of the adult population with a prescribed drug expense in 2003 purchased … also provides estimates for the age 18 and older population on the percentage of annual prescribed drug … expenses the top five therapeutic classes represent, the percentage of those with a prescribed drug … (figure 2)
In 2003, for adults with a prescribed drug expense, central nervous system agents had the
December 01, 2006 - cardiovascular agent prescription medicine expenses accounted for 17.5 percent of total prescription drug … Over 40 percent (44.2 percent) of the adult population with a prescribed drug expense in 2004 purchased … a central nervous system agent, and exceeded the percentage of adults purchasing a drug in each of the … expenses the top five therapeutic classes represented, the percentage of those with a prescribed drug … (figure 2)
In 2004, for adults with a prescribed drug expense, central nervous system agents had the
January 01, 2008 - Forty five percent of the adult population with a prescribed drug expense in 2005 purchased a central … also provides estimates for the population age 18 and older on the percentage of annual prescribed drug … expenses the top five therapeutic classes represented, the percentage of those with a prescribed drug … ranked by annual expense represent, 2005
Therapeutic Class Percentage of total prescribed drug … ranked by total expense, 2005
Therapeutic Class Percentage with a prescribed drug expense, 18
January 01, 2009 - metabolic
agents prescription
medicine expenses
accounted for 18.3 percent
of total prescription drug … Forty-six percent of the
adult population with a
prescribed drug expense in
2006 purchased a central … also provides estimates for the population, age 18 and older, on the
percentage of annual prescribed drug … expenses the top five
therapeutic classes represented, the percentage of those with a
prescribed drug … Percentage of adults with a prescribed drug expense
having an expense in the top five therapeutic classes
February 01, 2009 - In 2006, metabolic agents accounted for nearly a quarter (23.1 percent) of prescription drug spending … The average drug expense per prescription for gastrointestinal agents ($93.77) was highest among the … expenses for the top five therapeutic classes represented, the percentage of those with a prescribed drug … older totaled $50.9 billion and accounted for 69.8 percent of the $73.0 billion total prescription drug … Percentage of total prescribed drug expenses among the Medicare population age 65 and older for the top
February 01, 2009 - In 2006, metabolic agents accounted for nearly a quarter (23.1 percent) of prescription drug spending … The average drug expense per prescription for gastrointestinal agents ($93.77) was highest among the … expenses for the top five therapeutic classes represented, the percentage of those with a prescribed drug … older totaled $50.9 billion and accounted for 69.8 percent of the $73.0 billion total prescription drug … Percentage of total prescribed drug expenses among the Medicare population age 65 and older for the top
February 01, 2012 - Breaking down total prescription drug costs into therapeutic classes and
subclasses provides decision … The Brief also compares average cost per drug purchase
and average annual cost per person for common … There was also an increase of 52
percent in the inflation adjusted average drug expense per purchase … ● Between 1999 and 2008, the
inflation adjusted average
annual dermatological drug
expense for … ● Comparing 1999 and 2008,
the average drug price and
average annual expense per
person with a
October 01, 2005 - Medical Expenditure Panel Survey
October 2005
drug … fami
for g
of fa
perc … Overall, 11.9 percent of families reported having out-of-
pocket prescription drug expenses totaling … For families spending less than or equal to
5 percent of their income on out-of-pocket drug expenses … This allowed for computing
a meaningful estimate of the ratio of out-of-pocket prescription drug costs